Key reminders and updates
Get it covered: meeting PII run-off obligations
Under ICAEW’s Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII) Regulations, firms ceasing to engage in practice must obtain appropriate run-off insurance. Sarah-Jane Owen, PII and Regulatory Manager at ICAEW, and David Gooding, a member of ICAEW’s PII Committee, explain why this is mandatory and address some common misconceptions, reminding firms of their obligations.
Commissions and fees: fully informed consent
A recent Court of Appeal judgment has clarified the law around the payment of commissions without the knowledge or consent of a client. The case related to payments made by lenders to car dealers, but the legal principles are relevant to other professions, including accountants. We look at the case and what it means.
Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
Asking the right questions: how to protect against professional enabling
We will explore the role of accountants in 'high-end' money laundering and the risks and red flags that firms might come across in their day-to-day work. We will also cover the money laundering risk that exists within audit and accounting services and the steps that firms can take to protect themselves against being professional enablers. Finally we will signpost some common pitfalls to help you and your firm ensure you aren’t making these kinds of mistakes and we will finish with a live Q&A.