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Financial ratios

Financial ratios are used to measure and evaluate company performance by comparing items on financial statements. On this page you can find links to ratio calculators, guidance and formulas.

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Examining Accounts: Business Ratios
This is HMRC manual EM3080, for reviewing accounts as part of an investigation. The manual provides detailed explanations for a selection of business ratios. Please note that some passages of text within the manual are withheld under exemptions to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Understanding Financial Ratios
Company Partners explain liquidity, solvency, efficiency and profitability ratios and provide guidance on using them in practice. The page also looks at some limitations of ratio analysis.

Financial ratio tutorial
Investopedia article which gives explanations and formula for 6 basic financial ratios: Working capital; Quick;  Earnings Per Share (EPS); Price-Earnings (P/E); Debt-to-Equitty; Return on Equity (ROE)

Guide to financial rations
More in-depth Investopedia article looking at further ratios covering: Profitability; Liquidity; Solvency; Valuation; 


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Stocks and shares - P/E ratios

The FT guide gives an in depth explanation of the use of Price Earnings (P/E) ratios.

The key performance ratios

The FT guide gives looks at the key financial and shareholder ratios in chapter 18 'Company and investor lives'. Appendix 2 gives the formulas for calculating the ratios.

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