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Retirement Community resources

Key resources for Retirement Community members.

Woman using calculator
Planning retirement

A guide to exiting your business

Useful tips on exit planning, succession planning, business valuation and managing a successful transfer when you want to retire from or exit your business.
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Blocks spelling exit
Exit routes

Exit strategies

Whether you’re thinking of selling your practice, succession planning or retiring (or your clients are), you'll find support and advice in this area.
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Flexible options for retirement

Flexible options for retirement

Approaching your retirement, there are a number of options for you to consider if you don't want to retire from working life completely. This page provides you with a selection of books, articles and links to help you explore and evaluate your options.
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Older man with laptop
Retiring business owners

Retiring business owners

If you're now considering retirement you will also be considering what happens to your business when you retire. Whether you are passing on a family owned business, or thinking about selling your business to boost your retirement income, the Library's succession planning resources will help you to choose the best option for you and your business.
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Woman using calculator
Wills and estate planning

Wills and estate planning

Help with planning the distribution of your assets and estate.
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Thought leadership

Our thought leadership is intended to change thinking and behaviour. We want to help our members do their jobs as best they can. Ultimately, this will enable a world of sustainable economies.
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Rodin's The Thinker