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HMRC Insolvency Bulletin: Insolvency Customer Services mailbox

Author: Professional Standards Department

Published: 07 Oct 2024

HMRC has completed a full review of the rules of its Insolvency Customer Services mailbox to make sure it is aligned to the HMRC Charter values. Be sure to read their latest bulletin for the new rules of the customer services mailbox.

The Insolvency Customer Service mailbox insolcustservices@hmrc.gov.uk was launched in 2021 to support insolvency practitioners (IPs) who were unable to obtain a response from HMRC through normal channels, despite repeated attempts.

In October 2024, ICAEW was sent an update that HMRC has completed a full review of the rules of the mailbox to make sure it is aligned to the HMRC Charter values focusing on making things easy, getting things right and being responsive. They have also taken feedback from IPs on board and are now issuing this bulletin for the new rules of the customer services mailbox.

Access the bulletin to find out more:

Mailbox rules

All requests sent to the Insolvency Customer Services mailbox must contain or adhere to the following guidelines to avoid the risk of rejection.

  • A fully completed contact form “version 3” per case. Please destroy previous versions of the contact form. This allows HMRC to record and manage the progress of escalations in line with HMRC policies.
  • Contact form to document repeated attempts via normal channels (minimum of three), enabling HMRC to address route causes with those work areas.
  • The contact form will be digitally shared via internal HMRC systems, so please avoid handwritten or scanned forms.
  • The email must be sent solely to the InsolCustServices mailbox – HMRC removes escalations that are addressed to multiple mailboxes to avoid duplication of work.
  • Please do not follow up your escalation before the 15 working day Service Level Agreement runs out. This will allow a quality investigation and examination of root causes to be completed, and a progress update to be shared with the IP.
  • When HMRC is unable to deal with your enquiry, please see the alternative routes explained in the bulletin.

Additional support

Information on HMRC normal channels, processes and contacts may be found at the Insolvency Public Notice page.

Useful links