It can be a difficult and emotional time when someone dies.
There are also practical matters to address, such as managing the estate and going through the probate process.
Choosing a Chartered Accountant for your probate application can help to ensure the process is handled smoothly and efficiently.
Who we are
ICAEW is an independent regulator and licensing authority approved by the Legal Services Board under the Legal Services Act 2007 to accredit firms to provide probate services. We regulate Chartered Accountants and accountancy firms to provide non contentious probate and estate administration work and currently more than 350 of our member firms are accredited for probate services.
How we support consumers
Our role is to strengthen confidence and trust in those regulated by ICAEW.
We act in the public interest and strive to ensure ICAEW probate practitioners and ICAEW-regulated firms act with integrity and undertake work in accordance with laws and regulations.
Promoting consumer choice and confidence is at the heart of what we do as a regulator.
We do this by Enabling, Evaluating and Enforcing the standards expected by the profession, oversight regulators and government.
ENABLE: We enable ICAEW accountancy firms to provide wider services that meet the needs of consumers. We enable consumers to make an informed choice by providing information and guidance to help them engage effectively with the probate market. This focuses on five key areas: probate services, price, quality, regulatory status and the complaints process.
EVALUATE: We evaluate the quality of work and compliance with rules by monitoring firms through ICAEW’s Practice Assurance scheme.
ENFORCE: We enforce by taking regulatory action when the standards we expect of ICAEW probate practitioners and firms are not met.
Find a probate firm
Find an ICAEW regulated probate firm or probate accredited accountant that can assist you with probate and the administration of an estate.
Explore our resources to find out more about probate and estate administration and the services provided by ICAEW accredited probate firms:
Costs and fees
Banks and solicitors traditionally charge a percentage of the estate whereas we would normally work on an hourly basis. I think it's just offering an alternative for the client.
Quality of service
Probate services offered by accountants
It seemed more sensible to use the people who knew all the aspects of my mother’s portfolio and tax affairs and who would be dealing directly with HMRC rather than having to reinvent the wheel.
What to do when someone dies
As well as the emotional impact of losing a loved one, it can feel quite daunting to think about the steps you need to take when someone dies.
Whether you are dealing with a loved one’s estate yourself or using a probate practitioner, this guide provides a summary of some of the key steps to consider.
You can find more detailed information about these stages in our guide for executors.
Probate can be a complex process and it’s difficult to go through that when you’ve just been bereaved. Not only is there plenty to do but it all needs to be done properly.
Guides for executors and beneficiaries
Our guides support executors and beneficiaries through the probate process.
What to do if things go wrong with an ICAEW probate practitioner.
What happens when we receive a complaint?
When we receive a complaint, we will assess whether there are grounds for disciplinary action.
If we think that the complaint meets this initial assessment, we will open a case and it will be investigated by an investigations officer.
This flow chart explains how ICAEW will investigate your complaint and the potential outcomes, which could include conciliation or enforcement.
Legal Ombudsman useful links
Regulatory status
Useful links and resources
Finding support following a bereavement
We know that finances during probate can be a concern for some executors and beneficiaries, particularly if probate is taking a long time. You may be eligible for financial support, for example if you were a partner or dependent of the deceased. If you need financial or emotional support when dealing with the loss of a loved one, there are several services that can help.
© ICAEW 2024 All rights reserved.
ICAEW will not be liable for any reliance you place on the information in this material. You should seek independent advice. This guidance is intended solely to educate readers on this area of practice. It is not intended to be definitive or comprehensive guidance and should not be interpreted as providing advice, nor does it take the place of independent and professional advice on any matter relating to individual circumstances.