ICAEW articles
ACA opportunities in post-FTA Switzerland
The developing free trade agreement in Switzerland has made it easier for ICAEW members to work there, thanks to the provisions on mutual recognition of audit qualifications. ICAEW member Mark Hawkins explains the benefits.
Tax news in brief 21 June 2023
Highlights from the broader tax news for the week ending 21 June 2023, including: employer updates; income record viewer video; deadline to create agent services account for repayment claims; raising awareness of tax avoidance schemes; corporate interest restriction reporting companies; and interactive guidance and gform for self-employed taxpayers working abroad.
ICAEW resources
Working internationally
Developing a global mindset is essential if you want to progress in today’s competitive business environment. Experience of working internationally is often seen as critical career experience for reaching senior management levels.
Worldwide resources and support
Whether you are looking to move or are already working abroad, ICAEW provides country-specific resources and networking opportunities for members around the world.
Contact members
ICAEW has a network of contact members around the world. Our contact members are your single point of contact for enquiries and act as an ambassador in promoting ICAEW's strategy and brand within a country.
Country resources
Resources on over 170 countries and territories including economic forecasts, guides to doing business and information on the tax climate in each jurisdiction.
Doing business in
Explore the key issues for doing business abroad in over 130 countries and jurisdictions, from setting up a business to understanding local etiquette. Find business guides, support networks and help on importing and exporting.
Country and region guides for expats
Collection of practical guides from HSBC Expat covering over twenty countries and regions. Includes information on moving, living and working abroad together with tips from expats.
Living in country guides
Series of country guides providing advice for UK nationals living abroad. Includes residency, health and benefits and specific advice for people following the UK's departure from the EU.
Taxation of international executives
A series of country-specific summaries produced by KPMG covering income tax and social security rates and other tax legislation relating to expatriate employees.
Worldwide personal tax and immigration guide
Series of tax guides from EY summarising the personal tax regimes in more than 150 countries. Provides information on income tax, social security, tax filing and payment procedures, double tax relief and tax treaties, temporary visas, work visas and permits, residence visas and permits, and family and personal considerations.
Expat insider 2024
Annual survey from InterNations which provides analysis of everyday expat life in a number of countries worldwide. The
Working abroad index explores the best places for expats to build a career.
Future of global mobility
Survey by Deloitte of a group of global mobility, reward, payroll and HR leaders on the future of global mobility. Explores trends including remote working and digitisation and the impact on international assignments. Published in September 2021.
Global assignment policies and practice
Regularly updated KPMG report, based on a survey of over 100 multinational organizations in jurisdictions worldwide, on managing and administering international assignment programmes. The report covers areas such as assessment and performance, assignment compensation and allowances, preparation and planning, administration and outsourcing, as well as taxation policies.
Cost of living reports
Information on international cost of living to help make decisions on salary levels, evaluate job opportunities or produce estimates for the cost of overseas relocation.
Retail Prices Index (RPI) and Consumer Prices Index (CPI)
In our in-depth guide to the Retail Prices Index (RPI), the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), and the Consumer Prices Index including owner occupiers' housing costs (CPIH), we set out a range of sources for current and historical UK price indices data.
Cost of living survey
Mercer's Cost of Living Survey is published twice a year and is available to purchase through their website. The Cost of Living City Ranking is freely available to view. Mercer also conduct research on a range of global mobility topics.
Working in Australia
Working as a Chartered Accountant in Australia
ICAEW has a membership recognition agreement with CAANZ in Australia and New Zealand. You may able to join the local institute without sitting further assessment, provided you maintain your ICAEW membership. See ICAEW's Working Internationally page for more more details.
Useful links
Moving to Australia
Frequently asked questions on living and working in Australia. Find out about your qualification, national insurance contributions, taxation, and entry requirements.
Australia salary guide 2024
Survey by global recruitment firm Robert Half which includes salary and benefit data for finance and accounting roles in Australia.
CA ANZ remuneration survey report 2023
Survey measuring remuneration among Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA ANZ) members across different demographics, sectors and positions.
Health care for visitors to Australia
Information from the Australian Government on Reciprocal Health Care Agreements and the services these provide to visitors from a number of countries.
Working in Australia
Information on work visas from the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs.
See also the Guides section for information on living and working in this region.
Working in Canada
Chartered Accountants Worldwide Network USA provides support and networking opportunities to Chartered Accountants who are living and working in the USA. It expanded in 2023 to include Chartered Accountants in Canada, with ICAEW members living and working in Canada eligible to join.
Useful links
Welcome to Canada
Publications from the Government of Canada providing quick and easy access to things that are important to know about living in Canada. Includes helpful information on the country, its laws, employment, housing, transportation, healthcare and money and finances.
See also the Guides section for information on living and working in this region.
Working in Europe
Useful links
Work in an EU country
Guidance from GOV.UK for UK citizens on working in the EU which covers healthcare and insurance, working abroad for a UK employer and tax.
See also the Guides section for information on living and working in Europe.
Working in Hong Kong SAR
Working as a Chartered Accountant in Hong Kong SAR
ICAEW has a membership recognition agreement with HKICPA in Hong Kong SAR. You may able to join the local institute without sitting further assessment, provided you maintain your ICAEW membership. See ICAEW's Working Internationally page for more more details
Useful links
Employment as professionals
Information from the HKSAR government including guidance for those who want to enter or stay in Hong Kong SAR for the purposes of employment as professionals.
Hong Kong salary guide 2024
Survey by the global recruitment firm Robert Half which includes salary and benefit data for finance and accounting roles in Hong Kong SAR.
Visitors, tourists and employment visas
Information from the Community Legal Information Centre, a project established by the Law & Technology Centre of the University of Hong Kong, on obtaining an employment visa.
See also the Guides section for information on living and working in this region.
Working in Singapore
Singapore resources and support
Resources and support from ICAEW for members living in or thinking of moving to Singapore.
Singapore Salary Guide 2024
Survey by the global recruitment firm Robert Half which includes salary and benefit data for finance and accounting roles in Singapore.
Work passes
Information from the Singapore government on visas and work permits.
See also the Guides section for information on living and working in this region.
Working in the United States
Chartered Accountants Worldwide Network USA provides support and networking opportunities to Chartered Accountants who are living and working in the USA. ICAEW members who live in the USA are entitled to join, with ICAEW covering the cost of membership fees.
Useful links
Employment visas
Information from the US Department of State on visas for temporary workers.
See also the Guides section for information on living and working in this region.
Online articles
The Library provides access to leading business, finance and management journals. These journals are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users subject to suppliers' terms of use.
Swiss taxation of cross-border commuters working from home abroad
René Matteotti, Sarah Bühler and Peter Vogt of Tax Partner AG analyse Switzerland's bilateral cross-border commuter agreements, with a special focus on working from home, and discuss recent developments in this area.
Do you mind? Exploring our willingness to discuss behavioral health with expatriate employees.
Article discussing the unique challenge that expatriation brings and how companies can better support expatriate employees in terms of their well being.
French special expatriate tax regime: A breath of fiscal oxygen under control
Nicolas Duboille and Alexia Dal Ponte of Sumerson examine the French special expatriate tax regime enshrined in Article 155B of the French Tax Code, in the light of recent case law.
Being the boss abroad
The author describes four basis cultural types and the corresponding expectations about leadership in each environment.
My advice for operating at the crossroads between east and west
The author, a marketer for food manufacturer Mars, reflects on his relocation from the UK to Dubai and offers advice on achieving a successful expatriation.
Adapting your behaviour across cultures
International management expert Andy Molinsky gives advice on how to adapt to new cultural norms and successfully work with colleagues from different cultures.
Learn to embrace complex change
The article explores how to embrace changes in your career and personal life, using the example of Denise Wang, a marketing chief at a UK-based consumer goods company, who faces the dilemma of whether to apply for a role leading the company's Singapore office.
Made in China, by you
Canadian entrepreneur Rod Gray found an unusual solution to the headaches of subcontracting manufacturing work overseas - setting up his own factory in China instead. Here's his advice on how to go about it.
Articles and books in the ICAEW Library collection
To find out how you can borrow books from the Library please see our guide to book loans.
You can obtain copies of articles or extracts of books and reports through our document supply service.
Can't find what you're looking for?
The ICAEW Library can give you the right information from trustworthy, professional sources that aren't freely available online. Contact us for expert help with your enquiries and research.
ICAEW accepts no responsibility for the content on any site to which a hypertext link from this site exists. The links are provided ‘as is’ with no warranty, express or implied, for the information provided within them. Please see the full copyright and disclaimer notice.