Latest on company law
Read our latest features and articles on company law.
Changes to company size thresholds
From 6 April 2025 an uplift in company size thresholds and reduction in reporting requirements will affect financial statement auditors, companies and LLPs.
Timeline for Companies House ID changes
Changes to identity verification requirements for company directors, and individuals with significant control, come into effect from 25 March 2025 on a voluntary basis. Mandatory ID verification comes in for new appointments and incorporations from autumn 2025, which also marks the start of a 12-month transition period for existing directors to complete ID verification.
Charities brace for Economic Crime Act impact
The Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act has corporate criminal fraud and economic crime in its sights. But the impact on charities is not to be underestimated. We examine the implications.
Technical round-up: January 2025
Fahad Asgar summarises the latest technical developments in corporate reporting, including targeted changes to nature-dependent electricity contracts; draft amendments to FRS 101; new regulation to increase the monetary company size thresholds; guidance to help companies identify sustainability-related risks and opportunities; and ICAEW’s response to the FRC’s discussion paper on the future of digital reporting.
UK Failure to Prevent Fraud: what it means
On 6 November the UK government published guidance on the new corporate criminal offence of ‘failure to prevent fraud’. Mike Miller, Economic Crime Manager at ICAEW, outlines the initial key takeaways and further steps and considerations.
Bloomsbury Accounting and Tax Service
Eligible firms have free access to Bloomsbury Professional's comprehensive online library, comprising around 80 titles from some of the country's leading tax and accounting subject matter experts. Find out who is eligible and how you can access the Accounting and Tax Service.
Accountants' legal service
An easy-to-use, time-saving reference guide for accountants who are faced with an unfamiliar legal problem or query.
Auditors’ duties and liabilities
Practical information and guidance on the legal duties and liabilities of auditors. Includes references to relevant legislation, as well as landmark cases such as Caparo Industries plc v Dickman.
Classification of companies
A chapter examining the types of companies that can be established in the UK, as well as the unincorporated legal forms under which business may be conducted. Includes a checklist for the registration of an unlimited company.
Companies legislation
The full text of the UK Companies Act 2006 and related legislation, including Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000.
Company law handbook 2024
Addresses the key features and principles of modern company law from a practitioner's viewpoint.
Company secretaries
Practical information, guidance and checklists to do with the legal duties, qualifications and responsibilities of the company secretary.
Corporate governance handbook (8th edition)
Practical guide on working within the legal, ethical and practical parameters of corporate governance. The new eighth edition includes new chapters on: Leadership; Diversity; Stakeholder Engagement; Companies in Crisis; Employee, Outsider, Management and Corporate Fraud; Glossary of Corporate Governance Terms.
Corporate transactions - The practice
A chapter illustrating examples of accounting practice and company law which frequently occur in the world of corporate transactions (buy-outs, buy-ins, reorganisations etc), followed by relevant tax points.
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Acquisitions and disposals by listed companies
Summarises the legal and regulatory issues a listed company needs to consider when contemplating a significant corporate transaction.
Advantages and disadvantages of LLPs compared with limited companies
A section discussing the relative merits of LLPs and limited companies. The points raised may be of interest to those considering incorporating a business entity.
Boardroom disputes
Designed to assist company boards with the issues and legal considerations involved in boardroom disputes.
Business law
A guide to the legal principles that apply to business, aimed at non-law students. Includes extensive references to cases and legislation, such as the Companies Act 2006, the Sale of Goods Act 1979, and the Consumer Rights Act 2015.
Choice of legal status
This section outlines the relative advantages and disadvantages of trading as a company, partnership or limited liability partnership.
Companies limited by guarantee
A guide to the incorporation and structure of a company limited by guarantee (CLG), as well as its managerial functions.
Company filings
Practical guide to company filing in the UK, covering when and how to file company information.
Company incorporation
This chapter examines company types and the differences between them, and outlines the processes for incorporating and re-registering companies.
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Articles and books in the ICAEW Library collection
The collection of the ICAEW Library & Information Service includes a range of articles, books and reports covering aspects of company law. A selection of recent works on this topic is set out below.
Tolley's company law handbook, 2024
A practical annual guide to legislation and case law relating to companies. Organised in an A-Z format, it is intended to serve as a first point of reference for accountants, solicitors, company secretaries and others involved in company law.
Tolley's company secretary's handbook, 2024-25
An annual guide to all the basic duties of the company secretary. Serves as a working manual to the legal and procedural aspects of company administration, covering issues such as statutory accounts, company membership, corporate governance, employment law, health and safety, pensions, insurance and taxation.
Butterworths company law handbook, 38th ed.
A company law reference work for corporate lawyers, accountants, company secretaries, tax advisers, regulators and students. It brings together statutes, statutory instruments and retained European legislation. Legislation is reproduced as currently in force, complete with all amendments, repeals and revocations.
Shareholders' rights, 10th ed.
A comprehensive guide to the statutory remedies safeguarding minority shareholders. This latest edition covers recent case law developments and significant statutory regulatory changes.
Company law handbook: the fundamentals
An accessible reference guide to UK company law. Covers the full company life-cycle, from pre-incorporation to winding up. The author details the key procedures involved in the establishment and operation of a company in accordance with legal requirements.
Principles of modern company law, 11th ed.
A reference guide to UK company law and its practical implications. Covers topics such as incorporation, separate legal personality, boards and directors, shareholders, creditors, accounts and audit, corporate finance, and winding up.
Further titles
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