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Sectoral indicators

Data on activity in the economy and within industry sectors provide key indicators for analysing and forecasting growth and performance. On this page you can find links to a number of key economic statistics by sector.

Building and construction

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

Building and Construction
Home page for publications and data tables on the construction industry produced by the Office for National Statistics.

Construction and Products Association
Corporate and industry publications from the UK trade association. Includes research reports with long-term projections for the construction industry.

Construction PMI
The monthly releases for the Markit / CIPS UK Construction Purchasing Managers' Index provide an insight into construction production and the performance of the sector. The index is 'based on data compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in over 170 construction  companies'. Search down the list of press releases for 'Global / CIPS UK Services PMI'. Other countries data is also available.

Construction Statistics
Annual report showing statistical trends in the sector, including output cost and price indices, compiled by the Office for National Statistics.

RICS Global Construction Monitor
Quarterly data on Global, UK national and regional construction workloads, employment and profit from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors. Their UK Chart book also contains a section on construction - giving a monthly snapshot of the UK economy.

Further resources

ICAEW maintains an Industry Guide for UK and global construction, featuring market research reports, statistics, trade bodies and trade journals.

Corporate Finance

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Coller Capital Global Private Equity Barometer
A global private equity barometer produced twice a year by the investment firm Coller Capital, with an archive going back to 2004. The survey reports on over 100 private equity investors worldwide.

KPMG: Private equity
KPMG produces a number of publications on private equity, including surveys and reports on emerging markets.

Mergers and Acquisitions involving UK companies
Quarterly data from the Office for National Statistics on domestic and overseas mergers and acquisitions involving UK companies.

M&A index
Quarterly report from Deloitte that forecasts global deal volumes and identifies the factors influencing conditions for dealmaking.

M&A industry trends
PwC publish a series of annual publications containing analysis of M&A activity by industry sector. The sectors covered include financial services, entertainment and media, telecoms and technology. An overview of M&A activity in each sector is provided together with forward-looking analysis of key drivers and trends.

Engineering and manufacturing

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

Economic output and productivity
Statistics from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) covering manufacturing, production and services indices (measuring total economic output) and productivity (measuring efficiency).

Index of Production 
Monthly data released by the ONS showing the volume of production at base year prices for the manufacturing, mining and quarrying and energy supply industries.

Manufacturing Outlook
Quarterly report with sector analysis and forecasting published by BDO and EEF.

Manufacturing PMI
The monthly releases for the S&P Global /CIPS UK Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index provide an insight into manufacturing production and the performance of the sector. The index is 'based on data compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in over 600 industrial companies'. Search the list of releases for 'UK manufacturing'. Other countries are covered in separate reports.

Further resources

We also produce a series of Business and Industry Guides that provide useful information on a variety of business and industry sectors, including links to market research reports, statistics, trade bodies and trade journals.

Financial services

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

CBI/PwC financial services survey
Quarterly survey conducted by the Confederation of British Industry and PwC. It identifies trends and forecasts future prospects for the financial services industry, including banks, finance houses, securities traders, fund managers, the insurance industry and other financial services activities. The archive of this report contains 2013-2016 editions. The editions for 2017 and 2018 have to be searched for individually.

TheCityUK reports
Research reports published by TheCityUK featuring key facts and economic trends for the financial services market.

London Stock Exchange Statistics
Monthly statistics on markets and trading activity published by the London Stock Exchange. The fact sheets provide data on market capitalisation and stock turnover for primary, professional securities and AIM markets.

Bank of England Statistics
The Bank of England compiles and publishes a range of financial statistics covering domestic and international banking. Regular statistical releases are available in addition to a free interactive database.

Fund statistics
The Investment Management Association publishes data on fund sales and funds under management for UK authorised unit trusts and open ended investment companies (OEICS). The site also contains an annual Asset management survey covering the size and structure of the industry, profitability, and key industry trends.

Further resources

We also produce a series of Business and Industry Guides that provide useful information on a variety of business and industry sectors, including links to market research reports, statistics, trade bodies and trade journals.

Housing and property

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

UK House price index
Monthly reports from the HM Land registry for England, Scotland and wales (Northern Ireland reports are quarterly) - succeeded the quarterly Residential Property Price Reports in 2007. Figures, going back to 1995, are given at national, regional, county and London borough level based on repeat sales. The site also has an interactive search tool for sold property prices

Halifax House Price Index
The Halifax Index includes national commentary and analysis, quarterly regional prices back to 1983, and an explanation of the methodology used to calculate the index since its creation in 1984.

Half Year Reviews (Hurford Salvi Carr)
A series of regular reports on the residential market in Midtown, City and East London from a firm of property advisors. The reports cover market trends, the planning pipeline and the future direction of the residential market.

House price statistics for small areas in England and Wales Statistical bulletins
Quarterly release from the Office for National Statistics which gives a different set of statistics to house prices than the UK House Price Index. Statistics go down to neighbourhood level (around 3,000 households per neighborhood).

Housing affordability in England and Wales statistical bulletins
Annual release from the Office for National Statistics which calculates affordability ratios from data on house prices and annual earnings for national and subnational (i.e. region, county, local authority) geographies.

Investment Property Databank (MSCI)
Comprehensive housing statistics from a global real estate information company, providing real estate research reports as well as market indices for a number of countries.

Nationwide House Price Index
The Nationwide Index features monthly and quarterly figures as well as historical data. The site also includes an explanation of the methodology used in calculating the index.

RICS Market surveys and analyses
The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) publishes several market surveys on housing and property issues across the UK and internationally, including:

Further resources

We also produce a series of Business and Industry Guides that provide useful information on a variety of business and industry sectors, including links to market research reports, statistics, trade bodies and trade journals.


Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

ABI Facts & Figures
Statistics compiled by the Association of British Insurers, including annual overviews, key facts and rankings. Further statistics are available to subscribers.

CBI/PwC financial services surveys
Quarterly survey conducted by the Confederation of British Industry and PwC. It identifies trends and forecasts future prospects for the financial services industry, including banks, finance houses, securities traders, fund managers, the insurance industry and other financial services activities. It has sections on general insurance and life insurance.

Insurance spending
OECD data on the ratio of gross premiums to GDP, representing the the relative importance of the insurance industry in an economy.

International Insurance Fact Book
An annual guide to the world insurance market from the Insurance Information Institute, a US organisation that aims to improve public understanding of insurance. The guide contains an overview, global rankings insurance companies and country profiles for 90 nations.

Retail and wholesale

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

BRC KPMG UK Retail Sales Monitor 
Weekly and monthly sales performance indicators from the British Retail Consortium. Subscription required for some data. There is also an index of the BRCs publications.

BRC-Nielsen Shop Price Index 
Published monthly by the British Retail Consortium, indicating the direction of price changes in the retail sector. Subscription required for some data.

BRC Footfall Monitor
Monthly report on footfall measured at town centres and out of town locations with a quarterly report on national vacancy rates. Subscription required for some data.

BRC Vacancies Monitor
Quarterly report on national shop vacancy rates measured at town centres. Subscription required for some data.

CBI Distributive Trades Survey
A subscription service that provides monthly indicator of trends in the UK retail and wholesale sectors.

Consumer Prices
The Office for National Statistics publishes statistics and commentary on inflation, the Retail Price Index (RPI) and Consumer Price Index (CPI).

IMRG Capgemini Sales Index
Measuring online retail sales. IMRG (Interactive Media in Retail Group) are the UK's online retail association and have been collecting online sales data since 2000. Membership required. 

Retail Sales Index
Monthly data from the Office for National Statistics on consumer spending and retail output. 

Further resources

We also produce a series of Business and Industry Guides that provide useful information on a variety of business and industry sectors, including links to market research reports, statistics, trade bodies and trade journals.

Technology, IT and telecommunications

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to a range of articles in full text from leading business, finance and management journals. This resource is available to ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users.

You will need to be logged-in to the website to gain full access to the range of articles available online.

Useful links

Deloitte: Technology, Media & Telecommunications
Deloitte publishes surveys, reports and rankings on this sector, most notably the annual TMT Predictions which examines emerging trends for the global technology, media and telecoms sectors.

KPMG UK Tech Monitor
Quarterly index of activity in the Technology sector

Ofcom: Market data and research
Ofcom, the UK communications industry regulator, produces a variety of reports and statistical publications, including the annual UK and International Communications Market reports and quarterly Telecoms Data Updates.

OECD Data : Innovation and technology
Data on global broadband access, Information and communications technology (ICT) usage and Research and Development (R&D) spending. Also links to the OECD publications OECD Digital Economy Outlook and Main Science and Technology Indicators.

Services PMI
Markit / CIPS UK Services Purchasing Managers' Index (Services covers computing & IT, transport & communication, financial intermediation, business services, personal services, and hotels & restaurants) provide an insight into monthly indicators of economic trends. The index is 'based on data compiled from monthly replies to questionnaires sent to purchasing executives in over 170 companies'.

Further resources

We also produce a series of Business and Industry Guides that provide useful information on a variety of business and industry sectors, including links to market research reports, statistics, trade bodies and trade journals.

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