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Research guide

Company information sources by jurisdiction

This page highlights sources of company information that are specific to particular countries and other jurisdictions, with an emphasis on official business registers.

The list below is arranged alphabetically by jurisdiction name. Whilst its coverage is not comprehensive — we have been unable to locate suitable sources for certain jurisdictions — it may serve as a rough guide to key sources of information on companies registered and/or operating in particular countries and territories.

In some cases, details of sources specific to particular sub-national divisions and political entities are included within the entry for the relevant sovereign state. For example, information on sources relating to particular US states is included in the entry for the United States.

It should be noted that many of the sources listed are not available in English, and that whilst some provide information free-of-charge, others charge access fees.

For information on general sources which cover multiple jurisdictions, as well as guidance on how to tell where a company is/was registered, please see our main guide to finding company information.








  • Germany

    The Company Register (Unternehmensregister) is a central repository of information on German companies. Much of the information held in the register is freely accessible online, though fees are charged for the retrieval/certification of deposited annual financial statements.

    The Common Register Portal of the German federal states, meanwhile, provides a single point of access to company information held in various state-level registers around Germany.

    Information drawn from the Company Register and from the Common Register Portal is searchable via the European e-Justice Portal's 'Find a company' tool.

    Company announcements, some accounting documents and company reports, as well as capital market information are published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger). An overview of the material published in the Gazette can be found on its website.

    Information on the beneficial owners of companies is recorded in the Transparency Register (Transparenzregister), though access to the Register is restricted. Members of the public may be granted limited access, provided they demonstrate a legitimate interest.

    Germany's Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) maintains a company database containing details of banks, financial services providers, asset management companies, insurers and pension funds which it has authorised to operate, or which have notified BaFin of their intention to provide cross-border services or establish a branch in Germany.

    Details of additional sources of information on German companies can be found on the German-British Chamber of Industry & Commerce website.

  • Greenland
    Greenlandic companies are registered in the Danish Central Business Register (CVR). Some information and documents can be viewed/downloaded for free; some are accessible only upon payment of a fee.
  • Guatemala
    The Mercantile Registry keeps records on companies, which may be consulted online (registration required).
  • Guernsey

    The Guernsey Registry holds information on all companies registered in Guernsey. A company search facility is available, with charges applying for some information. The Registry's website includes some guidance on how to conduct company searches.

    The Registry collects information on beneficial owners, but as of June 2023 this information is not publicly accessible.




  • Jamaica
    The Companies Office of Jamaica keeps records on companies, and operates an online company search tool.
  • Jersey

    Companies register with the Jersey Financial Services Commission's Companies Registry. The Commission's website includes a search tool through which one may access information from the various registers maintained by the Registry.

    The Registry keeps records on the beneficial ownership and control of companies, but as of June 2023 these are not publicly accessible.

  • Jordan

    The Companies Control Department operates an online search portal which provides access to basic information on registered companies.

    In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade operates a number of online services through which company information may be accessed.












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