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Statistics on accountancy networks and associations

Research guide

Published: 29 Oct 2014 Updated: 13 Jul 2023 Update History

Sources for statistics on the top accounting networks and associations, both in the UK and worldwide.

Global: Top networks

Accountancy Age

Accountancy Age publishes an annual survey of the top international accounting networks and associations on its website which includes figures for combined annual total income.

You can access the latest survey at Top 25 International Networks 2022 and Top 21 International Alliances and Associations 2022.

Surveys from previous years are also available on the Accountancy Age web site:

Older surveys may be available from the ICAEW Library & Information Service which holds a complete run of Accountancy Age.

International Accounting Bulletin

The International Accounting Bulletin publishes an annual world survey with league tables for the leading networks and leading associations arranged by fee income (with details of the fee split) and by staff (with details of the number of offices and the split between partners, professional staff and administrative staff). Recent surveys include:

  • World Survey 2023. Published in the February 2023 issue. A supplement is also available providing a summary of the key findings.
  • World Survey 2022. Published in the February 2022 issue. A supplement is also available providing a summary of the key findings.
  • World Survey 2021. Published in the February 2021 issue. A free-to-access summary of the key findings is available.
  • World Survey 2020. Published in the February 2020 issue. A free-to-access summary of the key findings is available.
  • World Survey 2019. Published in the February 2019 issue. A free-to-access summary of the key findings is available.
  • World Survey 2018. Published in the February 2018. A free-to-access summary of the key findings is available.

The ICAEW Library & Information Service holds a run of the International Accounting Bulletin from 1983 to March 2021. To find out more about the availability of issues please see Library holdings: International Accounting Bulletin.

For information on obtaining copies of individual issues of the International Accounting Bulletin please contact the publishers Verdict.

Regional: Top networks

The International Accounting Bulletin publishes an annual world survey with league tables for the leading networks and leading associations arranged by fee income (with details of the fee split) and by staff (with details of the number of offices and the split between partners, professional staff and administrative staff). It includes regional tables for:

  • Africa
  • Asia-Pacific
  • Europe
  • Latin America
  • Middle East
  • North America

The ICAEW Library & Information Service holds a run of the International Accounting Bulletin from 1983 to March 2021. To find out more about the availability of issues please see Library holdings: International Accounting Bulletin.

For information on obtaining copies of individual issues of the International Accounting Bulletin please contact the publishers Verdict.

International: Top networks

The journal International Accounting Bulletin publishes a series of country surveys which provide statistics on top networks and associations. The data available for each country includes a table ranking top networks and associations by fee income (with details of the fee split) and by staff (with details of the number of offices, the split between partners, professional staff and administrative staff and the number of female staff and partners).

To see an up-to-date list of countries covered by these surveys, please see the county surveys section of the journal's web site. As an indication, countries surveyed in the past have included: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, China, France, Ghana, Egypt, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vietnam.

The ICAEW Library & Information Service holds a run of the International Accounting Bulletin from 1983 to March 2021. To find out more about the availability of issues please see Library holdings: International Accounting Bulletin.

For information on obtaining copies of individual issues of the International Accounting Bulletin please contact the publishers Verdict.

United Kingdom: Top networks

The International Accounting Bulletin publishes a country survey for the United Kingdom with a league table for the leading networks and leading associations in the UK arranged by fee income (with details of the fee split) and by staff (with details of the number of offices, the split between partners, professional staff and administrative staff and the number of female staff and partners).

The ICAEW Library & Information Service holds a run of the International Accounting Bulletin from 1983 to March 2021. To find out more about the availability of issues please see Library holdings: International Accounting Bulletin.

For information on obtaining copies of individual issues of the International Accounting Bulletin please contact the publishers Verdict.

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