Displaying 1-48 of 48 results
Accounting and finance for your small business
- eBook
- 2006
- Steven M. Bragg | Edwin Burton
- John Wiley and Sons
This book has been written for business owners and managers who want to refine the accounting and financial operations of their companies. It provides detailed information about how to run these operations, track cash flows, conduct analyses, analyze key financial information, create a corporate risk management strategy, and manage tax liabilities - in short, all of the key accounting and financial information required to operate a small business.
Advising the wealthy client: a handbook for working with the ultra wealthy
- eBook
- 2020
- Barbara R. Hauser
- Globe Law and Business Ltd
Countries are racing to disclose bank accounts to garner more tax income and the politics of being in the “1% club” are not always positive. Yet these are important clients with important needs. This comprehensive new handbook, featuring contributions by leading private client advisers. The book explores risk and reputation management, addresses diminished capacity and provides an evaluation of the wealth infrastructure, the philanthropic framework and the future of global investing. This handbook will provide essential reading for all private client advisers, wherever they are based.
Auditing for managers: the ultimate risk management tool
- eBook
- 2005
- K. H. Spencer Pickett | Jennifer M. Pickett
- Wiley
Guide to help managers and their teams set standards for self-auditing, risk management, compliance review and formal disclosure reporting. Aims to provide proven, effective techniques for performing reliable and defensible audit reviews to ensure compliance with regulations and standards.
Auditing the risk management process
- eBook
- 2005
- K.H. Spencer Pickett
- Wiley
Guide to auditing the risk management process, including developments in risk management which are relevant to auditors. Contains the following chapters: why risk management?; determining risk management maturity; enterprise-wide risk management; risk appetite; control risk self-assessment; developing an audit approach; the illusion of perfection; and a holistic ERM concept.
Building a resilient organisation
- eBook
- 2014
- James Crask | Charley Newnham | Jack Armstrong | Dr. Paul Robertson
- ICSA Publishing
How to build a resilient organisation – one that is both sustainable and prosperous – is the central focus of this eBook. It helps readers to understand resilience within organisations and how it can be measured, assessed and enhanced.
Building a resilient organisation
- eBook
- 2014
- James Crask, Charley Newnham, Jack Armstrong, Paul Robertson
- ICSA Publishing
How to design your business strategy to build a prosperous and sustainable business. The book helps readers to understand resilience within organisations and how it can be measured, assessed and enhanced.
Business continuity strategies
- eBook
- 2006
- Kenneth N. Myers
- Wiley
A practical guide to protecting against unplanned disasters. Contains strategies for implementing a realistic and cost-efficient business contingency plan to
help organisations survive disasters such as natural catastrophe, workplace violence or a terrorist attack.
Business insights China: practical advice on operational strategy and risk management (2nd edition)
- eBook
- 2011
- Jonathan Reuvid
- Kogan Page
Provides practical advice on setting up and managing business in China as well as pointers to support organisations that can help. Fresh insight is offered into the economic and business climate and China's role in the world economy. The book also includes case studies from companies and individuals that highlight the benefits and the potential pitfalls through their experiences of setting up and running business in China. Includes sections on China's macro-risk environment, the regulatory and legal framework, inward investment considerations, key sectors of Chinese business growth and areas o...
Complete CFO handbook: from accounting to accountability, The
- eBook
- 2008
- Frank J. Fabozzi | Pamela Peterson Drake | Ralph S. Polimeni
- John Wiley and Sons
The book contains chapters on obtaining funding, corporate risk management, business strategy and financial planning, performance measurement and transfer pricing, asset management, cost management and finance function effectiveness.
Corporate governance handbook
- eBook
- 2017
- Bernadette Barber | Barbara Allen
- ICSA Publishing
The ICSA Corporate Governance Handbook provides full explanations of the statutory and regulatory regime applicable to listed companies but also,addresses how governance best practice might be applied by private companies, including subsidiaries. This new edition delves deeper than before into such issues in order to guide boards as they attempt to find an appropriate balance between more traditional financial considerations and other factors that may influence their decision making.
Corporate governance: a practical guide for accountants
- eBook
- 2009
- Catherine Turner
- Elsevier
The book's chapters cover the concept of corporate governance, codes and rules pertaining to corporate governance, shareholders and the Companies Act 2006, internal controls and risk management, disclosure and reporting responsibilities, and directors' remuneration.
Corporate governance: a practical guide to the legal frameworks and international codes of practice
- eBook
- 2008
- Alan Calder
- Kogan Page
The book covers corporate governance in the English-speaking world, its application to different business sectors, duties of directors and the company secretary, the Combined Code and financial reporting, business risk management, internal control, audit, IT governance, and corporate social responsibility.
Corporate reputation, the brand and the bottom line
- eBook
- 2005
- Roger Haywood
- Kogan Page
The book introduces the basic principles of reputation management and shows how a strong reputation can be achieved. It coves policies for board effectiveness, long-term reputation management, public relations planning, marketing and public relations, talent management, public affairs, crisis management, and personal development tips for building strong communication skills.
Creating value in a regulated world: CFO perspectives
- eBook
- 2006
- Cedric Read
- John Wiley and Sons
The book is built around a series of interviews with top finance executives. It contains chapters on the current and future regulatory regimes, driving growth and innovation through financial management, business partnering, leveraging risk and regulation, and becoming a sustainable business.
Derivatives: markets, valuation, and risk management
- eBook
- 2006
- Robert E. Whaley
- John Wiley and Sons
The book contains chapters on derivatives markets, corporate valuations, and the various kinds of derivatives. It argues that derivatives can be a powerful tool in business risk management.
Doing business with China: avoiding the pitfalls
- eBook
- 2012
- Stuart Hamilton, Jinxuan (Ann) Zhang
- Palgrave Macmillan
The book's chapters cover the political and cultural issues associated with China, the business ethics involved in Chinese joint ventures, risk management, corporate governance, the regulatory environment, crisis management and debt restructuring. The information on the Chinese business environment will be useful to anyone working abroad. The book also includes case studies analysing unsuccessful joint ventures with businesses in China.
Doing business with Estonia
- eBook
- 2003
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book contains sections on the economy and business environment of Estonia, the Estonian legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment. The appendices include information useful for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts in Estonia, and contributor contact details.
Doing business with Hungary
- eBook
- 2005
- Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book contains sections on the economy and business environment of Hungary, the Hungarian legal structure regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Hungary.
The appendices include useful information for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts in Estonia, and contributor contact details.
Doing business with Latvia
- eBook
- 2005
- Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book covers the economy and the business environment of Latvia, the Latvian legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Latvia. The appendices have useful information for working abroad, including business risk assessment, quality of life and recreation, human resources, supporting infrastructure for business, and useful contacts.
Doing business with Lithuania
- eBook
- 2005
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book's chapters cover the economy and business environment of Lithuania, the Lithuanian legal structure and regulatory framework, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Lithuania. The appendices have useful information for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts, and contributor contact details.
Doing business with Malta
- eBook
- 2005
- Marat Terterov | Jonathan Reuvid
- GMB Publishing
The book's chapters cover the economy and business environment of Malta, the Maltese legal structure and business regulation, finance, accountancy and taxation, and key sectors of trade and investment in Malta. The appendices have useful information for working abroad, including business risk assessment, useful contacts, and contributor contact details.
Executive's guide to COSO internal controls: understanding and implementing the new framework
- eBook
- 2013
- Robert R. Moeller
- John Wiley
Provides a step-by-step plan for installing and implementing effective internal controls with an emphasis on building improved IT as well as other internal controls and integrating better risk management processes.
Financial risk manager handbook
- eBook
- 2009
- Philip Jorion
- John Wiley and Sons
Contains sections on quantitative analysis, financial markets and financial products, and the various kinds of risk management. It includes chapters on the financial modelling of risk, credit risk, and market risk. Each chapter contains examples and exercises for students.
Foreign exchange: a practical guide to the FX markets
- eBook
- 2006
- Tim Weithers
- John Wiley and Sons
Primer on foreign exchange. It includes chapters on money markets, interest rates, a brief history of foreign exchange, foreign exchange swaps, exotic options and structured products, the economics of exchange rates and international trade, and currency crises.
Handbook of hedge funds
- eBook
- 2006
- Francois-Serge Lhabitant
- John Wiley and Sons
Introduces the legal framework around hedge funds and the tools fund managers use. It includes sections on fund management strategies and case studies, risk management, and investment tips for anyone interested in hedge funds.
How to measure anything: finding the value of intangibles in business
- eBook
- 2010
- Douglas W. Hubbard
- John Wiley and Sons
A guide to valuing intangible assets when carrying out a business valuation. The author provides insights on measuring aspects of a business that may previously have seemed immeasurable, including customer satisfaction, organizational flexibility, technology risk, the value of information and technology return on investment (ROI). The book also covers measuring risk through modeling with the Monte Carlo simulation, a tool which can be used for almost any kind of risk analysis.
How to prepare business cases: an essential guide for accountants
- eBook
- 2009
- Dan Remenyi, Brendan Remenyi
- Elsevier
Designed to help accountants understand all aspects of a business case so that they can prepare and present it with confidence. It contains chapters on investment decisions, preparing a business case, evaluating risk, stakeholders, business case accounting, and using the business case as a project management tool.
Information security risk management for ISO 27001/ISO 27002 (3rd edition)
- eBook
- 2019
- Alan Calder, Steve Watkins
- IT Governance Publishing
This book draws on emerging national and international best practice around risk management and has been written to provide detailed and practical guidance to information security and risk management teams on how to develop and implement a risk assessment and risk management process that will be in line with the requirements of ISO 27001.
Intelligent credit scoring: building and implementing better credit risk scorecards
- eBook
- 2017
- Naeem Siddiqi
- John Wiley and Son
This book presents a business-oriented process for the development and implementation of risk prediction scorecards. Credit scoring is now a very common tool used by banks, Telcos, and others around the world for loan origination, decisioning, credit limit management, collections management, cross selling, and many other decisions. The credit scorecard is a powerful tool for measuring the risk of individual borrowers, gauging overall risk exposure and developing analytically driven, risk-adjusted strategies for existing customers
Internal control policies and procedures
- eBook
- 2009
- Rose Hightower
- Wiley
A how-to manual to quickly and effectively put a successful program of internal controls in place. Complete with flowcharts and checklists, this essential desktop reference is a best practices model for establishing and enhancing your organization's control framework.
Divided into three main sections: Governance journey; Internal control program: Control activity program testing guides. the appendix contains an internal control planning, testing and remediation worksheet.
Internal controls toolkit
- eBook
- 2019
- Christine H. Doxey
- Wiley
This toolkit provides a series of standards of internal control and the risks they mitigate for all enterprise-wide operations.
International valuation handbook 2015: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2015
- Roger J. Grabowski | James P. Harrington | Carla Nunes
- Wiley
The handbook provides data and guidance that will enable you to assess risk and to develop cost of capital estimates on a global scale. It includes data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), Relative Volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs) which can be used to estimate country-level cost of equity capital globally, for up to 188 countries, from the perspective of investors based in up to 56 different countries.
International valuation handbook 2016: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2016
- Roger J. Grabowski, James P. Harrington, Carla Nunes
- Wiley
The handbook provides data and guidance that will enable you to assess risk and to develop cost of capital estimates on a global scale. It includes data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), Relative Volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs) which can be used to estimate country-level cost of equity capital globally, for up to 188 countries, from the perspective of investors based in up to 56 different countries.
ISO 27001 controls : a guide to implementing and auditing
- eBook
- 2019
- Bridget Kenyon
- IT Governance Publishing
This guide is designed to provide you with assistance in establishing, implementing and maintaining your ISMS to help you prepare for ISMS certification... [and] has been updated to reflect the publication of the latest versions of ISO/IEC 27001 and 27002. Contents of the book include implementing and auditing ISMS control objectives and controls (information security policies; organization of information security; human resource security; asset management; access control; cryptography; physical and environmental security; operations security; communications security; system acquisition, devel...
Leading corporate turnaround: how leaders fix troubled companies
- eBook
- 2006
- David Lovett, Laura Barlow
- John Wiley and Sons
Focused on corporate recovery from a leadership point of view. Contains chapters on the turnaround framework, crisis management, implementing organisational change, and financial restructuring. Based on over 80 interviews with corporate recovery practitioners.
Managing business risk: a practical guide to protecting your business
- eBook
- 2008
- Jonathan Reuvid (ed)
- Kogan Page
Contains chapters on modern risk management strategies, crisis management, reputation management, intellectual property, and the role of IT in risk management processes.
Managing commodity price risk: a supply chain perspective
- eBook
- 2012
- Janet L. Hartley, George A. Zsidisin
- Business Expert Press
Focuses on commodity price risk management. Includes chapters on price forecasting, risk management strategies for supply chains, and special advice for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Non-executive director's handbook (4th edition)
- eBook
- 2016
- Brian Coyle
- ICSA Publishing
An essential source of reference and route map for the position of Non-executive director. Deals with how to become a NED and looks at the board role and responsibilities of the NED on both the board and its committees with particular focus on corporate governance and board effectiveness, risk management and internal control. Contains case studies and checklists throughout. The 2nd edition of this title is available through our Ebook Central subscription.
Non-executive director's handbook 4th edition
- eBook
- 2016
- Brian Coyle
- ICSA Publishing
An essential source of reference and route map for the position of Non-executive director. Contains case studies and checklists throughout.
Non-financial risk management in the financial industry
- eBook
- 2022
- Norbert Gittfried [and others]
- Frankfurt School Verlag
Intended as a guide to establish a target operating model for non-financial risk management, primarily for the financial industry, and covers the entire risk management lifecycle. Includes a definition of non-financial risk, risk appetite frameworks, risk governance, top-down non-financial risk assessments, internal control frameworks, data and IT governance as well as conduct and ethics.
Practice aid: Enterprise Risk Management: Guidance For Practical Implementation and Assessment
- eBook
- 2018
- Association of International Certified Professional Accountants
This publication gives guidance for anyone responsible for or advising on an enterprise risk management process (ERM), This resource will help ensure the ERM process is well designed, well executed, and ultimately successful. Provides illustrative examples, best practices, and guidance for implementing or assessing an enterprise risk management process.
Project disasters and how to survive them
- eBook
- 2005
- David Nickson, Suzy Siddons
- Kogan Page
Focuses on risk management as a means to preventing project failures. Includes chapters on various aspects of project management including human resources, public relations, and team leadership. Offers practical strategies for risk management and project planning.
Rattiner's secrets of financial planning : from running your practice to optimizing your client's experience
- eBook
- 2020
- Jeffrey H. Rattiner
- Wiley
Financial planning involves everything from determining the client's financial position, cash flow, and investment strategies, to income tax planning, risk management, insurance, and retirement and estate planning. Financial planners and advisors are responsible for recommendations and decisions that help people define and achieve their financial goals. The book gives industry professionals the opportunity to hear and learn from 'the best of the best' in the field. This comprehensive resource includes templates based on what the best CFPs use in their practices for work programs, data quanti...
Risk management and financial institutions
- eBook
- 2023
- John C. Hull
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Looks at the activities of financial institutions, explains their regulation, and covers market risk, credit risk, operational risk, liquidity risk and model risk.
Starting a successful business
- eBook
- 2011
- M. J. Morris
- Kogan Page
Aims to cover all aspects of starting a small business. Provides advice on getting orders, making profits, raising money, legal aspects of business management, operations management, book-keeping, VAT and tax for SMEs, employing people, and risk management.
Supply chain risk management: tools for analysis
- eBook
- 2011
- David L. Olson
- Business Expert Press
Features chapters on the supply chain risk management process, risk matrices, and modelling supply chain risk.
Understanding financial risk management
- eBook
- 2024
- Angelo Corelli
- Emerald
Covers major risks and includes guidance on how to use financial derivatives to hedge risk. Also offers a complete view on past, current and future trends in financial risk management.
Valuation handbook 2016: guide to cost of capital
- eBook
- 2016
- Duff & Phelps Corp.
- Wiley
The handbook is designed to aid finance professionals in estimating the cost of equity capital and establishing hurdle rates for investment projects. It covers company valuation approaches and concepts, as well as providing data for country-level country risk premia (CRPs), relative volatility (RV) factors, and equity risk premia (ERPs). The handbook includes data through December 31, 2015, and is intended to be used for 2016 valuation dates.
Displaying 1-48 of 48 results
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