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Useful links

A list of useful links for FCA Limited Trustee Directors

Hymans Robertson

The Brain

You will need your username and password to access The Brain (Hymans Robertson 3D Analytics tool)

Eversheds Sutherland LLP

Legal advisers to the Trustee

Insight Investment Management Limited

You will need your ID and password provided from Insight to access the portal for valuation reports and investment information on-line.

Newton Investment Management Limited

You will need your username and password to access the portal login for valuation reports and investment information

The Pensions Regulator (tPR)

The Pensions Regulator (tPR) is the UK regulator of workplace pension schemes. Their website has lots of Guidance and resources to help trustees in their important and challenging role. Click on ‘Managing DB benefits’ to access the Trustee Toolkit.

The Trustee toolkit is a free, online learning programme from The Pensions Regulator aimed at trustees of occupational pension schemes.

The Trustee toolkit includes a series of online learning modules and downloadable resources developed to help you meet the minimum level of knowledge and understanding introduced in the Pensions Act 2004.

New trustees are expected to achieve sufficient knowledge and understanding they need to do their job within six months of becoming a trustee which the Trustee Toolkit aims to do.


 HM Revenue & Customs – best place to find government services and information.