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Charity sector

The charity, voluntary and non-profit sector offers accountants a wide range of professional opportunities. On this page you can access selected resources providing quick links to guidance, publications and key organisations in the sector.

Webinars and recordings


The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides full text access to a selection of key business and reference eBooks from leading publishers. eBooks are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users. If you are unable to access an eBook, please see our Help and support advice or contact library@icaew.com.

Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service

Eligible firms have free access to Bloomsbury Professional's comprehensive online library, comprising more than 60 titles from some of the country's leading tax and accounting subject matter experts. Find out who is eligible and how you can access the Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service.

Online articles

The ICAEW Library & Information Service provides access to leading business, finance and management journals. These journals are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users subject to suppliers' terms of use.

Model accounts

A variety of model accounts are available on request from the Library enquiry team. These model accounts are updated regularly so to ensure that you get the most up-to-date version, we recommend that you only request documents as and when you need them.

Contact us on +44 (0)20 7920 8620, by web chat, or at library@icaew.com.

Please note that document supply is subject to copyright law and licensing agreements which place restrictions on the quantities of material we can provide.

Model documents, articles and books in the ICAEW Library collection

The collection of the ICAEW Library & Information Service includes a collection of charity sector articles, books and model documents that can support your work. Use the links below to see what we have available to request in our Library catalogue (Libcat).

To find out how you can borrow books from the Library please see our guide to borrowing books.

You can obtain copies of articles or extracts of books and reports through our document supply service.

Further ICAEW resources

See the following ICAEW topic pages for a selection of online books, articles, guides and useful links:

Useful links

Charity Commission publications

Setting up and running a charity
Large collection of guides published by the Charity Commission, with sections on:

  • Charity money, tax and accounts
  • Fundraising
  • Managing your charity
  • Setting up a charity
  • Staff and volunteers
  • Trustee role and board
  • Your charity's board 


Charity Governance Code
Guidance produced by an independent steering group with support from the Charity Commission, setting principles and best practice to help trustees aim for the highest standards of governance.

Charities in Scotland
How charities in Scotland are regulated and the legal framework they operate in.

The benefits of trusteeship
Report from New Philanthropy Capital published in March 2012 which is designed for people interested in trusteeship and aims to raise awareness of the opportunities that trusteeship offers. It includes case studies on the role of trustees from the viewpoints of the individual, charities and companies.

Chartered Governance Institute resources
Guidance for the not-for-profit sector is available, including guidance notes on:

  • COVID-19 re-opening safely guide for charity trustees
  • model job descriptions for chair of the board, charity trustees, trustee secretary, trustee treasurer
  • trustee code of conduct
  • model letter to be sent to a trustee of an incorporated or unincorporated charity on appointment
  • model checklist for charity secretaries in companies limited by guarantee
  • model conflict of interest policy
  • model declaration of interest form
  • model register of interests
  • specimen induction pack for trustees

Some of the guidance notes are available for non-ICSA members to download following free registration on the ICSA website. 

Fundraising regulator
The independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Website includes guidance and a directory registered organisations.

Retention of accounting records
Checklist updated by Buzzacott listing required retention periods for a wide range of documents.

Other resources

Charity Tax Map
Online tool from the Charity Tax Group, helping charities to understand which reliefs, taxes and compliance requirements which apply to them.

ESG: A maturity matrix for charities
A April 2021 Chartered Governance Institute UK & Ireland paper outlining the rise of ESG factors in the commercial sector and explaining how they will become increasingly relevant to modern charities. Requires free registration to download.

Good Merger Index
An annual survey of consolidation activity in the not-for-profit sector, from Eastside Primetimers consultancy.

Made simple guides
Audit consultancy firm Sayer Vincent publishes a series of practical guides covering a wide range of topics relevant to charities, particularly their retail outlets.

2023 progress review: ESG in charities
A RSM May 2023 publication examining areas of ESG that are commonly disclosed in annual reports and websites, from a sample of 48 charities across England and Wales. Their 2022 report, The rise of ESG - what does it mean for the charities sector, covers a larger sample of 114 charities across England, Wales and Scotland.


Association of Charitable Foundations
Support organisation for grant-making trusts and foundations. The site includes a publications catalogue, guidelines for funders, an A-Z of trusts and helpsheets on how to apply for grants.

Association of Charity Independent Examiners
Body representing independent examiners with information about the role of the organisation, membership and independent examination.

Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Sectors (ACEVO)
The 'only professional organisation in the third sector that is dedicated to chief executives'. The website provides details of ACEVO publications and events.

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
News, information and links to CAF websites supporting charities and charitable giving. Includes links to country-specific charity support services provided by the CAF.

Charity Finance Group
Specialist organisation which helps charities to manage their finance functions. Membership benefits include special interest groups, forums, free helplines, example documents and good practice guidance. Some Small Charity Finance Support resources are freely available on their website, including a Small Charities Guide to Preventing Fraud and a Counter Fraud Checklist

Charity Law Association
A membership organisation which exists to support those concerned with charity law by acting as a forum for exchange of ideas and experience. The site contains model documents, working party documentation and a member's forum.

Charity Tax Group
Charity Tax Group (CTG) is a membership organisation representing charitable organisations on issues relating to the taxation of charities. Formerly known as the Charities' Tax Reform Group.

Chartered Institute of Fundraising
A professional body for fundraisers which promotes good fundraising practice. The website provides advice on fundraising and information on the self-regulation of the profession.

Institute of Risk Management - Charities Special Interest Group
The group offers information and seminars on risk management for the charity sector.

National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA)
NAVCA acts as a voice for the third sector nationally, and aims to promote the sector. The site contains a publications section with links to annual reports and monthly bulletins and information on funding resources, governance and salary scales and allowances.

National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO)
The umbrella body for voluntary organisations in England, providing voluntary sector information and briefing papers on topics from legal issues to trustees.

National Housing Federation
The representative body for not-for-profit housing associations in England. The site offers resources such as housing bill bulletins, factsheets and consultation documents.

Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA)
Body which represents and campaigns for voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities in Wales.


Charity Choice UK
An online encyclopaedia of UK charities on the internet, with over 10,000 charities and organisations listed.

Directory of Social Change
Publisher of the Company Giving database of company support available to voluntary and community organisations.

A free public US database of non-profit organisations, with details of 1m American charitable non-profit organizations.

Register of Charities
Search for charities by keyword, classification, income range or other criteria on the UK Charity Commission's website. The register also provides access to downloadable annual reports or annual accounts for many charities.

Magazines and bulletins

Charity Finance
Monthly magazine for charity sector professionals.

Economic Outlook Briefing
Quarterly bulletin produced by the CFG focusing on economic trends and their impact on the charity sector.

Magazine addressing governance issues aimed at charity trustees, chief executives and company secretaries.

Weekly magazine covering the voluntary and not-for-profit sector.


ICAEW accepts no responsibility for the content on any site to which a hypertext link from this site exists. The links are provided ‘as is’ with no warranty, express or implied, for the information provided within them. Please see the full copyright and disclaimer notice.

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Some of the content on this web page was provided by the Chartered Accountants’ Trust for Education and Research, a registered charity, which owns the library and operates it for ICAEW.