Displaying 1-31 of 31 results
Taxation of small businesses 2024
- eBook
- 2024
- Malcolm James
- Spiramus
A practical guide to all aspects of direct taxation of small businesses. Gives a clear explanation of the relevant legislation and practical advice on ways of minimising clients' tax liabilities and warning against common pitfalls.
Taxation of small businesses, 2023/24
- eBook
- 2023
- Malcolm James
- Spiramus
A handy reference guide to all aspects of direct taxation of a small business. The sixteenth edition has been updated to incorporate changes as a result of the Finance Act 2023. Major topics covered include taxation of business profits, income tax, taxation of employment, corporation tax, NIC, capital gains tax, corporation tax and partnerships.
Taxation of small businesses, 2022/23
- eBook
- 2022
- Malcolm James
- Spiramus
A handy reference guide to all aspects of direct taxation of a small business. The fifteenth edition has been updated to incorporate changes as a result of the Finance Act 2022. Major topics covered include taxation of business profits, income tax, taxation of employment, corporation tax, NIC, capital gains tax, corporation tax and partnerships.
Art of business valuation: accurately valuing a small business
- eBook
- 2020
- Gregory R. Caruso
- Wiley
Starting from the practical viewpoint of, “I would rather be approximately right than perfectly wrong” this book provides a commonsense comprehensive framework for small business valuation that offers solutions to common problems faced by valuators and consultants both in performing valuations and providing ancillary advisory services to business owners, sellers, and buyers. If you conduct small business valuations, you may be seeking guidance on topics and problems specific to your work. Focus on What Matters: A Different Way of Valuing a Small Business fills a previous void in valuation reso...
Taxation of small businesses, 2018/19
- eBook
- 2018
- Malcolm James
- Spiramus
A handy reference guide to all aspects of direct taxation of a small business. The eleventh edition has been updated to incorporate changes as a result of the Finance Act 2018 and recent case law on the 'gig economy'. Major topics include taxation of business profits, taxation of employment, corporation tax, NIC, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, pensions, and entrepreneurs relief.
Taxation of small businesses, 2017/18
- eBook
- 2017
- Malcolm James
- Spiramus
A handy reference guide to all aspects of direct taxation of a small business. The tenth edition has been updated to incorporate changes as a result of the Finance Act 2017 and recent case law on the 'gig economy'. Major topics include taxation of business profits, taxation of employment, corporation tax, NIC, capital gains tax, inheritance tax, pensions, and entrepreneurs relief.
Understanding business valuation: a practical guide to valuing small to medium sized businesses
- eBook
- 2017
- Gary R Trugman
- Wiley
A US-focused guide to all of the main valuation approaches, methods, and techniques in an easy-to-read style. Chapters include: Business valuation standards; Valuation principles and theories; Data gathering; Data analysis; The asset-based approach; The income approach; The valuation report; Valuation in financial reporting; Valuing intangible assets; Estate and gift valuations; Divorce valuations; Professional practice valuation.
Financial Times guide to business start up 2017/18
- eBook
- 2016
- Sara Williams
- FT Publishing International
Aims to be a comprehensive guide to starting a small business. It includes practical guidance for entrepreneurs on developing business ideas, business operations, employer obligations, taxes, and the role of information technology in marketing and PR.
Business accounting: volume 1 (13th edition)
- eBook
- 2015
- Frank Wood, Alan Sangster
- FT Prentice Hall
A textbook for students on bookkeeping and accounting. Provides a straightforward introduction to the foundations of financial accounting. Includes worked examples for each topic and self-assessment material. Volume 1 covers: introduction to financial accounting; the financial statements of sole traders; books of original entry; computerised accounting; adjustments for financial statements; special accounting procedures; partnership accounts and company accounts; an introduction to financial analysis; and an introduction to management accounting.
Frequently Asked Questions in IFRS
- eBook
- 2013
- Steven Collings
- John Wiley and Sons
Presented in Q&A format, the book provides accounting and finance professionals with the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions on International Financial Reporting Standards. Includes a comprehensive section on the new IFRS for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Winning with partners: a practical guide to international expansion for SMEs
- eBook
- 2013
- David Sellings, Viveka Odlen Persson
- Me4U
Step by step guide to managing a small-to-medium size company (SME) with a view to international expansion. Includes sections on reducing risk created by working with partners, finding distribution networks, attracting finance and increasing earnings. Chiefly aimed at technology-oriented SMEs.
Strategic marketing planning for the small to medium-sized business: writing a marketing plan
- eBook
- 2012
- David Anderson
- Business Expert Press
Addresses marketing theory, market research, developing a marketing plan, and incorporating the plan into the overall business strategy. Designed specifically for managers of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Practical solutions to global business negotiations
- eBook
- 2012
- Claude Cellich, Subhash Jain
- Business Expert Press
Guidance on handling cultural issues associated with international business deals. Chapters cover various aspects of negotiating skills, including negotiating strategies for SMEs.
Managing commodity price risk: a supply chain perspective
- eBook
- 2012
- Janet L. Hartley, George A. Zsidisin
- Business Expert Press
Focuses on commodity price risk management. Includes chapters on price forecasting, risk management strategies for supply chains, and special advice for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Practical financial management
- eBook
- 2011
- Colin Barrow
- Kogan Page
General introduction to financial management, aimed at managers of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It covers the fundamentals of business accounting, funding, budgets, performance management, and the roles played by company directors.
Starting a successful business
- eBook
- 2011
- M. J. Morris
- Kogan Page
Aims to cover all aspects of starting a small business. Provides advice on getting orders, making profits, raising money, legal aspects of business management, operations management, book-keeping, VAT and tax for SMEs, employing people, and risk management.
Understanding IFRS fundamentals: International Financial Reporting Standards
- eBook
- 2010
- Nandakumar Ankarath | Kalpesh J. Mehta | T.P. Ghosh | Yass A. Alkafaji
- John Wiley and Sons
Each chapter is devoted to a specific International Accounting Standard (IAS) or International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS). The book also addresses the IASB framework and International Financial Reporting Standards for small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
Strategic planning fundamentals for small business
- eBook
- 2010
- Gary May
- Business Expert Press
Covers the fundamentals of business strategy and planning with special reference to small and medium-sized enterprises. Describes how to incorporate a company's values into a strategic business plan and carry out performance measurement and analysis over time. Aimed at business leaders working for SMEs.
Consultant's quick start guide: an action plan for your first year in business, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Elaine Blech
- Pfeiffer
The book offers practical guidance for entrepreneurs who are considering starting a consultancy business. It helps to assess whether you have the required skills to be a successful consultant, and how to rate yourself against other entrepreneurs. It also looks at the personal, professional and financial considerations relevant to starting a small business. The book provides tips for creating business plans, finding clients, marketing and public relations.
Growing business handbook: inspiration and advice from successful entrepreneurs and fast growing UK companies, The
- eBook
- 2009
- Adam Jolly
- Kogan Page
The book contains chapters on business planning for growth, gaining market share, people management, cash management, information technology for businesses, SMEs, operations management, international expanision, mergers and acquisitions, and obtaining growth capital.
Born global firms
- eBook
- 2009
- S. Tamer Cavusgil, Gary Knight
- Business Expert Press
This book helps managers and scholars understand the born-global phenomenon. It provides a comprehensive overview of born globals, from distinctive features of these companies, to strategies that they use for international success, to implications of the phenomenon for international small-and medium-sized enterprises. It reviews useful theories and frameworks, as well as introducing a new field based on the born-global phenomenon - international entrepreneurship
Essential business finance: a complete guide to starting, expanding and selling your business
- eBook
- 2009
- Paul Barrow
- Kogan Page
The book offers practical financial advice for entrepreneurs and small business owners. It includes chapters on raising start-up finance, arranging growth finance (both equity and debt), raising money through public offerings, mergers and acquisitions, and selling a business.
Growing your business: making human resources work for you
- eBook
- 2008
- Robert A. Baron, Scott Shane
- Business Expert Press
Aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It includes chapters on the theory of business growth, human capital management, team building, recruitment and human resources, and talent management.
Interpreting company reports and accounts
- eBook
- 2008
- Geoffrey Holmes | Alan Sugden | Paul Gee
- Financial Times Prentice Hall
Contains chapters on the regulatory scene and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), accounting principles, statements and review, auditors' reports, profit and loss, and the balance sheet. Includes special advice for small and medium-sized enterprises and a comparison of IFRS with UK GAAP.
How to prepare a business plan
- eBook
- 2008
- Edward Blackwell
- Kogan Page
The book includes sections on writing a business plan, cash flow forecasts, considerations for SMEs, business plans for specific industries, borrowing, and monitoring progress. It features illustrative case studies and practical tips.
Small business cash flow: strategies for making your business a financial success
- eBook
- 2007
- Denise O'Berry
- John Wiley and Sons
Tips and advice for managing a small business, with a special emphasis on cash management. Provides guidance on good book-keeping practice, marketing, and how to use cash reserves to grow the business.
Good small business guide: how to start and grow your own business
- eBook
- 2006
- Meredith Belbin
- Bloomsbury
Aimed at entrepreneurs starting a small business. It includes chapters on business planning, brand management and intellectual property, finding premises, marketing and PR, communicating with your customers, using information technology, and managing yourself and others.
Practical risk assessment handbook
- eBook
- 2006
- Mike Bateman
- Elsevier
Concerned with risk assessment in the workplace, with a special emphasis on health and safety issues. It includes information on the relevant safety regulations, hazardous substances, and guidance for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Accounting and finance for your small business
- eBook
- 2006
- Steven M. Bragg | Edwin Burton
- John Wiley and Sons
This book has been written for business owners and managers who want to refine the accounting and financial operations of their companies. It provides detailed information about how to run these operations, track cash flows, conduct analyses, analyze key financial information, create a corporate risk management strategy, and manage tax liabilities - in short, all of the key accounting and financial information required to operate a small business.
Business accounting: volume 1 (10th edition)
- eBook
- 2005
- Frank Wood, Alan Sangster
- FT Prentice Hall
A textbook for students on bookkeeping and accounting. Provides a clear and straight forward introduction to the core techniques and skills required to fully understand the foundations of financial accounting. Includes worked examples for each topic, as well as self assessment material, so that students can monitor their own progress and understanding. Volume 1 covers: introduction to double entry bookkeeping; the financial statements of sole traders; books of original entry; adjustments for financial statements; special accounting procedures; partnership accounts and company accounts; an in...
Business plans that work
- eBook
- 2004
- Jeffry Timmons, Andrew Zacharakis, Stephen Spinelli
- McGraw-Hill
Provides practical guidance and insights for entrepreneurs or small business owners on writing a successful business plan. Each chapter introduces different components of the planning process. Also includes a model to analyse potential business opportunities.
Displaying 1-31 of 31 results
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