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Audit registers

Research guide

Updated: 19 Aug 2024 Update History

Find searchable databases and public registers of statutory auditors and audit firms for the UK, Europe and other regions. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list of available audit registers.


Register of Statutory Auditors
Searchable database of statutory auditors and audit firms in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. It provides information on Recognised Supervisory Bodies (RSBs) and details of registered firms and individuals, with location and addresses.

ICAEW Local Auditor Register
Register of firms eligible to carry out audit of local government and health bodies in the UK.

Register of Third Country Audit Entities
The FRC maintains the register of third country auditors (TCAs) in the UK. Search by name or registration number and filter by country.



APAB Public Register
Database maintained by the Austrian Audit Oversight Authority (APAB). Browse and search for statutory auditors and audit firms by name, registration number and location. Available in German only.


Registre public de l'IRE
Searchable public register of statutory auditors, audit firms and networks from the Institut des Réviseurs d'Entreprises. There is separate information on auditors approved by competent Belgian authorities. Available in French and Dutch only.

FSMA Data portal
Searchable database of all enrolments, authorisations and registrations maintained by the Financial Services and Markets Authority. The FSMA supervises the Belgian financial sector, including financial service providers and intermediaries.


Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria
The ICPA provides a register of audit firms as a searchable database and browsable list.


Register of Auditors
Database maintained by the Republic of Croatia Ministry of Finance. Search for authorised auditors, auditing companies, independent auditors, audit trainees, and other categories by name or registration number. Available in Croatian only.


The Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) provides searchable lists for:

Czech Republic

Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic
The KACR provides a searchable list of registered statutory auditors and audit firms.


CVR: Central Business Register
Search for companies by registration number, business name, name of individuals or address. Use the ‘Business marker’ filter to find audit firms.


The Estonian Board of Auditors offers searchable listings for:


Auditor search
The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH) is responsible for auditor oversight and provides a searchable database of auditors and audit firm. Available in Finnish and Swedish only.


Annuaire des Commissaires aux Comptes
Directory of statutory auditors provided by the Compagnie Nationale des Commissaires aux Comptes (CNCC). Entries are searchable by name and location. Available in French only.


Listing of all Members
Register for auditors and auditing firms maintained by the Wirtschaftsprüferkammer (WPK). Search by registration number, name, location and type.


Public Register
The Hellenic Accounting and Auditing Standards Oversight Board (HAASOB) maintains the Registry of Auditors for certified auditors and audit firms.


Chamber of Hungarian Auditors
Use the website search bar and select ‘Tagok között’ on the dropdown menu to search for members or select ‘Társaságok között’ to search for companies.


The Endurskoðendaráð (Audit Oversight Board Iceland) provides lists that you can search or browse in Icelandic only:


CORE (Companies Online Registration Environment)
The Companies Registration Office Ireland hosts the Register of Auditors. Search for individual auditors or audit firms by name, location and regulatory accountancy body (RAB).


The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) provides databases in Italian only that you can search by name, registration number and location:


The Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein maintains a register of financial service providers. Search or browse for auditors and auditing firms by name, location, registration number and status.


The Chamber of Auditors of Lithuania (LAR) provides lists of:


Public register of the audit profession
Searchable database of approved statutory auditors and approved audit firms maintained by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF).


The Accountancy Board provides searchable registers of individuals and firms, including:


Register of audit firms
Searchable list of audit firms provided by the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).


Finanstilsynet's registry
The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway provides a database of licenced firms and individuals across the financial sector. Use the ‘Licence type’ dropdown menu to filter by auditors and audit firms.


List of audit companies
Searchable register maintained by the Polish Agency for Audit Oversight (PANA). A list of audit firms conducting statutory audits in public interest entities is also available. In Polish only.

Register of auditors
List of statutory auditors provided by the Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors (PIBR). Searchable by registration number and name.


List of Statutory Auditors and Audit Companies registered with the CMVM
Searchable database for auditors and firms registered with the Portuguese Securities Market Commission (CMVM).

Lista de ROCs e SROCs
Lists of statutory auditors (Revisores Oficiais de Contas [ROCs]) and statutory audit firms (Sociedades de Revisores Oficiais de Contas [SROCs]) from the Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas (OROC). Available in Portuguese only.


Registrul Public Electronic (RPE)
A database of approved statutory auditors and approved audit firms is maintained by the Authority for Public Supervision of the Statutory Audit Activity (ASPAAS).


The Auditing Oversight Authority (UDVA) provides searchable lists in Slovak only:


The Slovene Institute of Auditors provides directories of the following in Slovenian only:


Official Register of Account Auditors (ROAC)
Searchable database from the Institute of Accounting and Auditing of Accounts (ICAC).


Auditor register
The Swedish Inspectorate of Auditors provides searchable databases for auditors and audit firms. Available in Swedish only.


FAOA Register
The Federal Audit Oversight Authority (FAOA) maintains a searchable database of statutory auditors and audit firms. Use the detailed search option to narrow down by type, location and other categories. Available in German, French and Italian only.



Financial Reporting Council
The Mauritius FRC provides downloadable lists of audit firms, local licensed auditors and authorised foreign auditors.



ASIC Connect
Searchable professional registers database provided by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). Select the ‘Registered Auditor’ register to search by name or licence number.

New Zealand

Auditors Register
Search or browse for auditors and audit firms by name, location, accrediting body, or type of audit.

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