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Digital Bank Analysis Software

Where bank statement data needs extracting and analysing for forensic audit, probate, matrimonial, misconduct etc.
Where bank statement data needs extracting and analysing for forensic audit, probate, matrimonial, misconduct etc.


The product was developed primarily to assist Insolvency Practitioners to identify transactions defrauding creditors in order to recover money for creditors, but the usage quickly spread to compliance and other disciplines where professionals hold third party bank data and need to quickly gain insight.

Prism's software analyses banking data in whatever form their clients can obtain it - Excel, pdf, TIFF - by first converting all data into a standard spectrum of sub-data, then reanalysing those qualities in a cross referenced manner to identify unusual payments, based on a selection of criteria that mimic standard forensic reports required in court action. Reports are a tiny percentage of the normal costs of a forensic team, allowing insight in situations that could not normally allow the exercise on a limited budget. The identification of outliers is useful in a collection of investigations, litigation and compliance obligations.