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Read this example of how to approach your CPD obligations if you only work for part of the CPD year, which runs from 1 November to 31 October.

Meet Yakob

Yakob Meyers has been an ICAEW member since 2009. Sixteen months ago, he took a sabbatical from his organisation, using the time to pursue personal interests. He returned to his role as financial controller at a Central Government Department in the final quarter of the current CPD year (2023/24).  

Yakob's CPD requirements

As he has been on a career break for nine months of the current CPD year, Yakob is exempt from the CPD regulations for this proportion of the year. He is within the scope of the CPD regulations for the remaining three months of the year, on a pro-rata basis.

Yakob goes through the CPD self-assessment tool which confirms that his work as a financial controller falls into not-in-practice CPD category 2. The annual requirement for this category is to complete 30 hours of CPD annually, of which 10 must be verifiable. As Yakob has been on sabbatical for three quarters of the CPD year, the requirement is pro-rated at 25%, meaning he must complete 7.5 hours of CPD during the current CPD year, of which 2.5  hours must be verifiable.

Yakob is also required to keep records and make them available to ICAEW on request. 

Yakob's CPD activities

Yakob’s employer provides a programme of CPD learning tailored for staff returning to work. Yakob’s personal CPD plan is structured as two days of learning, to update his technical knowledge (12 hours).

Yakob also completes the employer’s ethics learning programme (two hours), which has similar learning outcomes to the ICAEW's ethics CPD course. In addition, he attends a skills refresher programme (three hours) prior to overseeing the production of the monthly management accounts. 

CPD required   Undertaken CPD
Minimum total CPD 7.5 hours Total CPD 17 hours 
Minimum verifiable CPD 2.5 hours Verifiable CPD 17 hours
Earning less than £1,000 a year?

If you undertake some paid accountancy and finance services, but the total gross income from those services is less than £1,000 per annum, then you can also choose to reflect on your development needs and undertake any necessary training. This is instead of completing a minimum number of hours of CPD.

More support

Find out more about ICAEW's CPD categories and identify which is most applicable to you.

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Online CPD record

As an ICAEW member, it's easy to manage your CPD activities and record your progress against CPD requirements in your online CPD Record.

Find out more about how ICAEW's CPD Regulations are changing after 1 November 2023