Displaying 1-50 of 74 results
A to Z of careers and jobs
- eBook
- 2008
- Susan Hodgson
- Kogan Page
A comprehensive guide to over 300 different jobs including the personal qualities and skills needed for each career, the necessary training and qualifications and contact details for relevant organizations.
Assessment methods in recruitment selection and performance
- eBook
- 2005
- Robert Edenborough
- Kogan Page
A comprehensive guide for managers examining formal assessment methods used in both recruitment and performance management. The principles underpinning assessment methods are explored and practical applications provided. The use of assessment centres, psychometrics and structured interviews are examined, and practical advice on their use given.
Balance your life and work
- eBook
- 2009
- Bloomsbury Publishing Staff
- Bloomsbury Publishing
This book offers practical advice on work life balance. It helps you work out your own priorities, reduce your stress levels, and take positive action to make your life easier.
Better business decisions using cost modeling
- eBook
- 2012
- Victor E. Sower
- Business Expert Press
Discusses the benefits of using cost modeling for procurement, operations, and supply chain professionals. A variety of external and internal cost models are covered which have the potential to significantly reduce costs for an organisation. Includes examples of how organisations have saved substantial amounts through the use of cost modeling.
Better than bullet points
- eBook
- 2013
- Jane Bozarth
- Wiley
A guide for trainers to using Powerpoint to create engaging e-learning programmes. It provides in-depth guidance, specific instructions and helpful exercises. It also features a wealth of tools, templates, and examples.
Boardroom realities: building leaders across your board
- eBook
- 2009
- Jay A. Conger
- Wiley
A guide to the key issues facing boards. Includes the latest trends in board leadership and performance as well as talent management for the board and the C-suite. Also includes a chapter on CEO succession and the challenges and opportunities this can present. Improving a board's performance and impact is also covered.
Bridging the culture gap
- eBook
- 2004
- Penny Carte, Chris Fox
- Kogan Page
A practical guide for international business people on communication and how to avoid misunderstandings caused by a lack of knowledge of local culture, language or etiquette. Describes a series of short business scenarios to address issues such as perceptions of right and wrong, negotiating styles, and body language.
Building organizational capacity for change: the leader's new mandate
- eBook
- 2011
- William Q. Judge
- Business Expert Press
Discusses what organisational capacity for change is, and provides guidance as to how that capacity can be developed. The book is aimed at executives who want to be more proactive toward change, and who want the process to be less painful and more predictable. It is written from a US perspective
Business law
- eBook
- 2016
- Ewan McIntyre
- Pearson
Guide to the legal principles that apply to business. Aimed at non-law students. Coverage includes: the legal system and the courts; contracts; liability; sale of goods; agency; torts; partnership; nature and formation of companies; company management; shareholders; winding up; employment; business property.
Change 2.0: beyond organisational transformation
- eBook
- 2008
- Joachim Klewes, Ralf Langen
- Springer
This collection explores the different approaches to employee participation from a practitioners' perspective. Consultants from Pleon, a leading communications agency, as well as managers and academics, share their experience with change communication and offer insights on what engagement, if tackled correctly, can do for organisations in terms of internal trust and external reputation.
Coaching and mentoring
- eBook
- 2009
- Eric Parsloe
- Kogan Page
A book on coaching and mentoring for those who want to help people learn more effectively. It examines how to create practical conversations to improve learning and encourage personal development. It also explores ways in which people interact to help support and improve performance.
Communication strategies for today's managerial leader
- eBook
- 2012
- Deborah Britt Roebuck
- Business Expert Press
Often individuals move into managerial leadership roles without an awareness of the need to focus on their communication skills. This book provides communication strategies to help individuals manage and lead others successfully. It aims to build a solid communication foundation and to help enhance written, oral and interpersonal communication.
Competing in tough times: business lessons from L.L.Bean, Trader Joe's, Costco, and other world-class retailers
- eBook
- 2010
- Barry Berman
- Pearson
The book contains chapters on the future of global retail, low-cost business strategies for retail, product and service differentiation, human resources strategies, and enhancing the service experience. The book includes illustrative case studies of real life retailers.
Concise Adair on communication and presentation skills, The
- eBook
- 2003
- John Adair, Neil Thomas
- Thorogood
The book contains chapters on issues in communication, listening, writing skills, arguing/discussion in communication, speaking and presentation skills, interviews, managing meetings, leadership briefings, and employee coaching.
Concise Adair on teambuilding and motivation, The
- eBook
- 2004
- John Adair, Neil Thomas
- Thorogood
The book contains chapters on understanding teams and their structures, team roles and team member functions, small group dynamics, motivating employees, team building, employee retention, and a leadership skills checklist.
Conversations about job performance: a communication perspective on the appraisal process
- eBook
- 2012
- Michael Gordon, Vernon Miller
- Business Expert Press
The book argues for a appraisal process based on communication with employees rather than evaluation. It is written from an American perspective on human resources management.
Corporate governance handbook
- eBook
- 2017
- Bernadette Barber | Barbara Allen
- ICSA Publishing
The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook provides full explanations of the statutory and regulatory regime applicable to listed companies but also,addresses how governance best practice might be applied by private companies, including subsidiaries. This new edition delves deeper than before into such issues in order to guide boards as they attempt to find an appropriate balance between more traditional financial considerations and other factors that may influence their decision making.
Corporate reputation, the brand and the bottom line
- eBook
- 2005
- Roger Haywood
- Kogan Page
The book introduces the basic principles of reputation management and shows how a strong reputation can be achieved. It coves policies for board effectiveness, long-term reputation management, public relations planning, marketing and public relations, talent management, public affairs, crisis management, and personal development tips for building strong communication skills.
Deal with stress: how to improve the way you work
- eBook
- 2009
- Gary L Cooper, Susan Cartwright
- Bloomsbury Publishing
This book provides step-by-step advice and practical tips for stress management. It contains sections on time management, avoiding information overload, problem solving, communication skills, building self-confidence, and dealing with stressful situations and bullying.
Designing workplace mentoring programs: an evidence-based approach
- eBook
- 2009
- Tammy D. Allen, Lisa M. Finkelstein
- Wiley-Blackwell
The book includes chapters on planning and providing infrastructure for mentoring, participant recruitment and selection, matching mentors with proteges, training, the mentoring process, programme evaluation.
Developing executive talent: best practices from global leaders
- eBook
- 2006
- Jonathan Smilansky
- Wiley-Blackwell
The book includes chapters on the importance of talent management for long-term business success, an overview of talent management processes, succession management, recruitment, career development, talent management and workplace diversity, brand management, and integrating talent management with other human resource processes.
Developing leadership talent
- eBook
- 2008
- Andreas Koschan, Mongi A. Abidi
- Pfeiffer
The book offers guidance on talent management with particular attention to succession planning. It includes chapters on business strategy and organisational needs, leadership skills and competencies, identifying talent gaps, and implementing a strong talent management strategy.
Developing new products and services: learning, differentiation, and innovation
- eBook
- 2012
- G. Lawrence Sanders
- Business Expert Press
The book focuses on the activities required for product and service differentiation, the learning methodologies that contribute to arriving at that differentiation, and the role that technology plays in implementing the process. It contains chapters on entrepreneurship, research and development, fundamental concepts of product and price differentiation, talent management, business strategies for differentiation, business plans, and project management.
Doing business with China: avoiding the pitfalls
- eBook
- 2012
- Stuart Hamilton, Jinxuan (Ann) Zhang
- Palgrave Macmillan
The book's chapters cover the political and cultural issues associated with China, the business ethics involved in Chinese joint ventures, risk management, corporate governance, the regulatory environment, crisis management and debt restructuring. The information on the Chinese business environment will be useful to anyone working abroad. The book also includes case studies analysing unsuccessful joint ventures with businesses in China.
Drivers of successful controllership: activities, people, and connecting with management
- eBook
- 2010
- Pascal Nevries, Jurgen Weber
- Business Expert Press
The book sets out the skills and qualities required by corporate controllers for performance management and talent management, and operational guidance.
Effective people management
- eBook
- 2011
- Pat Wellington
- Kogan Page
The book includes chapters on team building, personal effectiveness, staff recruitment, performance management, employment issues, implementing change, and career management.
Employee share schemes
- eBook
- 2013
- Karen Cooper
- ICSA Publishing
Employee share ownership can help increase levels of employee engagement and lead to better business performance. This eBook provides guidance on the various employee share schemes and looks at issues such as accounting treatment, tax relief and reporting obligations. Consideration is given to relevant aspects of company law.
Employer's handbook 2017-18
- eBook
- 2017
- Barry Cushway
- Kogan Page
The Employer's Handbook gives guidance for all small- to medium-sized employers in the UK, clearly identifying the legal essentials and best-practice guidelines for effective people management.
The handbook covers recruitment, contracts, benefits, performance management, maternity and paternity rights, personnel records and data protection, terminating employment, and ensuring the health, safety and welfare of employees and pension obligations.
Essential concepts of cross cultural management: building on what we all share
- eBook
- 2012
- Lawrence A. Beer
- Business Expert Press
The book aims to provide a simple approach to handling the cultural issues and questions of business etiquette arising from international trade.
Essential guide to business etiquette, The
- eBook
- 2007
- Lillian Hunt Chaney, Jeanette St Clair Martin
- Praeger
The book is aimed at staff who need to build their communication and networking skills to progress in their careers. It includes chapters on job interview etiquette, business dress, office politics, social and cultural sensitivity, electronic communication etiquette, written communication and presentation, dining, entertaining, meetingsm, travel, and cultural issues encountered in international travel.
Essentials of business ethics: creating an organisation of high integrity and superior performance
- eBook
- 2009
- Denis Collins
- John Wiley and Sons
The book contains chapters on the background of corporate ethics, hiring ethical people, codes of ethics and codes of conduct, ethical decision-making framework; business ethics training, and respecting employee diversity. It also covers best practice guidelines for sustaining strong business ethics, including reporting systems, performance appraisals, and social responsibility.
Executive coaching: how to choose, use and maximize value for yourself and your team
- eBook
- 2005
- Stuart McAdam
- Thorogood
The book provides guidance on executive coaching and mentoring. It demonstrates what to expect from a coach, how to identify a good one, and how to take the greatest benefit from their advice.
Executive guide to integrated talent management
- eBook
- 2023
- Pat Galagan, Kevin Oakes
- ASTD Press
Nineteen experts examine research-based theopries and current practices in highly successful enterprises, and explain how you can adopt effective, state-of-the-art methods to integrate your talent management functions.
Extraordinary performance from ordinary people: value creating corporate leadership
- eBook
- 2007
- Shaoming Zou, Daekwan Kim, S. Tamer Cavusgil
- Elsevier
The book looks at how to build a practical leadership model, the different styles of corporate leadership, and the leadership skills required for managing change.
Financial Times guide to management: how to be a manager who makes a difference and gets results
- eBook
- 2014
- Anne Francke
- FT Press
A guide to becoming an effective manager, full of practical tips and advice on to the everyday challenges of: Managing yourself; Developing communication skills and emotional intelligence; Managing others; Setting strategic direction; Managing change; Managing money, resources and technology.
First time manager: the first steps to a brilliant management career, The
- eBook
- 2005
- Michael Morris
- Kogan Page
Covers communication and presentation skills, leadership, financial principles, human resource management, marketing and PR, organisational structure, and self-development within a management role. It also includes a new chapter on problem solving and time management.
First-time manager's guide to performance appraisals, The
- eBook
- 2008
- Diane Arthur
- Amacom
Provides managers with practical advice on reviewing employees' past performance, measuring success, setting performance objectives, and assisting with career development plans.
Get that job: interviews - how to keep your head and get your ideal job
- eBook
- 2022
- Bloomsbury Publishing
- Bloomsbury
A guide to preparing for the interview process, maintaining focus, handling difficult questions, and maximising your chances of landing that dream job. Includes sections on psychometric tests and negotiating a salary package.
Good retirement guide 2023: everything you need to know about health, property, investment, leisure, work, pensions and tax
- eBook
- 2023
- Jonquil Lowe
- Kogan Page
Contains information, suggestions and advice on all aspects of retirement and beyond.
Great answers to tough CV problems: CV secrets from a top career coach
- eBook
- 2011
- Jenny Rogers
- Kogan Page
Covers the purpose of CVs, their role in recruitment, personal brand management, researching employers, communication and presentation skills, formatting CVs, covering letters, and performing live presentations for interviewers. It also includes several template CVs for a variety of job markets and circumstances.
Growing business handbook: inspiration and advice from successful entrepreneurs and fast growing UK companies, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Adam Jolly
- Kogan Page
The book contains chapters on business planning for growth, gaining market share, people management, cash management, information technology for businesses, SMEs, operations management, international expanision, mergers and acquisitions, and obtaining growth capital.
Growing your business: making human resources work for you
- eBook
- 2008
- Robert A. Baron, Scott Shane
- Business Expert Press
Aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It includes chapters on the theory of business growth, human capital management, team building, recruitment and human resources, and talent management.
Handbook of model job descriptions
- eBook
- 2008
- Barry Cushway
- Kogan Page
Contains a set of model job descriptions organised by role and sector. Includes chapters on management of finance and budgets, project management, staff supervision, and human resources.
How people tick: a guide to difficult people and how to manage them
- eBook
- 2005
- Mike Leibling
- Kogan Page
Tips and strategies for identifying and dealing with difficult people. Relevant to human resource management but useful to anyone required to confront difficult people or stressful situations at work.
How to grow leaders: the seven key principles of effective leadership development
- eBook
- 2005
- John Eric Adair
- Kogan Page
Examines the theory and practice of leadership and identifies seven key principles for success. It provides a framework for instilling effective leadership skills in an organisation.
Improve your coaching and training skills
- eBook
- 2008
- Patrick Forsyth
- Kogan Page
For managers who do not have the benefit of human resources support. Addresses a range of subjects within staff training and development, including on-the-job coaching, formal training, and assessment of ongoing effectiveness.
Inspiring leadership: learning from great leaders
- eBook
- 2002
- John Adair
- Thorogood
Aims to build leadership skills by taking lessons from famous individuals in history. Includes sections on decision making, the cultural issues affecting leadership skills, and women as leaders.
Interpretation and application of UK GAAP for accounting periods commencing on or after 1 January 2015
- eBook
- 2015
- Stephen Collings
- John Wiley and Sons
A detailed guide to applying new UK GAAP. Provides insight into the preparation of accounts under the EU-adopted IFRS, FRSs 100, 101, and 102, the FRSSE, and the Companies Act 2006, with guidance on which type of disclosure each scenario requires. The book also includes detailed analysis of the planned changes to the Small Companies' Regime scheduled to take effect in 2016.
Job evaluation: a guide to achieving equal pay
- eBook
- 2003
- Michael Armstrong, Ann Cummins, Sue Hastings, Willie Wood
- Kogan Page
Draws on the authors' experience in job evaluation to provide guidance to managers with particular consideration to equal pay. The chapters cover the fundamentals of job evaluation, equal pay for work of equal value, equal pay reviews, evaluation schemes, computer-based evaluation, grade and pay structure design, and implementing job evaluation in practice.
Leading and managing the lean management process
- eBook
- 2012
- Gene Fliedner
- Business Expert Press
Sets out a detailed model for 'lean' management. Sections cover leadership, team management, total quality management, sustainability, and tools for successful business management.
Displaying 1-50 of 74 results
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