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Resolving challenges from banks and financial institutions

Author: Professional Standards Department

Published: 08 Oct 2024

ICAEW is working to build awareness among UK financial institutions that ICAEW-accredited probate firms are able to provide probate services and that access to deceased person’s assets isn’t limited to solicitors. Find out what actions are being taken and what resources are being put in place.

We are aware that firms have reported that some financial institutions have policies that limit account access to a deceased person’s estate to solicitors only.

We are engaging with these institutions to ensure this issue is resolved. To support ICAEW-accredited probate firms to manage any challenges accessing services, we have developed a statement to share with financial institutions that confirms that ICAEW-accredited probate practitioners are regulated in the same way as solicitors and should be provided access to the same banking services.

If you are experiencing any difficulties with a bank or financial institution, we recommend that you ask to speak with a senior manager and share this statement with them via a link to this webpage or to the PDF document provided. If this does not resolve the matter, or if this is a wider policy issue that ICAEW-accredited probate practitioners need to be aware of, please complete our online survey, or email Rachel Clements, Regulatory Policy Manager: Rachel.Clements@icaew.com

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