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Have you completed everything you need for your Pathways application?

Step 1: Create an account

  • If you don't already have an account

If you don't yet have an account, you can create one by registering for Pathways.

Once you have registered, you will receive an email confirming your registration.

  • If you already have an account

If you already have an account please login, you can login by entering your username and password. If you are a student, you will already have an account. Please use the same details to log in to register for Pathways.

If you've forgotten your password, you can request a password reset.

Step 2: Register for Pathways

Please visit our student registration page to register for Pathways. Within the student registration page scroll down until you can locate the Pathways tab, then select view qualifications followed by pathways eligible applicants and follow the on-screen process. A step-by-step registration guide for this process is available.

Once completed you will receive a confirmation email with helpful links on the Pathways submission process.

Step 3: Pathways submission

During an open submission window, you will be able to visit the exams online portal to submit your pathways application.

Please note that the online exam system requires you to submit all application documents together.

For a reminder on all documents you will need to submit, please visit our Requirements of Pathways page.  

Once the Pathways submission window has closed, your documents will be reviewed. If there are any queries you will be contacted via email, otherwise your results will be released on the Pathways results day for your session.

Interactive Pathways guide

PDF (4,863kb)

Access an editable copy of our interactive Pathways guide to print or save.
