There are four resource packs which will support the planning, teaching, and progression of financial education by setting out the key areas of financial knowledge, skills and attitudes, across four core themes:
ICAEW have out together four resource packs which relate to the four areas of the pfeg Planning Frameworks which aim to support the planning, teaching, and progression of financial education by setting out the key areas of financial knowledge, skills and attitudes, across four core themes:
- How to manage money – including saving, budgeting and managing debt.
- Becoming a critical consumer – including making choices about spending and looking for value for money.
- Managing risk and emotions – including looking after money, protecting against financial risk and fraud.
- Understanding the important role money plays in our lives – including understanding income, deductions and financial citizenship.
The frameworks are designed to look at financial education flexibly across the range of subjects and learning opportunities available within a school’s curriculum.
Each resource pack contains one lesson for each of the following Key Stages:
- Key Stage 2 (Years 3 - 6, ages 7 - 11)
- Key Stage 3 (Years 7 - 9 ages 11 - 14)
- Key Stage 4 (Years 10 - 11 ages 14 - 16).
Pack B ‘Becoming a critical consumer‘ contains a lesson which is suitable for Key Stage 1 (Years 1 - 2 ages 5 - 7).
A - How to manage your money
KS2 KS3 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Rohan's budget for May Worksheet
- You've spent how much?
- Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Mobile phone scenarios worksheet
- Mobile phone tarriffs
- Credit, have you read it?
KS4 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Good debt, bad debt worksheet
- Can debt ever be good?
B - Becoming a critical consumer
KS1 KS2 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Needs and wants worksheet
- Do you need it or do you want it?
- Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Bag the bargains worksheet
- BOGOFF or 3 for 2??
KS3 KS4 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Simple plane worksheet
- Monk Pacific worksheet
- Read the small print
- Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Money problem worksheet
- Help. Where should I go?
C - Managing risk and emotion
KS2 KS3 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Keeping money safe worksheet
- Money can be a risky business
- Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Fact or fiction
- Fact or fiction answers
- Scam the scammers
KS4 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Risk scenarios worksheet
- High risk/low risk
D - Understanding the important role money plays
KS2 KS3 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Local and national tax worksheet
- Local and national tax answers
- Money makes the world go around
- Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Gross or net?
KS4 - Character messages
- Lesson plan
- Surely cheapest is best?