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Research guide

Company information sources by jurisdiction

This page highlights sources of company information that are specific to particular countries and other jurisdictions, with an emphasis on official business registers.

The list below is arranged alphabetically by jurisdiction name. Whilst its coverage is not comprehensive — we have been unable to locate suitable sources for certain jurisdictions — it may serve as a rough guide to key sources of information on companies registered and/or operating in particular countries and territories.

In some cases, details of sources specific to particular sub-national divisions and political entities are included within the entry for the relevant sovereign state. For example, information on sources relating to particular US states is included in the entry for the United States.

It should be noted that many of the sources listed are not available in English, and that whilst some provide information free-of-charge, others charge access fees.

For information on general sources which cover multiple jurisdictions, as well as guidance on how to tell where a company is/was registered, please see our main guide to finding company information.





















  • Uganda
    The Uganda Registration Services Bureau operates an online entity search tool.
  • United Kingdom

    Companies House is the official UK government registry responsible for incorporating and dissolving limited companies, as well as registering company information and making it publicly available. It provides access to company information through a number of services, including:

    The ICAEW Library can provide detailed company reports and financial data on UK and Irish public and private companies. These are drawn from FAME, a company and financial database, and are based on records filed at Companies House and elsewhere. The data available will depend on whether a company files full or abbreviated accounts. For more information, see our Financial data and company reports page.

    In addition, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) maintains a Financial Services Register, which contains information on companies and individuals engaged in financial services activities in the UK. It includes details of licenses, permissions, disciplinary action, and other relevant data. The FCA also maintains the Mutuals Public Register, a public record of mutual societies which can be searched online.

    Other useful sources of information on UK companies include the London Stock Exchange and Investegate (a company announcements service for UK quoted companies).

    For information on UK companies listed on stock exchanges outside of the UK, official stock exchange websites can be a good place to start.

    There are separate entries in this list for respective British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.

  • United States

    Company incorporation/registration is generally the responsibility of state governments, and requirements vary by state and business type. Some businesses may also need or wish to register with federal agencies. Information on how to register a business in the US — both at the federal level and at state level — can be found on the US Small Business Administration website.

    Some companies are required to file financial statements with state and/or federal authorities at regular intervals. All public companies must file regular financial reports with the federal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), for example.

    Below, we provide an overview of official sources of information on US companies. It ought to be noted that the amount of information available on a given company — and where it may be accessed — depends to a large extent on the company's type/structure, and on where it is/was registered. For example, there is likely to be less information available on private companies than on public companies. Different states also collect different information. For tips on how to ascertain a company's type and place of registration, please see our main guide to finding company information.

    In some cases, information on a given company will be spread across federal and state sources. For example, details relating to a public company (such as Alphabet Inc.) may be available both from the SEC's federal EDGAR database, and from the business registry of the state in which it was incorporated (Delaware, in the case of Alphabet). However, the information made available through each respective source is likely to differ – filings lodged with the SEC may be accessible via EDGAR but not via the state-level registry portal, for instance.

    Federal sources

    The main federal repository of company information is the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) database. As noted above, all public companies must file financial statements with the SEC. Private companies are not required to do so.

    Free EDGAR services include:

    The SEC has produced a guide to researching public companies through EDGAR.

    State- and district-level sources

    Each state has its own arrangements for the provision of access to company information. See the links below as a starting point:

    The District of Columbia provides access to company information via its CorpOnline portal.

    There are separate entries in this list covering Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, respectively.

  • US Virgin Islands

    The Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the US Virgin Islands maintains a publicly accessible online system which allows one to search the Business Entity and Trade Name Register, as well as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Register.

    In addition, the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs maintains a searchable register of organisations holding a US Virgin Islands Business License.

  • Uzbekistan
    Information on registered business entities may be accessed via the YaIDXP portal.


  • Vanuatu
    The Financial Services Commission keeps records on companies. It provides access to company information via an online register search tool.


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