Displaying 1-50 of 90 results
Accounting control best practices
- eBook
- 2009
- Steven M. Bragg
- John Wiley and Sons
Addresses one of the primary concerns in accounting today - how to develop a comprehensive system of accounting and operational controls. This concern has been exacerbated by the provisions of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which requires public companies to report an assessment of their internal control structures and which has led to comprehensive control examinations by all types of companies. This second edition describes a complete set of controls for both a paper-based accounting process and a computerized system and then describes controls for more advanced best practices that are layered on t...
Accounting disrupted
- eBook
- 2021
- Al Bhimani
- John Wiley & Sons
This book delivers a powerful analysis of the new technological forces buffeting the accounting profession and identifies key pathways to responding to the challenges. [It] shows readers how established business fundamentals are being eclipsed and that accounting has not been spared. You'll learn: how the new realities of digitalization, including big data and AI, are affecting audit work and financial management practices; how learning fast about and from more diverse data sources is essential to the new accounting environment; why accounting information must start to speak to what will take ...
Accounting ethics
- eBook
- 2018
- Brenda Shay Duska, Ronald F. Duska, Kenneth Wm. Kury
- John Wiley
This book is a thorough and engaging exploration of the ethical issues that accountants encounter in their professional lives. To achieve the best results, individual accountants and accounting firms need a clear understanding of the ethical duties and decision-making involved in the four major functions of modern accounting--auditing, management accounting, tax accounting, and consulting--as well as a strong sense of ethical conduct to guide the certification and validation of reliable financial records.
Accounting for goodwill and other intangible assets
- eBook
- 2018
- Ervin L. Black, Mark L. Zyla
- Wiley
This title looks at the treatment of goodwill and other intangibles under IFRS and US GAAP and explains common practice in valuing these assets. Chapters cover: recognising intangible assets; initial measurement of acquired intangible assets; amortising intangible assets; impairment testing for goodwill and other intangible assets; financial statement presentation and disclosures; deferred tax consequences of goodwill and and intangible assets.
Accounting for value
- eBook
- 2011
- Stephen Penman
- Columbia University Press
Accounting for Value aims to teach investors and analysts how to handle accounting in evaluating equity investments. Its novel approach shows that valuation and accounting are much the same: valuation is actually a matter of accounting for value. Contains the chapters: return to fundamentals (and an accounting for the history of investment ideas); anchoring on fundamentals (and how accounting supplies the anchor); challenging market prices with fundamentals (and deploying accounting for a challenge); accounting for growth from leverage (and protection from paying too much for growth); accounti...
Advanced Excel reporting for management accountants
- eBook
- 2014
- Neale Blackwood
- John Wiley and Sons
Learn about the Excel functions that can automate the process of financial reporting for management accountants. The book demonstrates how to create and run reports and apply software tools to two case studies.
Art of business valuation: accurately valuing a small business
- eBook
- 2020
- Gregory R. Caruso
- Wiley
Starting from the practical viewpoint of, “I would rather be approximately right than perfectly wrong” this book provides a commonsense comprehensive framework for small business valuation that offers solutions to common problems faced by valuators and consultants both in performing valuations and providing ancillary advisory services to business owners, sellers, and buyers. If you conduct small business valuations, you may be seeking guidance on topics and problems specific to your work. Focus on What Matters: A Different Way of Valuing a Small Business fills a previous void in valuation reso...
Artificial Intelligence for Audit, Forensic Accounting, and Valuation : A Strategic Perspective
- eBook
- 2020
- Al Naqvi
- John Wiley & Sons,
An artificial intelligence revolution is sweeping through the world. Auditors and forensic accountants in firms of all sizes and types are trying to understand what it means for them. Many want to explore how to build plans for total intelligent automation to move their companies forward into the new AI economy. Many have recognized the imminent need for augmenting skills because of increasing automation. The recognition that the AI economy will be led by business professionals is finally sinking in. But auditors, accountants, finance professionals, and forensic accountants must develop a deep...
Better business decisions using cost modeling
- eBook
- 2012
- Victor E. Sower
- Business Expert Press
Discusses the benefits of using cost modeling for procurement, operations, and supply chain professionals. A variety of external and internal cost models are covered which have the potential to significantly reduce costs for an organisation. Includes examples of how organisations have saved substantial amounts through the use of cost modeling.
Building financial models: the complete guide to designing, building, and applying projection models
- eBook
- 2018
- John S. Tjia
- McGraw Hill Education
Teaches how to build financial models using spreadsheets. You will be led through the steps of building an integrated financial statement model that can serve as the core for transactions or analysis in the LBO, M&A, business valuation model or credit underwriting space. This third edition includes additional materials on valuation analysis and sections on scenarios and sensitivity analysis through the use of Data Tables.
Business accounting: volume 1 (13th edition)
- eBook
- 2015
- Frank Wood, Alan Sangster
- FT Prentice Hall
A textbook for students on bookkeeping and accounting. Provides a straightforward introduction to the foundations of financial accounting. Includes worked examples for each topic and self-assessment material. Volume 1 covers: introduction to financial accounting; the financial statements of sole traders; books of original entry; computerised accounting; adjustments for financial statements; special accounting procedures; partnership accounts and company accounts; an introduction to financial analysis; and an introduction to management accounting.
BVB insights: data and analysis on UK private company multiples
- eBook
- 2024
- Business Valuation Benchmarks
- Business Valuation Benchmarks
Independent analysts, from BVB Ltd, have collated and interpreted transactions data involving private companies. The result is an in-depth overview of transaction multiples paid for UK private companies for the year ended December 2023 (previous editions are also available). Multiples are available for the following sectors and for further sub-sectors: Consumer discretionary; Consumer staples; Energy; Financials (excluding banks); Healthcare; Industrials; Industrials – services; Information technology; Materials; Telecommunications; Utilities. The library can supply further information (by pho...
CFO insights: achieving high performance through finance business process outsourcing
- eBook
- 2004
- Stewart Clements, Michael Donnellan
- John Wiley and Son
This title gives practical advice and strategies for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and answers questions CFOs may have . Features advice from CFOs, original research in-depth case studies , and best practice data and analysis.
CFO insights: enabling high performance through leading practices for finance ERP
- eBook
- 2006
- Cristian C. Wulf
- Wiley
Examines the end-to-end business processes that enable leading practices in finance. Includes the business process of Record to Report (key closing and reporting cycles), Procure to Pay, Acquire to Retire (Asset Lifecycle), Order to Cash, and Tax Management. In each chapter, the authors discuss process, technology, and organisational considerations - all components of high performance. ERP in a Shared Services environment; Enterprise Performance Management; and Total Cost of Ownership are also explored.
Chief financial officer and corporate performance: finance, governance and risk
- eBook
- 2024
- Elżbieta Bukalska, Anna Wawryszuk-Misztal, Tomasz Sosnowski
- Routledge
This book firstly provides theoretical issues on financial management and the results of previous research, while the second part is empirical, showing the methodology and results of the authors' research. The book also examines CFO power. It highlights the importance of the position of financial managers in companies.
Commercial property valuation: methods and case studies
- eBook
- 2019
- Giacomo Morri, Paolo Benedetto
- John Wiley & Sons
A practical guide to the best approaches for commercial real estate value assessment, covering all key elements of commercial property valuation, including valuation queries, real estate valuation report structure, market analysis, capitalization and discount rates estimation.
Controller's function: the work of the managerial accountant, The
- eBook
- 2011
- Steven M. Bragg
- John Wiley and Sons
The book aims to provide the management accountant with facts and guidance for all aspects of their role. It contains chapters on the role of the management accountant, internal control, strategic business planning, long-range financial planning, cash and investments, operational accounting, SEC filings, performance measurement, financial analysis, cost management, taxation, and selecting a financial information system.
Corporate finance: principles and practice
- eBook
- 2019
- Denzil Watson, Antony Head
- Pearson Education
Corporate finance is concerned with the financing and investment decisions made by the management of companies in pursuit of corporate goals. As a subject, corporate finance has a theoretical base which has evolved over many years and which continues to evolve as we write. It has a practical side too, concerned with the study of how companies actually make financing and investment decisions, and theory and practice can sometimes appear to be at odds with each other... The aim of this book is to provide an introduction to the core concepts and key topic areas of corporate finance in an approach...
Corporate finance: the core (global edition)
- eBook
- 2017
- Jonathan B. Berk, Peter M. DeMarzo
- Pearson
A text book designed for MBA/graduate students taking a course in corporate finance.
Split into 6 parts : Introduction; Time, money and interests rates; Valuing projects and firms; Risk and return; Capital structure; Advanced valuation
Cost accounting for dummies
- eBook
- 2013
- Kenneth W. Boyd
- John Wiley & Sons
The easy way to get a grip on cost accounting. Critical in supporting strategic business decisions and improving profitability, cost accounting is arguably one of the most important functions in the accounting field. Provides in-depth explanations and reviews of the essential concepts you'll encounter in your studies: how to define costs as direct materials, direct labor, fixed overhead, variable overhead, or period costs; how to use allocation methodology to assign costs to products and services; how to evaluate the need for capital expenditures; how to design a budget model that forecast cha...
Creating value in a regulated world: CFO perspectives
- eBook
- 2006
- Cedric Read
- John Wiley and Sons
The book is built around a series of interviews with top finance executives. It contains chapters on the current and future regulatory regimes, driving growth and innovation through financial management, business partnering, leveraging risk and regulation, and becoming a sustainable business.
Discounted cash flow: a theory of the valuation of firms
- eBook
- 2006
- Andreas Loeffler, Lutz Kruschwitz
- Wiley
The book offers a new theoretical path to corporate valuation. Using detailed economic research, it endeavours to reconcile conventional cost–of–capital valuation models with state–pricing (or ′risk–neutral′ pricing) models.
Early stage valuation: a fair value perspective
- eBook
- 2020
- Antonella Puca
- Wiley
Addresses significant developments in the valuation of early stage enterprises at fair value with emphasis on practical applications--features a broad selection of case studies of early stage valuation. The book provides a comprehensive review of the current methodologies used to value Early Stage Enterprises (ESEs) at fair value for financial reporting, investment, and mergers and acquisitions. This authoritative guide examines how to apply market analysis, discounted cash flows models, statistical techniques such as option pricing models (OPM) and Monte Carlo simulation, the venture capital...
Essentials of financial modeling in Excel: a concise guide to concepts and methods
- eBook
- 2023
- Michael Rees
- John Wiley & Sons
An introduction to financial modeling in Excel, focusing on the concepts and structures that are commonly required within Excel models.
Excel models for business and operations management
- eBook
- 2005
- John F. Barlow
- John Wiley and Sons
The book aims to be a practical guide to financial modelling with Microsoft Excel. It includes chapters on using a spreadsheet to manage a budget, financial statements and cash flows, and analysis of financial models. It is written for people working to US GAAP, but also aims to make the skills transferable to other financial modelling systems.
Exit right: achieving a golden goodbye by realising the maximum value for your business
- eBook
- 2004
- Barrie Pearson
- Thorogood
The book provides business management advice on when to sell a business, choosing professional advisers, grooming a company for sale, valuation of a business for sale, finding buyers, negotiation skills, legal completion, and eliminating losses before selling.
Field guide to business valuation: for owners and leaders of private companies
- eBook
- 2022
- Casey Karlsen, Seth Webber
Intended for business owners and their advisors who would like to learn more about how to estimate what a business is worth, what factors affect value, and how to make businesses more valuable.
Financial and management accounting: an introduction
- eBook
- 2019
- Pauline Weetman
- Pearson Education Limited
This book uses the international Conceptual Framework (as revised in 2018) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as its primary focus. It enables students in their early stages of study to understand and analyse the published annual reports and financial statements of our largest businesses and public sector institutions.
Financial forecasting, analysis and modelling: a framework for long-term forecasting
- eBook
- 2015
- Michael Samonas
- Wiley
Provides a complete framework of long-term financial forecasts in a practical and accessible way, helping finance professionals include uncertainty in their planning and budgeting process.
Financial modeling for decision making: using MS-Excel in accounting and finance
- eBook
- 2020
- Ron Messer
- Emerald Publishing Limited
This book provides accounting students in post-secondary institutions with an advanced level understanding of how to use MS-Excel. It reflects real-life applications of this important analytical tool, which has become the industry standard for spreadsheet software. The text focuses on using MS-Excel in situations encountered by accounting and finance students and professionals; these are contextualized in terms of the past, present, and future and reflect a typical operating cycle, which includes initial planning, followed by exercising control, and is completed when feedback is received.
Financial modeling in Excel for dummies
- eBook
- 2022
- Danielle Stein Fairhurst
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This books provides practical hands-on exercises to help you build powerful models from scratch, and to work with existing financial models in Excel. Includes chapters on tools and techniques for financial modeling, applying scenarios, charting and presenting model output, building an integrated financial statements model, discounted cash flow valuation, and budgeting for capital expenditure and depreciation.
Financial planning using Excel: forecasting, planning and budgeting techniques
- eBook
- 2009
- Sue Nugus
- Elsevier
Aimed at people who already have some knowledge of Microsoft Excel. It looks at spreadsheet skills for different types of planning, and contains detailed sections on business planning, forecasting and managing budgets with business software.
Financial risk manager handbook
- eBook
- 2009
- Philip Jorion
- John Wiley and Sons
Contains sections on quantitative analysis, financial markets and financial products, and the various kinds of risk management. It includes chapters on the financial modelling of risk, credit risk, and market risk. Each chapter contains examples and exercises for students.
Financial valuation: applications and models
- eBook
- 2024
- James R. Hitchner
- John Wiley & Sons
Presents the application of financial business valuation theory, with a focus is on application, models, and methods.
Forensic accounting
- eBook
- 2015
- Robert J. Rufus, Laura Savory Miller, William Hahn
- Pearson
An introduction to forensic accounting concepts and techniques, designed for the benefit of students and practitioners. Includes chapters on gathering evidence, fraud, fundamentals of business valuation, and a sample engagement letter.
Fundamentals of transfer pricing: general topics and specific transactions
- eBook
- 2021
- Michael Lang, Giammarco Cotani, Raffaele Petruzzi
- Wolters Kluwer Law International
This guide explores the practical application of transfer pricing rules, offering examples and international judicial precedents. Chapters cover transfer pricing methods, approaches to prevent and resolve disputes, documentation, attribution of profits to permanent establishments, and specific transactions (such as services, financing, intangibles and business restructurings).
Get to grips with budgets: how to take the stress out of working with numbers
- eBook
- 2005
- Bloomsbury
Drawing up a budget for the first time, understanding different types of budgeting, budgeting costs and payments, cash management, balance sheets, and reading a profit and loss account.
Growing business handbook: inspiration and advice from successful entrepreneurs and fast growing UK companies, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Adam Jolly
- Kogan Page
The book contains chapters on business planning for growth, gaining market share, people management, cash management, information technology for businesses, SMEs, operations management, international expanision, mergers and acquisitions, and obtaining growth capital.
Handbook of global corporate treasury
- eBook
- 2013
- Rajiv Rajendra
- John Wiley & Sons
A complete guide to operating a corporate treasury from a global perspective. For CFOs and treasurers looking to re-align their treasuries with the growth of the global firm, bankers who seek to maximize the value they create for clients, treasury and finance firm employees, and even finance students, this book provides an easy-to-read approach to this exciting and increasingly complex world.
Hands-on financial modeling with Excel for Microsoft 365: build your own practical financial models for effective forecasting, valuation, trading, and growth analysis
- eBook
- 2022
- Shmuel Oluwa
- Packt
Financial modeling is a core skill required by anyone who wants to build a career in finance. This book explores financial modeling terminologies with the help of Excel. Starting with the key concepts of Excel, such as formulas and functions, this updated second edition will help you to learn all about referencing frameworks and other advanced components for building financial models.
How to measure anything: finding the value of intangibles in business
- eBook
- 2010
- Douglas W. Hubbard
- John Wiley and Sons
A guide to valuing intangible assets when carrying out a business valuation. The author provides insights on measuring aspects of a business that may previously have seemed immeasurable, including customer satisfaction, organizational flexibility, technology risk, the value of information and technology return on investment (ROI). The book also covers measuring risk through modeling with the Monte Carlo simulation, a tool which can be used for almost any kind of risk analysis.
How to prepare a business plan
- eBook
- 2008
- Edward Blackwell
- Kogan Page
The book includes sections on writing a business plan, cash flow forecasts, considerations for SMEs, business plans for specific industries, borrowing, and monitoring progress. It features illustrative case studies and practical tips.
How to value and sell your business: the essential guide to preparing, valuing and selling a company for maximum profit
- eBook
- 2008
- Andrew Heslop
- Kogan Page
Advice on valuing and selling businesses, with an emphasis on legal and financial questions and the nature of the potential buyer. Chapters cover finding a buyer, corporate valuation, marketing your business, managing the sale, legal documentation, and advice for specific sectors.
Inside company valuation
- eBook
- 2017
- Angelo Corelli
- Springer
This book presents an in-depth overview of the most popular approaches to corporate valuation, with useful insights about innovations and possible improvements in that field. The book will help to understand the principles and methods of company valuation and acquire the knowledge required to perform valuations of corporate equity. The author concludes his analysis with a real case studies based on the experience of one of the most popular Initial Public Offerings that took place in the last years: Facebook.
Intelligent credit scoring: building and implementing better credit risk scorecards
- eBook
- 2017
- Naeem Siddiqi
- John Wiley and Son
This book presents a business-oriented process for the development and implementation of risk prediction scorecards. Credit scoring is now a very common tool used by banks, Telcos, and others around the world for loan origination, decisioning, credit limit management, collections management, cross selling, and many other decisions. The credit scorecard is a powerful tool for measuring the risk of individual borrowers, gauging overall risk exposure and developing analytically driven, risk-adjusted strategies for existing customers
International valuation handbook 2016: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2016
- Roger J. Grabowski, James P. Harrington, Carla Nunes
- Wiley
The handbook provides data and guidance that will enable you to assess risk and to develop cost of capital estimates on a global scale. It includes data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), Relative Volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs) which can be used to estimate country-level cost of equity capital globally, for up to 188 countries, from the perspective of investors based in up to 56 different countries.
International valuation handbook 2016: industry cost of capital
- eBook
- 2017
- Roger J. Grabowski, James P. Harrington, Carla Nunes
- Wiley
This international handbook provides industry-level cost of capital estimates and other detailed statistics, including data on sales, market capitalization, capital structure, beta values and valuation multiples.
Introduction to securitization
- eBook
- 2008
- Frank J. Fabozzi, Vinod Kothari
- Wiley
Introduction to Securitization outlines the basics of securitization, addressing applications for this technology to mortgages, collateralized debt obligations, future flows, credit cards, and auto loans. The authors present a comprehensive overview of the topic based on the experience they have gathered through years of interaction with practitioners and graduate students around the world. The authors offer coverage of such key topics as: structuring agency MBS deals and nonagency deals, credit enhancements and sizing, using interest rate derivatives in securitization transactions, asset clas...
Leading corporate turnaround: how leaders fix troubled companies
- eBook
- 2006
- David Lovett, Laura Barlow
- John Wiley and Sons
Focused on corporate recovery from a leadership point of view. Contains chapters on the turnaround framework, crisis management, implementing organisational change, and financial restructuring. Based on over 80 interviews with corporate recovery practitioners.
M is for (data) monkey: the Excel Pro's definitive guide to Power Query
- eBook
- 2015
- Ken Puls, Miguel Escobar
- Holy Macro! Books
Power Query is one component of the Power BI (Business Intelligence) product from Microsoft, and "M" is the name of the programming language created by it. As more business intelligence pros begin using Power Pivot, they find that they do not have the Excel skills to clean the data in Excel; Power Query solves this problem. This book shows how to use the Power Query tool to get difficult data sets into both Excel and Power Pivot, and is solely devoted to Power Query dashboarding and reporting.
Displaying 1-50 of 90 results
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