The list below is arranged alphabetically by jurisdiction name. Whilst its coverage is not comprehensive — we have been unable to locate suitable sources for certain jurisdictions — it may serve as a rough guide to key sources of information on companies registered and/or operating in particular countries and territories.
In some cases, details of sources specific to particular sub-national divisions and political entities are included within the entry for the relevant sovereign state. For example, information on sources relating to particular US states is included in the entry for the United States.
It should be noted that many of the sources listed are not available in English, and that whilst some provide information free-of-charge, others charge access fees.
For information on general sources which cover multiple jurisdictions, as well as guidance on how to tell where a company is/was registered, please see our main guide to finding company information.
The National Business Center, an agency of the Albanian government, is responsible for business registration. Through its website one may search the trade register and the register of beneficial owners.
Company information is available from the National Trade Register Centre (registration required).
The Trademarks and Patents Office maintains a publicly searchable database of the trademarks registered in Andorra; additions and changes to this database are publicised in the Gaseta de Marques.
The Government of Anguilla's Commercial Registry Department maintains a register of business entities, which is searchable online.
Antigua and Barbuda
The Intellectual Property & Commerce Office maintains the Antigua and Barbuda Online Company Registry, which is publicly searchable.
In addition, the Financial Services Regulatory Commission's website includes directories of credit unions, CMT service providers, banks, insurance agents, insurance brokers, insurance companies, money services businesses, trusts, and digital asset businesses.
The Ministry of Justice and Human Rights maintains the National Registry of Companies; data from the Registry are publicly accessible via an online portal.
In addition, some company information is published in the Boletín Oficial de la República Argentina, and the National Securities Commission provides information on public companies.
The Government of Armenia maintains a searchable register of legal entities.
The Aruba Chamber of Commerce and Industry maintains a company register which is searchable online.
ABN Lookup provides public access to information from the Australian Business Register (ABR). This information is voluntarily provided by businesses when they register for an Australian Business Number (ABN).
Some companies are required to lodge financial reports with the Australian Securities and Investments Commissions (ASIC); information on the kinds of companies required to do so can be found on the ASIC website. The ASIC maintains several online search tools which provide access to company information from its registers.
Companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) must also submit their financial statements to the ASX. Financial statements and other information on publicly listed companies can be accessed via the ASX’s online company directory.
The Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC) maintains a Register of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations. The register is public, and can be searched through the ORIC website. It should be noted, however, that it is not mandatory for indigenous organisations to be incorporated with ORIC.
Austria’s commercial register – the Firmenbuch – contains information on all companies registered in Austria, though the amount of information filed in the register varies by company size and type. Information from the register may be accessed online via the Firmenbuchabfrage service, as well as through the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
Financial statements and certain other announcements relating to some companies are also published on the Federal Electronic Announcement and Information Platform (EVI), as required by the Austrian Commercial Code. Prior to July 2023 such announcements were published in the Wiener Zeitung newspaper.
The Financial Market Authority (FMA) maintains a publicly searchable company database containing details of the FMA-issued licences (if any) held by particular companies.
Austria has a central register of beneficial owners — Das Register der wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer — but as of June 2023 there is no public access to it.
The State Tax Service maintains a searchable register of business entities.
The Registrar General’s Department maintains a Corporate and Business Registry. Company records held by the Registry are searchable online, for a fee (registration required).
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce, and Tourism operates an online commercial registration portal which includes a company search tool.
In addition, the Central Bank of Bahrain maintains a public licensing directory, and the Bahrain Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates a business search tool.
The Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office keeps records on companies. It provides limited public access to these records via an online database, though it should be noted that this database is updated only periodically, meaning that search results will not give a real-time reflection of all entries. Those seeking definitive, up-to-date information should file a Request for Name Search / Reservation form (Form 33).
The main business register in Belgium is the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises, managed by the Federal Department of the Economy. In theory, the register includes all Belgian enterprises. Information from the register is publicly accessible online via an official government portal, as well as through the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
Certain companies have to file accounts with the Central Balance Sheet Office of the National Bank of Belgium. The Office provides information about the process of filing annual accounts, and the kinds of companies which are required to file. Many of the company accounts filed with the Office are available online; they are searchable by enterprise number or name.
In addition, the Financial Services and Markets Authority maintains STORI, a database of regulated information relating to listed companies. Information from STORI is accessible via an online search tool.
The Federal Public Service Finance keeps a register of ultimate beneficial owners, but as of June 2023 this register is not openly accessible to the public.
The Belize Companies and Corporate Affairs Registry (BCCAR) keeps records on companies, and operates a business entity search tool and a business name search tool. Its website also includes a list of licensed registered agents.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Benin (CCIB) operates a company search tool; some company information is also available via the MonEntreprise platform.
Companies in Bermuda must register with the Registrar of Companies. The Registrar maintains an online portal through which one may search for companies and order certified documents (registration required).
The Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy operates the Registry of Commerce. Some information relating to registered companies is published in the Electronic Gazette of the Commercial Registry.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
There are registers of business entities for the Brčko District, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the Republika Srpska respectively. All three registers are searchable via a single online portal.
The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority operates an online company search tool.
Some company information is collated centrally, in the National Register of Legal Entities (CNPJ). Information held in the CNPJ is accessible via an online portal (registration required).
In addition, there are various state-level commercial registries, some of which provide access to their records online. See the links below as a starting point:
British Virgin Islands
The Financial Services Commission keeps records on companies. As of July 2023 these records are not searchable online, but one may request information on registered companies by submitting a completed Search Request Form (R820). Fees apply.
The Registry Agency maintains a commercial register. Information from the commercial register is accessible online, both through the Agency's own website and through the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. The Agency also maintains the BULSTAT register, which includes information on foreign individuals and legal entities. These registers contain information on beneficial owners.
In addition, the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry maintains a trade register which is searchable online.
The Ministry of Commerce operates an online entity search tool.
Corporations Canada is responsible for keeping records on Canadian federal corporations; its website includes a corporation search tool.
SEDAR – a central filing system developed for the Canadian Securities Administrators – provides online access to public securities documents and information filed by public companies with the relevant provincial/territorial securities regulatory authorities. Its website includes a search tool.
Canada’s Business Registries, a free government service, allows one to search across many (though not all) of Canada’s provincial/territorial business registries. Information from some local registries is updated daily, though others provide information only on a monthly basis. It is therefore advisable to consult the relevant local registry directly for the most current information.
Each province/territory in Canada has its own arrangements for local business registration and the provision of access to company information. See the links below as a starting point:
Cape Verde
Some company information is published in the Official Gazette.
Cayman Islands
The Cayman Islands General Registry keeps records on companies, and provides access to company information via an online search portal (registration required).
In addition, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority maintains a searchable database of licensed and registered entities.
There are various local commercial registries, some of which provide online access to their records. The Conservadores Digitales website serves as a single point of access to a number of these registries. Perhaps the most significant of the local registries is the Conservador de Bienes Raíces de Santiago, which provides access to its company records via an online portal.
In addition, some company information is published in the Diario Oficial de la República de Chile, and the Financial Market Commission (CMF) provides information on supervised and other registered entities.
China (Mainland)
The State Administration for Market Regulation operates the National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System, which provides access to some information (in Chinese) on companies registered at the national level. The site also includes links to various province-level registries.
Information on the credit history of some Chinese firms is also accessible via the Credit China website.
Particular administrative divisions of the Chinese Mainland may have their own respective business registries and online platforms for the provision of access to company information. Some such platforms may only be accessible from within China.
A separate entry on Hong Kong SAR is included below.
Companies are registered with local chambers of commerce, with their details also being recorded in the central Mercantile Registry, which is searchable online via the Registro Único Empresarial y Social (RUES) portal.
In addition, the Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia collects and provides access to a range of information on public companies and other supervised entities. It maintains an online search portal, as well as a database of financial statements produced by entities supervised under IFRS, and a standalone list of supervised entities.
Costa Rica
The National Registry maintains a register of legal entities. Information from the register is available for consultation online, but registration is required.
The Ministry of Justice maintains a business register. The register is searchable online, both via the Ministry's own website and via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Fees apply.
In addition, the Croatian Chamber of Commerce maintains a searchable business directory.
Croatia has a central beneficial ownership register, but as of June 2023 this is not publicly accessible.
The Curaçao Chamber of Commerce & Industry maintains a searchable database of registered entities.
The Department of Registrar of Companies and Intellectual Property maintains a business register which contains information on every business entity registered in the Republic of Cyprus. The register is searchable online, both directly via the Department's own search portal, and via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Basic information is available free-of-charge; fees apply for access to more detailed information.
Czech Republic
The Ministry of Justice maintains a public business register which is searchable either via the Ministry's own access portal or via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. It also keeps a register of beneficial owners which is partially accessible to the public.
In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade maintains a public Trade Licensing Register, and the Ministry of Finance maintains a register of economic entities. Both are searchable online.
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Some company information is accessible via the Guichet Unique de Création d’Entreprise (GUCE).
The Central Business Register (CVR) is the primary official register of Danish companies. Some information and documents can be viewed/downloaded for free; some are accessible only upon payment of a fee. As well as being directly accessible via the link above, some data from the register may be viewed via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
The CVR includes information on ultimate beneficial owners.
In addition, the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority maintains a register of the companies under its supervision.
The Companies and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) keeps records on companies, and operates an online company search portal.
Dominican Republic
The General Directorate of Internal Taxes (DGII) maintains the National Taxpayer Registry, which includes information on tax-paying companies. The Registry is searchable online.
The National Office of Industrial Property (ONAPI) also keeps and provides access to records on certain companies.
El Salvador
The National Centre of Registries (CNR) maintains a commercial register, which may be consulted online (registration required).
Information on all legal entities registered in Estonia (including, in some cases, details of beneficial owners) is accessible via the official e-Business Register portal. Information from this portal is also searchable via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Financial Supervisory Authority (Finantsinspektsioon) maintains searchable databases of supervised entities and announcements.
The Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration operates a business license checker.
The Fiji Government keeps records on companies, and operates an online entity search tool.
The Finnish Patent and Registration Office maintains the Trade Register, the official register of Finnish companies. Most businesses must submit their annual accounts to the Register. Information from the Register can be accessed online, via the Virre Information Service. A certain amount of information from the Register can also be accessed via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Basic details and extracts are available free-of-charge; fees are charged for some documents.
The Trade Register contains details of beneficial owners, but as of June 2023 these details are not publicly accessible.
Some company information is also available via the Company and organisation search tool, which brings together information from both the Trade Register and the registers kept by the Tax Administration. However, the Trade Register data provided through this service is less comprehensive than that provided through the Virre Information Service.
The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) maintains a national business register, the registre national des entreprises (RNE). Information from this register, which includes details of beneficial owners, is publicly accessible via INPI's online data platform.
Information on French companies is also available via Infogreffe, which brings together data from various local business registers (both in mainland France and in the overseas departments and regions). Infogreffe may offer certain documents which cannot be obtained from the INPI, such as 'Kbis' extracts (similar to certificates of registration).
In addition, company information can be found in the Sirene statistical business database, maintained by the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE).
Data from INPI and INSEE are amalgamated in the publicly available Annuaire des Entreprises, maintained by the Direction interministérielle du numérique (DINUM).
Various commercial announcements are published in the Bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales (BODACC), the official bulletin of civil and commercial notices, as well as in the Bulletin des annonces légales obligatoires (BALO), the bulletin of mandatory legal announcements.
The Georgian government maintains a public register of business entities; the register is searchable via a dedicated online portal.
The Company Register (Unternehmensregister) is a central repository of information on German companies. Much of the information held in the register is freely accessible online, though fees are charged for the retrieval/certification of deposited annual financial statements.
The Common Register Portal of the German federal states, meanwhile, provides a single point of access to company information held in various state-level registers around Germany.
Information drawn from the Company Register and from the Common Register Portal is searchable via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
Company announcements, some accounting documents and company reports, as well as capital market information are published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger). An overview of the material published in the Gazette can be found on its website.
Information on the beneficial owners of companies is recorded in the Transparency Register (Transparenzregister), though access to the Register is restricted. Members of the public may be granted limited access, provided they demonstrate a legitimate interest.
Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) maintains a company database containing details of banks, financial services providers, asset management companies, insurers and pension funds which it has authorised to operate, or which have notified BaFin of their intention to provide cross-border services or establish a branch in Germany.
Details of additional sources of information on German companies can be found on the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce website.
The Registrar General's Department operates an online business name search portal.
Companies House Gibraltar is responsible for incorporating and dissolving companies, retaining documents delivered to it under the Companies Act, and making company information available to the public. It operates an online e-Registry service, through which information and documents from its registers are made publicly accessible. A paid subscription is required to use the service.
In addition, the Government of Gibraltar maintains an Ultimate Beneficial Ownership Register.
The main official source of company information in Greece is the General Commercial Registry. Information from the registry is directly accessible via its online search tool; some data is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
Some company information is also published in the Government Gazette; this is searchable via the National Printing Office website.
In addition, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) maintains a business register and an exporters register, both of which are searchable online.
The Greek government maintains a central register of beneficial ownership, but as of June 2023 this register is not publicly accessible.
Greenlandic companies are registered in the Danish Central Business Register (CVR). Some information and documents can be viewed/downloaded for free; some are accessible only upon payment of a fee.
The Mercantile Registry keeps records on companies, which may be consulted online (registration required).
The Guernsey Registry holds information on all companies registered in Guernsey. A company search facility is available, with charges applying for some information. The Registry's website includes some guidance on how to conduct company searches.
The Registry collects information on beneficial owners, but as of June 2023 this information is not publicly accessible.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industries of Tegucigalpa maintains a commercial registry which may be consulted online.
In addition, the Revenue Administration Service operates an online tool for querying company tax identification codes (RTNs).
Hong Kong SAR
Companies in Hong Kong SAR must register and file financial statements with the Companies Registry. The Registry's website outlines what information is available to the public, and how it may be accessed. Fees apply for some services.
In addition, the Inland Revenue Department operates a business registration number enquiry service, whilst the Securities and Futures Commission maintains a public register of licensed persons and registered institutions.
Some information on listed companies is also available via the Hong Kong Stock Exchange website.
The Ministry of Justice maintains an online company information service, as well as a separate portal providing access to company reports and balance sheets. Information from the company information service is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Hungarian National Bank maintains searchable registers of market participants and intermediaries.
Iceland Revenue and Customs maintains a searchable company directory, which includes details of beneficial owners.
Companies register with the Registrars of Companies (ROC) which respectively cover the various States and Union Territories. Some of the information collected by the Registrars is searchable and accessible online. Certain documents relating to particular companies are also accessible, though fees apply in some cases.
The Registrar of Companies operates an online company search tool.
Isle of Man
The Companies Registry, part of the Isle of Man Government, keeps records on all companies and other business types incorporated in the Isle of Man. An online search is available, and certificates of fact and good standing can be purchased for a fee.
The Registry collects information on beneficial ownership, but this is not publicly accessible as of June 2023.
The Israeli Corporations Authority keeps records on companies registered in Israel. The Authority operates an online service through which basic company information is accessible free-of-charge, with more detailed information being available for a fee.
In addition, the Israel Securities Authority website includes a searchable directory of public companies.
Company information can be accessed via the Italian Business Register website (also available in English). Some company information is available for free; some is accessible only upon payment of a fee. Limited data from the Italian Business Register is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa (CONSOB) — the public authority responsible for regulating Italian financial markets — keeps records relating to market participants. A range of information on listed companies, investment firms, and other bodies subject to regulation can be accessed via the CONSOB website.
The Companies Office of Jamaica keeps records on companies, and operates an online company search tool.
The Civil Affairs Bureau is responsible for business registration; it provides access to company information from its records via a number of online services.
Information on Japanese companies can also be accessed via the following sources:
- National Tax Agency — Corporate Number Publication Site
- Japan Exchange Group
See, in particular, the Listed Company Search and Company Announcements Service.
Companies register with the Jersey Financial Services Commission's Companies Registry. The Commission's website includes a search tool through which one may access information from the various registers maintained by the Registry.
The Registry keeps records on the beneficial ownership and control of companies, but as of June 2023 these are not publicly accessible.
The Companies Control Department operates an online search portal which provides access to basic information on registered companies.
In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade operates a number of online services through which company information may be accessed.
Company information is recorded in the state database of legal entities; information from the database may be accessed via an online portal.
Additional information may be obtained via the State Revenue Committee's taxpayers search, as well as via the official database of electronic licences.
The Business Registration Agency, part of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is responsible for the registration of Kosovan businesses. Its website includes a business search portal.
The Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry operates a company search tool.
In addition, the Kuwait Stock Exchange provides information on listed companies.
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce maintains a searchable database of registered enterprises.
The Latvian government maintains a Register of Enterprises, which includes details of beneficial owners. Information from the Register is accessible online via the Register's website; some information is also available via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Fees apply in some cases.
The Ministry of Justice maintains a commercial register, which is searchable online.
The Lesotho Ministry of Trade & Industry maintains a company register which is publicly searchable online.
The Principality of Liechtenstein maintains an official Commercial Register. It contains information about all registered legal entities with their registered office in the Principality of Liechtenstein, and about Liechtenstein trusts. Information from the Register is accessible online, either via the dedicated search portal or via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Some details are available free-of-charge; fees are chargeable for full extracts.
The State Enterprise Centre of Registers (SECR) maintains a public Register of Legal Entities. The register is searchable online, either directly or via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Fees apply.
SECR also collects information on beneficial owners in its JANGIS system. Access to this information is restricted, however.
Luxembourg Business Registers (LBR) maintain a Trade and Companies Register. The Register is publicly accessible, either via the search portal on the LBR website or via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Some information is available free-of-charge; fees apply in certain cases.
LBR also operate a register of beneficial owners, as well as an electronic platform which provides access to official publications concerning companies and associations. Access to the former is restricted.
In addition, the government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg keeps a searchable register of business permits, and the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier maintains a database of authorised or registered entities.
Company information is available from the Companies Commission of Malaysia; registration is required and fees apply.
The Ministry of Economic Development maintains a searchable business register.
Information on Maltese companies is collected by the Malta Business Registry (MBR). The information held by the Registry is searchable online, either via the Registry's search portal, or through the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Some information is accessible free-of-charge; other information is accessible upon payment of a fee. The Registry holds details of beneficial owners, but access to these details is restricted.
Marshall Islands
International Registries, Inc. maintains a register of Marshall Islands business entities. The register is searchable online.
The Corporate and Business Registration Department operates an online company search portal.
Companies are registered at state level, with one of the 32 local registries of property and commerce. The online Comprehensive Registry Management System (SIGER), operated by the Secretariat of Economy, serves as a single point of access to company information collated from across the state registries (registration required). It should be noted, however, that some records held at state level may not have been migrated to the central system; it may therefore be advisable to consult the relevant local register directly where possible.
The Secretariat of Economy also maintains the Mexican Business Information System (SIEM), which provides online access to company information collected by authorised business chambers across the country.
The Registrar of Corporations' website includes a list of major corporations.
Some company information is recorded in the State Register of Legal Entities (Registrului de Stat al Unităţilor de drept), which is searchable online.
Company information is also accessible through the Government's online data portal.
Company information is accessible online via the Directory of Trade and Industry. Limited information may be accessed free-of-charge; more detailed information is available for purchase.
In addition, the Business Development Agency maintains a register of beneficial owners, which may be consulted for a fee (subject to certain conditions).
The General Authority for State Registration keeps records on companies; information on legal entities is searchable via the Authority's open data portal.
Company information is recorded in the Central Register of Commerce and Industrial Property, which is searchable online. Some basic information is accessible free-of-charge; further information is accessible only upon payment of a fee.
In addition, the Moroccan Capital Market Authority maintains a public issuers list.
The Directorate of Investment and Company Administration maintains a searchable register of companies.
In addition, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) maintains a public register containing information on the beneficial owners of companies and state-owned enterprises in Myanmar's extractive sectors.
Company information is available from the Business and Intellectual Property Authority.
The Office of the Company Registrar keeps records on companies, and makes company information available via an online search portal.
Companies are obliged to enter their key details in the Business Register, which is managed by the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KVK). The Register can be searched for free via the KVK website, but a charge is made for some information. Some data is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
The KVK keeps records on the ultimate beneficial owners of companies, but as of June 2023 these records are not publicly accessible.
New Zealand
Companies must register and file annual returns with the New Zealand Companies Office; some companies are also required to submit audited financial statements to the Office every year. The Office makes company information available online via its Companies Register website.
Companies listed on the New Zealand Stock Exchange (NZX) must also submit their financial statements to the NZX.
The National Records Inspectorate maintains a register of mercantile companies, which may be consulted online.
The Corporate Affairs Commission keeps records on companies and operates an online company search tool, as well as a searchable persons with significant control (PSC) register.
A separate beneficial ownership register for extractive companies is maintained by the Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI).
North Macedonia
A range of company information is available from the Central Registry of the Republic of North Macedonia, including information on beneficial owners.
The Brønnøysund Register Centre, a government body under the Norwegian Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries, maintains a number of national registers containing information on businesses. Basic company information from the registers is available free-of-charge via a search tool on the Centre's website, and the Centre makes a number of large datasets openly accessible online. Other information is available upon payment of a fee. Important additions and changes to the registers are publicised in announcements.
Some information from the Brønnøysund Register Centre's records is accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway (Finanstilsynet) maintains a searchable register of the companies and individuals under its supervision.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry keeps records on companies, and maintains online portals providing access to commercial registrations information and published public announcements.
In addition, the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry maintains a trade directory and an industrial directory.
The Panama Public Registry keeps records on companies; these may be consulted online (registration required).
Papua New Guinea
The Investment Promotion Authority maintains a register of companies. It provides access to information from the register via an online entity search portal.
Companies are registered with the National Superintendency of Public Registries (SUNARP), which operates a company name search and a registered legal entities search.
Some company information is also available from the following sources:
The Department of Trade and Industry operates the online Business Name Registration System (BNRS), which includes a business name search portal.
In addition, the Securities and Exchange Commission provides access to company documents for a fee, and the Philippine Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (PH-EITI) maintains public records on the beneficial owners of extractive companies.
There are two main company registers in Poland: the Central Register and Information on Economic Activity (CEIDG), maintained by the Ministry of Development and Technology, and the National Court Register (KRS), maintained by the Ministry of Justice. Both are searchable via their respective online portals; information from the National Court Register is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, information on the ultimate beneficial owners of companies is recorded in the Central Register of Beneficial Owners, which is also searchable online.
The Polish Financial Supervision Authority also maintains a register of entities; information from this register is accessible online.
Companies must register and file financial statements with the Commercial Registry. The information collected by the Registry is publicly accessible — documents for which publication is mandatory are available free-of-charge via an online search tool; other documents and extracts from the register are obtainable for a fee. Specific information on how to access annual accounts is available on the Ministry of Justice website.
Some data from the Commercial Registry is accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Ministry of Justice maintains a central register of beneficial owners.
Puerto Rico
The Government of Puerto Rico maintains a free online tool which allows one to search for corporations registered with the Puerto Rico Department of State.
The Ministry of Commerce and Industry maintains a commercial register; extracts from the register can be requested for a fee.
In addition, the Qatar Chamber maintains a searchable commercial and industrial directory, whilst the Qatar Financial Centre Authority keeps a public register of licensed firms.
Republic of Ireland
The Companies Registration Office (CRO) is the central repository of public statutory information on Irish companies and business names. The CRO's website includes a company search tool, along with information on company registration and filing requirements. Basic information such as company names, registered office addresses and dates of incorporation may be viewed free-of-charge; further information is available for purchase.
Information on beneficial owners is recorded in the Central Register of Beneficial Ownership of Companies and Industrial and Provident Societies (RBO). However, as of June 2023 information in the RBO is accessible only to Designated Persons and Competent Authorities.
The ICAEW Library can provide detailed company reports and financial data on UK and Irish public and private companies. These are drawn from FAME, a company and financial database. The data available will depend on whether a company files full or abbreviated accounts. For more information, see our Financial data and company reports page.
The National Trade Register Office (ONRC) maintains a publicly accessible Trade Register. Information from the register may be requested via the ONRC portal; limited data is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool. Some information is available free-of-charge; other information is available only upon payment of a fee.
In addition to the main Trade Register, the ONRC also maintains a Central Beneficial Ownership Register. Data from this register may be provided to members of the public for a fee.
Some company information is also available from the following institutions:
- Ministry of Finance
Entities are searchable either by unique identification code, or by name and county. - Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF)
The Authority maintains registers of authorised entities. - Bucharest Stock Exchange
- Ministry of Finance
Company information can be found in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE), which is maintained by the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Information from the register is accessible online, free-of-charge.
Saint Kitts and Nevis
The Saint Kitts branch of the Financial Services Regulatory Commission provides a list of regulated entities on its website; a corresponding list is available on the website of the Nevis branch.
Saint Lucia
The Registry of Companies & Intellectual Property (ROCIP) keeps records on companies, and provides access to company information via an online portal.
In addition, the International Financial and World Investment Centre (IFWIC), also known as Pinnacle St. Lucia, keeps records on companies and trusts registered under the international financial services legislation. It provides access to information from its records via a number of online tools.
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
The Commerce and Intellectual Property Office keeps records on companies, and operates an online entity search tool.
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry & Labour maintains a register of companies. It provides access to information from this register via an online company search tool.
San Marino
Company information is recorded in the San Marino Economic Development Agency's business register. The register is searchable online. Basic information can be accessed free-of-charge; fees apply for access to more detailed information.
Saudi Arabia
The Ministry of Commerce maintains a commercial register; information from the register is accessible via an online search portal.
The Serbian Business Registers Agency maintains records of company information. The Agency's registers are searchable online, via its unified entity search portal.
Some information on Serbian companies, including details of ownership structures, is also available from the Central Securities Depository and Clearing House.
Company information is recorded in the Seychelles Business Register. The Government of Seychelles maintains a Business and Company Search which provides access to the publicly available information from the Register.
In addition, some information on regulated entities can be found on the Seychelles Financial Services Authority website.
Sierra Leone
The Office of the Administrator and Registrar General operates a Business Name Search portal.
Companies file with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). The Authority's website includes an entity search and various how-to guides. Basic information such as registered number, name and status is available for free; other information is accessible for a fee.
ACRA keeps records on the beneficial owners of companies in its Central Register of Controllers, though the information contained in this register is not publicly accessible.
The Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore keeps a record of businesses registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST); this is searchable online.
In addition, the Monetary Authority of Singapore maintains a searchable directory of financial institutions.
The Ministry of Justice maintains a publicly searchable business register. Fees apply for access to some information. As well as being accessible directly via the link above, some information from the register is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic maintains a Register of Legal Entities, which contains information on beneficial owners.
The main source of company information is the Business Register of Slovenia (PRS), maintained by the Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Public Legal Records and Services (AJPES). The Register is publicly searchable online, either via the link above or via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
As well as the main Business Register, AJPES also maintains a searchable register of beneficial owners.
Some company information is also available from the following sources:
- Securities Market Agency (information on issued licences, plus a list of public companies)
- Central Securities Clearing Corporation (securities search)
Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands Business Registry keeps records on companies. It provides access to company information via an online entity search tool.
South Africa
Companies must register with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). The CIPC offers a number of search facilities via its website.
South Korea
The Supreme Court of Korea keeps a register of companies; some information from this register is accessible via an online search portal.
Company information is also available from the Small and Medium Business Administration (registration required) and from the Financial Supervisory Service.
Companies file their financial statements with the local mercantile register in the province in which they have their registered office. The Registro Mercantil de España is the central body responsible for publicising company information drawn from the various provincial mercantile registers and from the Registro Mercantil Central (RMC). Access to the amalgamated information is facilitated via an online search tool on the Registro Mercantil de España website, as well as through the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
Spain has a central beneficial ownership register, the Registro de Titularidades Reales. However, this register is not publicly accessible as of June 2023.
Information on certain companies is also available from the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV).
Sri Lanka
The Department of the Registrar of Companies maintains an online search portal through which company information may be accessed.
Companies must register with the Bolagsverket, the Swedish Companies Registration Office. Limited liability companies must file annual accounts with the Bolagsverket; other companies may be required to, depending upon their size. The Bolagsverket operates a 'Find company information' e-service and a 'Business register' e-service, both of which provide access to some information free-of-charge, with further information — including beneficial ownership details — being available for purchase. Some information from the Bolagsverket is also accessible via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.
In addition, the Financial Supervisory Authority maintains a searchable register of companies and persons authorised to offer financial services, as well as records of major shareholding notifications and other information disclosed by listed companies.
Switzerland has a federated company registration system, with a number of cantonal registers. The data from these registers are amalgamated in Zefix, the Federal Central Business Names Index. Zefix is freely searchable online.
New entries and changes in the commercial registers are publicised in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC).
It should be noted that not all Swiss companies are required to publish financial statements.
The Department of Commerce keeps records on companies and businesses in Taiwan, and operates an online search portal through which some company information may be accessed.
In addition, the Taiwan Stock Exchange operates the Market Observation Post System (MOPS), which provides access to information on public companies.
The Tax Committee maintains a searchable register of legal entities.
In addition, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) maintains a public register of the beneficial owners of extractive companies.
The Business Registrations and Licensing Agency (BRELA) operates an online business/company search portal.
The Department of Business Development keeps records on companies, and operates an online search portal through which some company information may be accessed.
The Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (CFE) operates an online 'Find a company' tool, and publishes legal announcements relating to companies.
The Business Registries Office keeps records on companies. It provides access to company information via an online register search tool.
Trinidad and Tobago
The Registrar General's Department maintains a register of companies, and operates an online company search portal.
In addition, the Trinidad and Tobago Securities and Exchange Commission maintains a public list of registered companies, individuals, and securities, and the Trinidad and Tobago Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (TTEITI) maintains a voluntary beneficial ownership register for oil, gas and mining companies operating in the country.
Company information is recorded in the Registre National des Entreprises, which is searchable online. Basic information is accessible free-of-charge; fees apply for access to documents.
In addition, the Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation maintains a searchable directory of industrial enterprises.
Company information is available via the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette.
In addition, various local chambers of commerce maintain registers of companies, many of which are searchable online. These include:
The Uganda Registration Services Bureau operates an online entity search tool.
United Arab Emirates
The UAE Ministry of Economy maintains a central National Economic Register; this is searchable by business name.
In addition, the Securities and Commodities Authority website contains information on companies and licensed companies.
There are also various sources of company information which are specific to particular emirates, such as:
- Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development – Trade Name Search
- Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry – Commercial Directory
- Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange – Issuers Directory
- Abu Dhabi Global Market – Entity Search
- Dubai Department of Economy & Tourism – e-Services
- Dubai Chamber of Commerce – Commercial Directory
- Dubai Financial Market – Listed Securities
- Dubai Financial Services Authority – Public Register of Firms
- Dubai International Financial Centre – Public Register
- Nasdaq Dubai – Listed Securities
- Sharjah Economic Development Department – Digital Services
- Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industries – Business Directory
United Kingdom
Companies House is the official UK government registry responsible for incorporating and dissolving limited companies, as well as registering company information and making it publicly available. It provides access to company information through a number of services, including:
- Find and update company information service
An online search tool which allows one to search the Companies House register (including the People with Significant Control register) free-of-charge, though fees are chargeable for paper copies of documents. One may sign up for email alerts of company transactions by selecting the ‘Follow this company’ option on a company's page. - Data products
- Extractives service
Company reports filed at Companies House can be accessed as Inline eXtensible Business Reporting Language (iXBRL) files via the Financial Reporting Council's UK iXBRL Viewer.
The ICAEW Library can provide detailed company reports and financial data on UK and Irish public and private companies. These are drawn from FAME, a company and financial database, and are based on records filed at Companies House and elsewhere. The data available will depend on whether a company files full or abbreviated accounts. For more information, see our Financial data and company reports page.
In addition, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) maintains a Financial Services Register, which contains information on companies and individuals engaged in financial services activities in the UK. It includes details of licenses, permissions, disciplinary action, and other relevant data. The FCA also maintains the Mutuals Public Register, a public record of mutual societies which can be searched online.
Other useful sources of information on UK companies include the London Stock Exchange and Investegate (a company announcements service for UK quoted companies).
For information on UK companies listed on stock exchanges outside of the UK, official stock exchange websites can be a good place to start.
There are separate entries in this list for respective British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies.
- Find and update company information service
United States
Company incorporation/registration is generally the responsibility of state governments, and requirements vary by state and business type. Some businesses may also need or wish to register with federal agencies. Information on how to register a business in the US — both at the federal level and at state level — can be found on the US Small Business Administration website.
Some companies are required to file financial statements with state and/or federal authorities at regular intervals. All public companies must file regular financial reports with the federal Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), for example.
Below, we provide an overview of official sources of information on US companies. It ought to be noted that the amount of information available on a given company — and where it may be accessed — depends to a large extent on the company's type/structure, and on where it is/was registered. For example, there is likely to be less information available on private companies than on public companies. Different states also collect different information. For tips on how to ascertain a company's type and place of registration, please see our main guide to finding company information.
In some cases, information on a given company will be spread across federal and state sources. For example, details relating to a public company (such as Alphabet Inc.) may be available both from the SEC's federal EDGAR database, and from the business registry of the state in which it was incorporated (Delaware, in the case of Alphabet). However, the information made available through each respective source is likely to differ – filings lodged with the SEC may be accessible via EDGAR but not via the state-level registry portal, for instance.
Federal sources
The main federal repository of company information is the SEC's Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval (EDGAR) database. As noted above, all public companies must file financial statements with the SEC. Private companies are not required to do so.
Free EDGAR services include:
The SEC has produced a guide to researching public companies through EDGAR.
State- and district-level sources
Each state has its own arrangements for the provision of access to company information. See the links below as a starting point:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
The District of Columbia provides access to company information via its CorpOnline portal.
There are separate entries in this list covering Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands, respectively.
US Virgin Islands
The Office of the Lieutenant Governor of the US Virgin Islands maintains a publicly accessible online system which allows one to search the Business Entity and Trade Name Register, as well as the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Register.
In addition, the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs maintains a searchable register of organisations holding a US Virgin Islands Business License.
Information on registered business entities may be accessed via the YaIDXP portal.
The Financial Services Commission keeps records on companies. It provides access to company information via an online register search tool.
The Ministry of Industry and Trade keeps records on companies, and operates an online trade names search portal.
The Patents and Companies Registration Agency operates an online business search tool.
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