Support members
Our Support Members provide free, confidential and non-judgemental support to chartered accountants in difficulty. If there are any matters that you would like to discuss with a support member please use this list to contact a volunteer direct. Each volunteer has included their background and expertise so that you can identify with someone like you to speak to.
Name | Contact | Background | Specialism |
Celia Adams |
07815 833892 |
Celia trained with EY and held several FD roles in the private and public sectors. She is a Member of the Institute of Turnaround and active with several charities. Celia holds a practising certificate and understands the issues of private practice so any issues on practising certificates, portfolio careers, interim roles etc., a partner in a farming partnership/experience with start-ups, EIS schemes, peer to peer platforms and good at giving a wide breadth of “go to“ assistance to fellow members. Celia has been used to dealing with a large range of employment issues and can be a listening ear for anyone in financial difficulty, redundancy, work/life balance, returning to work etc. If not having the answers, normally knows a wo(man) who does. |
Imtiaz Ahmad | 0044 7749 824379 |
Imtiaz is currently working with one of the Big 4 firms. Previously he worked in industry for 14+ years in logistics, transport, trading, hospitality and facility management. Imtiaz has a unique blend of skillset by working on both sides of the table which helps him to balance the critical and sensitive situations in the profession. Imtiaz provides mentoring and counselling to professional accountancy students and has been teaching CA students for 13+ years as well as being a speaker for CPD events as well. Imtiaz has a total of 17+ years of professional experience and has worked with non-profit schools and charities as he loves to contribute back to society. |
Lawrence Brown |
07713 101113 |
Lawrence is the chairman and majority shareholder of Royston Power Generation Limited. Lawrence's latest experience is in industry and for the last 10 years or so in terms of strategy/sales/marketing/performance/growth. Lawrence has also spent five years as a NED and Chairman of an apprentice training college in Newcastle. As a support member, Lawrence is happy to assist with enquiries involving employment issues or working practices of the employer, disciplinary, financial difficulty, returning to work and work/life balance. |
Krutsna Buddhdev |
07970 406560 |
Ian Cherry |
01772 201015 |
Ian set up his own practice in 1988 specialising in Forensic Accounting and Advisory work and is also a registered Auditor and Probate practitioner. Ian has also worked in a small firm and Big 4 firms so understands the pressures in practice at all levels. Ian joined the ICAEW Council in 1996 and will have completed 25 years next year. Ian was recently Chair of Council from 2017 to 2020 and has served on the Investigation Committee, Audit Committee and for 10 years as an ICAEW council elected NED Board Member of the ICAEW Main Board. He also sits on several NHS Boards as a Finance and Audit NED. |
Paul Clegg |
07887998146 |
Paul works in general practice and provides audit file reviews and reports on AML compliance and DPB activity. Paul has lectured on subjects covering the implications of the Financial Services legislation, financial planning and raising bank finance. He has sat for many years on the ICAEW General Practitioners committee and was past President of his local district society. |
Shelah Dutta |
Please contact the SMS helpline if you would like Shelah's contact number. |
Shelah is a former hospital clinician, general practitioner, senior NHS manager and a past president of Institute Members in Scotland. Now retired she aims to find new ways to sustain and extend the participation of members and support the wider role of Chartered Accountants. Shelah can provide support on resolving disciplinary matters, redundancy, work/life balance, financial difficulty, returning to work and similar personal/professional issues. |
Roger Eastwood | 01342 851275 |
Roger worked mainly for Financial Services companies in a broad range of finance and regulated risk, compliance and corporate governance roles. Roger currently holds a number of non-executive posts with experience of Audit and Risk Committees and Chairing Boards in mainly Social Purpose companies including social housing and the NHS. |
Andrew Gibson |
07733 112898 |
Janet Haber |
07938 851535 |
Colin Heal |
07969 764570 |
Richard Joseph |
07958 541999 |
Jeremy Knight | 01273 203 654 |
Jeremy qualified in 1975 and has been specialising in insolvency since 1976. Jeremy runs his own practice, Jeremy Knight & Co, based in Brighton, since 1989. Jeremy has always taken an interest in Institute matters and has been a member of several different committees over the years, District Society President in 1991/2 and a member of ICAEW Council for 10 years. Jeremy was one of the original Support Members when the scheme was set up and has been one ever since having also served on its steering committee for a number of years. |
Chris Makin |
07887 660072 |
Chris is in practice, starting as a sole practitioner in 1971 and moving up to national and international firms. He was a general practitioner for 20 years and for the last 30 years he has been a full-time forensic accountant, mediator and expert determiner. Chris has served for many years on the ICAEW forensic, support member and ethics advisory committees, and he continues as a member of The Academy of Experts’ investigation committee. He lectures and writes for legal publications frequently. He has been a support member for over 35 years, and as well as knotty legal problems (negligence claims, director disqualification, disputes with partners and clients etc) he has experience of advising on disciplinary problems, and virtually all other problems faced by members (apart from audit, insolvency and financial services). |
Azeem Malik | 07977 839161 | Azeem has been in public practice since 1998, and as non-executive director (NED) of social housing provider (housing association) since 1994 till 2017. One of his main remits was to hear appeals during his tenure on the board, in addition to chairing a subsidiary company and chairing sub-committee of the main board (Audit/Remuneration) committees. Azeem has experience in ICAEW disciplinary matters and in chairing sub-committees of the boards and undertaking investigations on behalf of the board. He was also a NED for the local NHS Trust for 7 years (ministerial appointment). As a small practitioner, Azeem is happy to support members with practice matters. |
Kaaeed Mamujee |
07725 562 020 |
Sophie Parkhouse |
07715 521985 |
Sophie Parkhouse is Technical and Training Partner at Albert Goodman and is the firm’s first non-portfolio partner. Sophie was elected to sit on the central ICAEW Practice Committee in 2018 and in 2020 was appointed to the ICAEW Financial Reporting Board. Sophie stepped down from the role of ICAEW SW President in May 2020 and has replaced this with the Chairing of the ICAEW South West Technical Advisory. Sophie has experience in financial reporting and practice management with her current role covering data protection, AML, health and safety and Practice Assurance. Sophie also has a background in training and development having previously taught many of the professional qualifications as well as on A-level and degree programmes. |
Susana Poyiadjis |
35 799 309 098 (Cyprus) |
After completing her studies on LLB (Hons) Law at University of Bristol, Susana has worked in several financial services companies. Since 2003 she has been a member of Nexia Poyiadjis in Cyprus and Head of the Audit and Assurance Department. Susana is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Cyprus and an Insolvency Consultant/Practitioner. She has been a member of several committees over the years. Presently she is a member of the Cyprus Investment Fund Association, the IFRS Committee of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus, the Cyprus VAT Association and the Audit Committee of Nexia International. Susana has been a support member for ICAEW for several years and she is happy to assist with enquiries involving Audit, Insolvency, Advisory, Financial Services and other compliance and regulatory advisory matters. |
Alan Radford | 01279 718 536 |
Alan has worked as a sole practitioner for the last nine years after a career spent in all sizes of practising firm, ending as audit director in a mid-tier Essex practice. His work now focuses on accounting, carrying out independent examinations and advisory work for charities and tax work for private clients. He also advises a small number of private companies and family trusts. Alan has several voluntary appointments outside his practice as Trustee or Treasurer. As a support member, Alan is happy to assist with enquiries involving practice management issues, including closing a practice, regulatory matters and achieving a satisfactory work/life balance. |
Ted Wetton |
01226 215999 |
Ted started his career with Wheawill & Sudworth, then moved to Robson Rhodes now Grant Thornton. He worked there for 10 years carrying out Management Consultancy and Audit inc PLC’s as a Senior Manager. Ted then moved to the Insolvency Department again becoming Senior Manager. He later joined Touché Ross now Deloitte for 10 years and then joined Gibson Booth and set up the Insolvency Department, where he is now Managing Director of Gibson Booth Business Solutions & Insolvency Ltd. Ted can support on any matters regarding ICAEW membership including disciplinary, financial difficulty and any other day to day matters. Ted is a Licensed Insolvency Practitioner and has been involved with Management Consultancy, Accountancy, Audit and Taxation. |