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All members are subject to annual CPD unless exempt under these regulations.

  1. Members shall co-operate with ICAEW, its staff and any Committee carrying out functions under Principal Bye-law 56 (Continuing Professional Development).
  2. Members shall supply any information requested under Principal Bye-law 56 (whether in the Annual Members Profile or otherwise) promptly and in accordance with the terms specified. Information includes any evidence requested to demonstrate compliance with Continuing Professional Development. Such evidence may include records, documents and other information whether in hard copy or electronic form.
  3. Where ICAEW has any issues or concerns relating to compliance with Principal Bye-law 56 these will be notified in writing to the member. The member shall, within 15 business days of receipt of such notification (or such longer period as may be allowed), provide a response in writing addressing such issues or concerns.
  4. If a member is a CPD exempt member (as defined in these regulations) paragraphs (a) and (b) of Principal Bye-law 56 do not apply.
  5. Renewal of ICAEW membership shall be treated as confirmation by the member of compliance with Principal Bye-law 56.
  6. Where a member makes a complaint about the conduct of ICAEW staff responsible for administering the Continuing Professional Development arrangements and remains dissatisfied notwithstanding an explanation, the Committee shall appoint one of its members to review the complaint. The appointed Committee member shall consider written or oral representations from those concerned and all documents he considers relevant. He may make such enquiries as he deems appropriate and shall then report to the Committee.
  7. The Committee may in exceptional cases accept Continuing Professional Development compliance with an approved overseas body as meeting the requirements of Principal Bye-law 56.


  1. In these CPD regulations unless the context otherwise requires or express reference is made, words and phrases in these regulations have the same meaning as in the Principal and Disciplinary Bye-laws.

Powers of variation

  1. The Committee shall have the power to vary or waive the above regulations.


Revised regulations

From 1 November 2023 these regulations are superseded. The revised CPD Regulations introduce new requirements including minimum hours to be completed each year and a mandatory ethics element.

Read the new regulations
Changelog Anchor
  • Update History
    09 Nov 2021 (09: 54 AM GMT)
    Version updated
    15 Nov 2022 (12: 00 AM GMT)
    Page template changed
    31 Oct 2023 (09: 55 AM GMT)
    This version no longer effective, superseded by 2023 version q.v.

Further support

CPD resources

We understand that one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to CPD. ICAEW provides a range of free and paid for CPD resources to help you stay up to date. See how you can maintain and enhance your skills and knowledge with ICAEW.

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