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The ICAEW Library & Information Service offers access to an extensive range of forms and precedents through the collection of printed works and electronic databases.

The collection of printed works includes many volumes of precedents relating to company secretarial practice and company law. You can search our collection using our online catalogue, LibCat.

In addition to this, key databases such as International Corporate Procedures (Jordans) and The Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Lexis Nexis) are available for ICAEW members to use in the Business Centre, opening up access to over 30,000 forms and precedents. If you are not able to access this service in person, the enquiry team can search the database (and other appropriate sources) on your behalf.

If you need to create a manufacturing agreement, our Manufacturing agreements page provides information on what an agreement should cover and how the Library can help by providing model agreements and checklists.

If you need any assistance locating the material you need, please contact our enquiry line by telephone on +44 (0)20 7920 8620 or by email at library@icaew.com

Can't find what you're looking for?

The ICAEW Library can give you the right information from trustworthy, professional sources that aren't freely available online. Contact us for expert help with your enquiries and research.

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