Displaying 1-48 of 48 results
Accounting disrupted
- eBook
- 2021
- Al Bhimani
- John Wiley & Sons
This book delivers a powerful analysis of the new technological forces buffeting the accounting profession and identifies key pathways to responding to the challenges. [It] shows readers how established business fundamentals are being eclipsed and that accounting has not been spared. You'll learn: how the new realities of digitalization, including big data and AI, are affecting audit work and financial management practices; how learning fast about and from more diverse data sources is essential to the new accounting environment; why accounting information must start to speak to what will take ...
Analysis of financial data
- eBook
- 2006
- Gary Koop
- Wiley
Covers the basic methods and techniques of financial data analysis. Includes many of the major tools used by the financial economist, for example correlation, regression, time series analysis and methods for analyzing financial volatility. There is extensive use of real data examples. The book is aimed largely at undergraduates, for who it can serve either as a stand-alone course in applied data analysis or as an accessible alternative to standard statistical or econometric textbooks.
Analytics and big data for accountants
- eBook
- 2020
- Jim Lindell
- Wiley
This book will help accountants and financial managers better understand big data and analytics, including its history and current trends. It dives into the platforms and operating tools that will help you measure program impacts and ROI, visualize data and business processes, and uncover the relationship between key performance indicators (KPIs).
Artificial Intelligence for Audit, Forensic Accounting, and Valuation : A Strategic Perspective
- eBook
- 2020
- Al Naqvi
- John Wiley & Sons,
An artificial intelligence revolution is sweeping through the world. Auditors and forensic accountants in firms of all sizes and types are trying to understand what it means for them. Many want to explore how to build plans for total intelligent automation to move their companies forward into the new AI economy. Many have recognized the imminent need for augmenting skills because of increasing automation. The recognition that the AI economy will be led by business professionals is finally sinking in. But auditors, accountants, finance professionals, and forensic accountants must develop a deep...
Audit analytics: data science for the accounting profession
- eBook
- 2020
- J. Christopher Westland
- Springer
This book hopes to provide the reader with an inventory of basic algorithms which can be easily expanded and customized to fit an auditor's specific challenges. Accessible and comprehensive tools for these additional approaches are covered in this book, as are research approaches to take advantage of the additional explanatory power that these approaches offer to auditing. Coverage of software, methodologies, and fit statistics provide a concise reference for the conduct of audits, helping assure that audit opinions and decisions are defensible, fair, and accurate.
Automate the boring stuff with Python: practical programming for total beginners.
- eBook
- 2015
- A. Sweigart
- No Starch Press
If you've ever spent hours renaming files or updating hundreds of spreadsheet cells, you know how tedious tasks like these can be. But what if you could have your computer do them for you? In [this book], you'll learn how to use Python to write programs that do in minutes what would take you hours to do by hand [with] no prior programming experience required. Once you've mastered the basics of programming, you'll create Python programs that effortlessly perform useful and impressive feats of automation. The first part of this book covers basic Python programming concepts, and the second part ...
Big data in practice: how 45 successful companies used big data analytics to deliver extraordinary results
- eBook
- 2016
- Bernard Marr
- Wiley
Big data is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Everyone understands its power and importance, but many fail to grasp the actionable steps and resources required to utilise it effectively. This book fills the knowledge gap by showing how major companies are using big data every day, from an up-close, on-the-ground perspective.
ChatGPT and AI for accountants: a practitioner's guide to harnessing the power of GenAI to revolutionise your accounting practice
- eBook
- 2024
- Scott Dell, Mfon Akpan
- Packt Publishing
Designed for finance professionals and accounting business educators, students, and enthusiasts interested in understanding and applying artificial intelligence in their work in their professional or personal lives.
CRR III: the EU implementation of Basel IV- the next generation of risk weighted assets
- eBook
- 2023
- Martin Neisen, Stefan Roth
- Wiley
Looks at the revised banking package of CRD VI and CRR III - they contain a large number of new requirements - the implementation of which will pose major challenges for the banking industry. In addition to the adoption of the final Basel IV regulations, other topics such as crypto assets or the consideration of ESG in banking supervisory law are addessed in this volume.
Data cleaning: a practical perspective
- eBook
- 2013
- Venkatesh Ganti, Anish Das Sarma
- Morgan & Claypool
This book discusses the goals of data cleaning, and includes abstracts of common sets of data cleaning tasks. In particular the book focuses on an operator-centric approach for developing a data cleaning platform. The operator-centric approach involves the development of customizable operators that could be used as building blocks for developing common solutions. This is similar to the approach of relational algebra for query processing. The basic set of operators can be put together to build complex queries. Finally, the book discusses the development of custom scripts which leverage the basi...
Data science for business: what you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking
- eBook
- 2013
- Foster Provost, Tom Fawcett
- O'Reilly Media
This guide introduces the fundamental principles of data science and walks through the "data-analytic thinking" necessary for extracting useful knowledge and business value from data. By learning data science principles, the reader will understand the many data mining techniques in use today. More importantly, these principles underpin the processes and strategies necessary to solve business problems through data mining techniques.
Data strategy: how to profit from a world of big data, analytics and the internet of things
- eBook
- 2017
- Bernard Marr
- Kogan Page
A must-have guide to creating a robust data strategy. Explaining how to identify your strategic data needs, what methods to use to collect the data and, most importantly, how to translate your data into organizational insights for improved decisions and performance, this is essential reading for anyone aiming to leverage the value of their business data and gain competitive advantage.
Data visualisation with Python: create an impact with meaningful data insights using interactive and engaging visuals
- eBook
- 2019
- Mario Dobbler, Tim Grossman
- Packt Publishing
Understand, explore, and effectively present data using the powerful data visualization techniques of Python programming.
Digital finance: big data, start-ups, and the future of financial services
- eBook
- 2019
- Perry H. Beaumont
- Routledge
This book takes a thoughtful look at how the industry is evolving, and it explains how to integrate concepts of digital finance into existing traditional finance platforms. It explores what successful companies are doing to maximize their opportunities in this context and offers suggestions on how to introduce digital finance into a firm's structure. Specific strategies for a digital future are presented, alongside numerous case studies that explore key attributes of success.
Digital preservation for libraries, archives and museums
- eBook
- 2017
- Edward M. Corrado, Heather Moulaison Sandy
- Rowman & Littlefield
This book is the most current, complete guide to digital preservation available today. For administrators and practitioners alike, the information in this book is presented readably, focusing on management issues and best practices. Although this book addresses technology, it is not solely focused on technology. After all, technology changes and digital preservation is aimed for the long term.
Digitally curious: your guide to navigating the future of AI and all things tech
- eBook
- 2024
- Andrew Grill
- John Wiley & Sons
For anyone who has heard phrases such as blockchain, cryptocurrency, cloud computing, quantum computing, GenAI, or 5G and wondered what they mean and what they mean for your business.
Easy money: cryptocurrency, casino capitalism and the golden age of fraud
- eBook
- 2023
- Ben McKenzie, Jacob Silverman
- Abrams Press
An investigative adventure into crypto and its remarkable crash.
EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR): A practical guide, The
- eBook
- 2017
- Paul Voigt, Axel von dem Bussche
- Springer
This handbook offers advice on the practical implementation of GDPR and analyses its impact. The guide examines the scope of GDPR, the organisational and material requirements for data protection, the rights of data subjects, the role of the Supervisory Authorities, enforcement and fines under the GDPR, and differences between EU jurisdictions.
Financial metaverse: tokens, derivatives and other synthetic assets, The
- eBook
- 2024
- Albin Spinner
- Palgrave Macmillan
Explains how financial derivatives really work and details the emerging digital innovations in this area.
Financial planning using Excel: forecasting, planning and budgeting techniques
- eBook
- 2009
- Sue Nugus
- Elsevier
Aimed at people who already have some knowledge of Microsoft Excel. It looks at spreadsheet skills for different types of planning, and contains detailed sections on business planning, forecasting and managing budgets with business software.
Fintech book, The: the financial technology handbook for investors, entrepreneurs and visionaries
- eBook
- 2016
- Susanne Chishti, Janos Barberis
- John Wiley & Sons
A guide to the financial technology revolution for entrepreneurs, bankers and investors with information required to capitalize on this lucrative market. Key industry developments are explained in detail, and critical insights from cutting-edge practitioners offer first-hand information and lessons learned. The financial technology sector is booming, and this title provides entrepreneurs, bankers, consultants, investors and asset managers with information on the key players, the drivers behind explosive growth and the risks involved.
Flaws and fallacies in statistical thinking
- eBook
- 2004
- Stephen K. Campbell
- Dover Publications
This book deals with erroneous and sometimes deliberately misleading statistical arguments. It deals with fallacious statistical thinking - when faulty conclusions are drawn from data because the purveyors of the information don’t know any better.
Forensic Analytics: Methods and Techniques for Forensic Accounting Investigations
- eBook
- 2020
- Mark J. Nigrini
- Wiley
This book outlines a framework for and a systematic series of audit data analytics tests that should function well as a starting set of detective controls. The tests are not based on complicated statistics and should be quite easy to understand for anyone that has done well in a handful of accounting courses. The tests should be quite easy to execute for someone that knows the basics of Excel or Access and has an aptitude for learning new software packages like IDEA or SAS. The underlying logic for these detection-type tests is based on the fingerprints that a specific fraud would leave in the...
Fraud analytics using descriptive, predictive, and social network techniques : A guide to data Science for fraud detection.
- eBook
- 2015
- Bart Baesens, Wouter Verbeke, Veronique van Vlasselaer
- John Wiley & Sons
A guidebook for setting up comprehensive fraud detection analytics. More effective fraud detection is possible, and this book describes the various analytical techniques your organisation must implement to put a stop to the revenue leak.
Future-proof accounting: data and technology strategies
- eBook
- 2024
- Mfon Akpan
- Emerald
Provides an understanding of the latest accounting technologies and their practical applications for the accountancy profession, including sections on artificial intelligence, cryptocurrency, cloud computing, blockchain, and data visualisation.
Good charts: the HBR guide to making smarter, more persuasive data visualisations
- eBook
- 2023
- Scott Berinato
- Harvard Business Review Press
A guide to data visualisation and information design for business.
How to measure anything: finding the value of intangibles in business
- eBook
- 2010
- Douglas W. Hubbard
- John Wiley and Sons
A guide to valuing intangible assets when carrying out a business valuation. The author provides insights on measuring aspects of a business that may previously have seemed immeasurable, including customer satisfaction, organizational flexibility, technology risk, the value of information and technology return on investment (ROI). The book also covers measuring risk through modeling with the Monte Carlo simulation, a tool which can be used for almost any kind of risk analysis.
Information security risk management for ISO 27001/ISO 27002 (3rd edition)
- eBook
- 2019
- Alan Calder, Steve Watkins
- IT Governance Publishing
This book draws on emerging national and international best practice around risk management and has been written to provide detailed and practical guidance to information security and risk management teams on how to develop and implement a risk assessment and risk management process that will be in line with the requirements of ISO 27001.
Inside accounting: the sociology of financial reporting and auditing
- eBook
- 2011
- David Leung
- Gower
Focuses on the finance department of a single firm over the course of a financial reporting cycle. Examines the way people classify transactions, make professional judgments and use computer software for accounting, and prepare for and facilitate the auditing process.
ISO 27001 controls : a guide to implementing and auditing
- eBook
- 2019
- Bridget Kenyon
- IT Governance Publishing
This guide is designed to provide you with assistance in establishing, implementing and maintaining your ISMS to help you prepare for ISMS certification... [and] has been updated to reflect the publication of the latest versions of ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002. Contents of the book include implementing and auditing ISMS control objectives and controls (information security policies; organization of information security; human resource security; asset management; access control; cryptography; physical and environmental security; operations security; communications security; system acquisition, devel...
Legal aspects of cryptocurrency in the UK
- eBook
- 2024
- Blake O'Donnell
- Bloomsbury Professional
Aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the legal framework surrounding cryptocurrency and distributed ledger technology within the UK.
Mapping workflows and managing knowledge: capturing formal and tacit knowledge to improve performance
- eBook
- 2012
- John L. Kmetz
- Business Expert Press
Aims to provide a general framework for understanding workflow mapping and analysis. Includes chapters on business processes, performance measurement, data analysis, and useful business software.
Operational leadership
- eBook
- 2010
- Andrew Spanyi
- Business Expert Press
Makes the case for a significant change in leadership skills. Chapters cover operations management from a number of perspectives, including product development, finance, and information technology. It offers practical advice on leading the implementation of new operational practices.
Paul Wilmott on quantitative finance
- eBook
- 2006
- Paul Wilmott
- John Wiley and Sons
Study guide to financial modelling of derivatives. Includes chapters on the theory of derivatives, fixed-income modelling and credit risk. There is an additional section covering numerical methods and business software.
Performance dashboards: measuring, monitoring and managing your business
- eBook
- 2005
- Wayne W. Eckerson
- John Wiley and Sons
Guidance on using dashboards for performance measurement, analysis, and business planning. Details the different kinds of performance measurement tools and describes how to integrate information technology with existing systems.
Planning and Control Using Microsoft Project 2013 and 2016
- eBook
- 2016
- Paul E. Harris
- Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd
Introduces a method for planning and controlling projects using the 2013 or 2016 version of Microsoft Office Project Professional or Microsoft Office Project Standard.
Principles of data wrangling: practical techniques for data preparation
- eBook
- 2017
- Tye Rattenbury, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Jeffrey Heer, Sean Kandel, Connor Carreras
- O'Reilly Media
This book walks the reader through the wrangling process by exploring several factors-time, granularity, scope, and structure-that you need to consider as you begin to work with data. The reader will learn a shared language and a comprehensive understanding of data wrangling, with an emphasis on recent agile analytic processes used by many of today's data-driven organizations.
Python for accounting and business
- eBook
- 2023
- Shivam Arora
- Self-published
The first of a two-volume series covering Python, a general-purpose programming language, for accounting and business tasks. This volume covers the concepts of Python and select foundational libraries using examples, codes, and accompanying outputs. Examples are tailored to accounting and business use-cases.
Quickbooks 2020 all-in-one for dummies
- eBook
- 2020
- Stephen L. Nelson
- John Wiley & Sons
This comprehensive one-stop reference combines 8 mini-books in one, all written in plain and simple language that makes it easy for even the most accounts-averse to get the most out of the latest version of the QuickBooks software and save time.
Routledge dictionary of business management, The
- eBook
- 2004
- David A. Statt
- Routledge
Covers the essential topics, issues and terms of business management. This includes business economics, consumer behaviour, corporate strategy, financial management, human resource management, information technology, management accounting, marketing, and organizational behaviour and work psychology.
Stakeholder approach to issues management, A
- eBook
- 2011
- Robert Boutilier
- Business Expert Press
For corporate managers required to manage controversies and sensitive issues involving external stakeholders. It provides advice on applying research and data analysis techniques to client relationships and public relations.
Strategic leadership of portfolio and project management
- eBook
- 2012
- Timothy J. Kloppenborg, Laurence J. Laning
- Business Expert Press
Looks at project management for business leaders. Contains sections on implementing strategy through portfolios and projects, listening to customers and employees, working with information technology, and decision making as an aspect of project leadership. Written from a US perspective.
Taxation of derivatives and cryptoassets
- eBook
- 2024
- Oktavia Weidmann
- Wolters Kluwer
Addresses the key accounting and tax issues of derivatives and cryptoassets in domestic and cross-border transactions. Specific references are made to UK, German and Swiss tax law.
Theory and craft of digital preservation, The
- eBook
- 2018
- Trevor Owens
- John Hopkins University Press
This book is intended as a point of entry into the theory and craft of digital preservation as it has emerged in practice. In the first section of the book, Owens synthesizes work on the history of preservation in a range of areas (archives, manuscripts, recorded sound, etc.) and sets that history in dialogue with work in new media studies, platform studies, and media archeology. In later chapters, Owens builds from this theoretical framework and maps out a more deliberate and intentional approach to digital preservation. A basic introduction to the issues and practices of digital preservation...
Using Microsoft Dynamics 365 for finance and operations
- eBook
- 2023
- Andreas Luszczak
- Springer Vieweg
Covers the concept and functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. As a result, you should be able you to execute business processes in the application on your own. It is primarily designed for users, students, and consultants who are interested in learning how to use the application.
Visualise this: the FlowingData guide to design, visualisation and statistics
- eBook
- 2024
- Nathan Yau
- John Wiley & Sons
Contains practical steps for how to use a mix of data visualisation tools and understand different types of data.
When numbers don't add up: accounting fraud and financial technology
- eBook
- 2020
- Faisal Sheikh
- Business Expert Press
The book begins with a brief assessment of corporate crime, fraud in general, and how accounting fraud is different. There is a review of notorious cases such as Enron (2001) and recently Toshiba (2015), including the socioeconomic consequences of this nefarious crime.
Xero for dummies
- eBook
- 2019
- Heather Smith
- Wiley Publishing Austrialia
This book provides you with all the information you need to set up your own Xero account from scratch, convert to Xero from another accounting software provider or start using Xero to its full potential.
Displaying 1-48 of 48 results
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