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Regulatory consultations

As an improvement regulator, the Professional Standards Department (PSD) will initiate and respond to consultations on issues that relate to our regulatory responsibilities. We invite the views of the ICAEW members and the individuals and firms regulated/supervised by ICAEW, consumers of accountancy services and other stakeholders.

Open regulatory consultations

We encourage you to respond to the questions in ICAEW-initiated open consultations for an opportunity to have your say on regulatory matters when proposed changes are put forward.

Currently there are no open regulatory consultations. Please keep checking our latest news communications for when one is open. Open regulatory consultations are announced through these news outlets and published on this Regulatory Consultations web page.

Closed regulatory consultations

The closed regulatory consultations below are ICAEW-initiated consultations to which you can no longer respond and awaiting review of all responses received. Once this is complete, we will include a summary of our findings and move it to the archive below for closed consultations.

Closed regulatory consultations archive

The archive of closed regulatory consultations below includes ICAEW-initiated consultations that have been closed and actioned after responses have been collated and reviewed.

PSD responses to consultations

On occasion, the ICAEW Professional Standards Department (PSD) responds to consultations published by third parties in our industry. Recent responses are included below. 

PSD responses to consultations archive

In the accordions below, you can find past PSD responses to consultations published by third parties in our industry. 

ICAEW non-regulatory representations

ICAEW makes representations to policymakers on behalf of the accountancy profession explaining how changes to policy and legislation will impact day-to-day practice. Find the latest ICAEW representations, as well as those from previous years, and learn the views of ICAEW in its non-regulatory role. 


Further support