See the tables below for a range of information on withdrawn/superseded IFRIC and SIC Interpretations.
More general information for those researching international accounting standards, including a timeline of their history and development, can be found in our main research guide. We also maintain a separate page on withdrawn and superseded IFRSs and IASs.
Those interested in the superseded Interpretations listed below may wish to consult Deloitte's IAS Plus website, which contains summaries and histories of particular Interpretations.
List of withdrawn/superseded IFRIC Interpretations
Number | Title | First issued | Date withdrawn or superseded* | Superseded by | Availability |
3 | Emission Rights | December 2004 | June 2005 | N/A | Held in the Library collection. |
4 | Determining Whether an Arrangement Contains a Lease | December 2004 | January 2016 | IFRS 16 |
The original version (as first issued) is held in the Library collection. It does not include amendments made by IFRS 9, IFRS 10, and IFRS 13. Consolidated versions of the Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
8 | Scope of IFRS 2 | January 2006 | June 2009 | N/A | Held in the Library collection. |
9 | Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives | March 2006 | October 2010 | IFRS 9 (2010) |
The original version (as first issued) is held in the Library collection. It does not include amendments such as those made in March 2009 and April 2009. Consolidated versions of the Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
11 | IFRS 2: Group and Treasury Share Transactions | November 2006 | June 2009 | N/A | Held in the Library collection. |
13 | Customer Loyalty Programmes | June 2007 | May 2014 | IFRS 15 | Consolidated versions of this Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
15 | Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate | July 2008 | May 2014 | IFRS 15 | Consolidated versions of this Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
18 | Transfers of Assets from Customers | January 2009 | May 2014 | IFRS 15 | Consolidated versions of this Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
For the purposes of the table above, the date at which a given Interpretation was superseded is taken to be the date at which the relevant replacement standard or amendment was first issued; not necessarily the date at which the latter became effective.
List of withdrawn/superseded SIC Interpretations
Number | Title | First issued | Date withdrawn or superseded* | Superseded by | Availability |
1 | Consistency – Different Cost Formulas for Inventories | December 1997 | December 2003 | IAS 2 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
2 | Consistency – Capitalisation of Borrowing Costs | December 1997 | December 2003 | IAS 8 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
3 | Elimination of Unrealised Profits and Losses on Transactions with Associates | December 1997 | December 2003 | IAS 28 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
5 | Classification of Financial Instruments - Contingent Settlement Provisions | May 1998 | December 2003 | IAS 32 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
6 | Costs of Modifying Existing Software | May 1998 | December 2003 | IAS 16 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
8 | First-Time Application of IASs as the Primary Basis of Accounting | July 1998 | June 2003 | IFRS 1 | Held in the Library collection. |
9 | Business Combinations – Classification either as Acquisitions or Unitings of Interests | July 1998 | March 2004 | IFRS 3 | Held in the Library collection. |
11 | Foreign Exchange – Capitalisation of Losses Resulting from Severe Currency Devaluations | July 1998 | December 2003 | IAS 21 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
12 | Consolidation – Special Purpose Entities | November 1998 | May 2011 | IFRS 10 and IFRS 12 |
The original version (as first issued) is held in the Library collection. It does not include amendments made in 2004. Consolidated versions of the Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASC/IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
13 | Jointly Controlled Entities – Non-Monetary Contributions by Venturers | November 1998 | May 2011 | IFRS 11 | Held in the Library collection. |
14 | Property, Plant and Equipment – Compensation for the Impairment or Loss of Items | November 1998 | December 2003 | IAS 16 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
15 | Operating Leases – Incentives | July 1999 | January 2016 | IFRS 16 | Held in the Library collection. |
16 | Share Capital – Reacquired Own Equity Instruments (Treasury Shares) | January 1999 | December 2003 | IAS 32 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
17 | Equity – Costs of an Equity Transaction | January 2000 | December 2003 | IAS 32 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
18 | Consistency – Alternative Methods | January 2000 | December 2003 | IAS 8 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
19 | Reporting Currency – Measurement and Presentation of Financial Statements under IAS 21 and IAS 29 | November 2000 | December 2003 | IAS 21 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
20 | Equity Accounting Method – Recognition of Losses | July 2000 | December 2003 | IAS 28 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
21 | Income Taxes – Recovery of Revalued Non-Depreciable Assets | July 2000 | December 2010 | IAS 12 (amended 2010) | Held in the Library collection. |
22 | Business Combinations – Subsequent Adjustment of Fair Values and Goodwill Initially Reported | July 2000 | March 2004 | IFRS 3 | Held in the Library collection. |
23 | Property, Plant and Equipment – Major Inspection or Overhaul Costs | July 2000 | December 2003 | IAS 16 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
24 | Earnings Per Share – Financial Instruments and Other Contracts that May Be Settled in Shares | November 2000 | December 2003 | IAS 33 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
27 | Evaluating the Substance of Transactions in the Legal Form of a Lease | December 2001 | January 2016 | IFRS 16 |
The original version (as first issued) is held in the Library collection. It does not include amendments such as those made by IFRS 9 and IFRS 15. Consolidated versions of the Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASC/IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
28 | Business Combinations – 'Date of Exchange' and Fair Value of Equity Instruments | December 2001 | March 2004 | IFRS 3 | Held in the Library collection. |
30 | Reporting Currency – Translation from Measurement Currency to Presentation Currency | December 2001 | December 2003 | IAS 21 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
31 | Revenue – Barter Transactions Involving Advertising Services | December 2001 | May 2014 | IFRS 15 |
The original version (as first issued) is held in the Library collection. It does not include amendments such as those made by IFRS 13. Consolidated versions of the Interpretation as it stood at particular dates (incorporating any applicable amendments) can be found in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASC/IASB, and are available from the Library on request. |
33 | Consolidation and Equity Method – Potential Voting Rights and Allocation of Ownership Interests | December 2001 | December 2003 | IAS 27 (2003) and IAS 28 (2003) | Held in the Library collection. |
For the purposes of the table above, the date at which a given Interpretation was superseded is taken to be the date at which the relevant replacement standard or amendment was first issued; not necessarily the date at which the latter became effective.
Auxiliary material
Further guidance and commentary on IFRIC/SIC Interpretations can be found in the many IFRS manuals held in the Library collection, as well as in the annual sets of print volumes published by the IASC/IASB (which also reproduce the Interpretations themselves).
The Library also holds a number of draft IFRIC/SIC Interpretations.
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