The enquiry
Jeff is FD and company secretary to a charitable trust. He is concerned about the actions of one of the sponsors of the charitable trust who appears to be trying to take control of the trust and is pressurising the member to behave unethically.
This particular sponsor was unhappy with the level of scrutiny Jeff has applied to a contract they have with the trust and this has led to a difficult relationship between Jeff and the sponsor. He is now concerned about some of the sponsor’s actions which appear to demonstrate a determination to take control of the charity such as pressing for the removal of various office holders.
Jeff is concerned about how to ensure that the sponsor behaves appropriately and doesn’t apply undue influence over the activities of the charity. In particular he is concerned that if he presses too hard he will be removed from his own position and that there will be no-one to query the sponsor’s actions.
The solution
Jeff talked through his situation with a support member, who was able to re-assure Jeff that he is acting correctly in scrutinising contracts to ensure the best deal for the trust. The support member also stressed that as a chartered accountant Jeff must act ethically and ensure that the interests of the charity are protected and that again, his actions to date were appropriate. It was suggested by the support member that Jeff gather together evidence to show the reasoning for actions/decisions and behaviour and to keep a copy of this defensive dossier at home so that he can access it whatever happens.
It was clear to the support member that Jeff was under a great deal of stress and she gave him details of the CABA 24 hour counselling services that is available free to members and their dependants.
Jeff took comfort from talking though his circumstances with a fellow chartered accountant which re-assured him that he had not been over-reacting. Often talking through a situation with an independent and objective outsider helps to put matters into perspective and gives confidence to continue along what may be a difficult path.