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International organisations, surveys and other resources

A selection of links to information on the subject of money laundering across the world, including surveys, links to key organisations and national guidance.

Online books, guides and publications

Surveys and reports

Global economic crime and fraud survey (PwC)
Annual survey, using the input of thousands of respondents across territories worldwide. 

Global anti-money laundering and sanctions compliance survey (AlixPartners)
2020 survey results, featuring the responses of over 100 financial institutions across 45+ countries.

AML insights survey (ACAMS/Dow Jones)
Results from a 2017 survey covering AML challenges and workloads, data providers, client screening and de-risking.

Useful links


Asia-Pacific Group on Money Laundering
The website includes an archive of model legislation and best practices concerning money laundering.

Financial Action Task Force
The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an inter-governmental body with a remit to develop and promote policies to combat money laundering. The Forty Recommendations created by FATF set out a basic framework for AML. They were last updated in March 2022.

The Wolfsberg Group
The Group consists of 13 international banks which develop global guidance and principles for combating economic crime, including AML measures.

International Money Laundering Information Network (IMoLIN)
A network created to assist governments, organisations and individuals in with AML, backed by the UN Global Programme against Money Laundering. The site features a country-by-country listing of money laundering legislation and the Anti-Money Laundering Information Database (AMLID). The site also includes the Model Provisions on Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing, Preventive Measures and Proceeds of Crime.

Anti-money laundering by country


Anti-Money Laundering Online
A comprehensive website including guidance on how to comply and report, and legislation, rules and policies on AML and CTF.

Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC)
Australia's AML regulator and financial intelligence unit.

Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands Compliance Association (CICA)
A forum for professionals implementing AML programmes. The website provides information on the laws, regulations and industry practice of Compliance in the Cayman Islands.

Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA)
Includes the full text of the Money Laundering Regulations and other guidance on the prevention of money laundering in the Cayman Islands.

Channel Islands

Anti Money Laundering/Countering Terrorist Financing
Guidance, legislation and updates from the Guernsey Financial Services Commission.

Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism
The website of the Jersey Financial Services Commission includes Jersey's AML legislation and an accompanying handbook for accountants.


Anti-Money Laundering Guidance Notes
Guidance issued by the supervisory authorities in Gibraltar.


India Anti-Money Laundering Survey 2012 
Survey conducted by KPMG amongst financial institutions in India with a focus on AML compliance.

Isle of Man

Financial Supervision Authority
The Financial Services Authority provides information on AML legislation and guidance.

Republic of Ireland

Anti-Money Laundering
Chartered Accountants Ireland have provided updated guidance following the commencement of the Criminal Justice (Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing) Act, 2010.

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