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Discover ACA

What is the ACA?

The ACA is a structured pathway for someone to become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. The qualification is comprised with a combination of technical learning and real-world business experience.

Woman holding a folder

Benefits of studying the ACA


Adapted to the real world

The ACA exams and modules are relevant to real-world application. It factors in the evolution of technical enhancements and the importance of ethical strategic thinking.


Flexible training options

Training can be completed in three years and can start at any time depending on your employer.


Globally recognised

The ACA is a globally respected credential in the accounting profession. This ensures that you will be valued in different countries and regions.


Level 7 equivalent qualification

The ACA meets the standards set by educational authorities. This accreditation adds to the professional credibility of the qualification.


Professional training

Our ICAEW authorised training employers will support you throughout your training. Meaning you will gain valuable work experience while you study.


ICAEW support and resources

There are a number of ACA student benefits, such as free access to Xero, an online suite of learning modules, mental health support, career professional development support, and more.

What is the ACA?

Find out about the elements that make up the ACA qualification and how you can study it.

Completing the ACA allows you to call yourself a chartered accountant. It shows you have undertaken three years of training, passed your exams and committed yourself to continued professional development.

Entry requirements

You can start your training to become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant at any stage of your career if you meet the entry requirements of your chosen authorised training employer*.


There are fees associated with training and becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. This includes: tuition fees, exam entry, learning materials and membership fees. Students who have secured an ACA training agreement are generally supported with these costs by their employer. However, independent students are responsible for paying the fees associated with their studies.

 Annual student fee  £206.00 + VAT
 Exam entry  £90.00 - £290.00
 Tuition  Varies by provider


It typically takes between 3-5 years to complete your training.

*An authorised training employer is a company that are authorised by ICAEW to train ACA students.

The four elements of the ACA

The ACA is made up of four elements, each designed to build the technical knowledge, professional skills, and practical experience you need to become an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. By combining technical knowledge, professional skills, and practical experience, the ACA ensures that students are well-prepared for the complexities of the accounting profession. This well-rounded training makes ICAEW Chartered Accountants highly respected and sought after, as they are equipped not only with theoretical understanding but also with the practical abilities needed to excel in real-world scenarios.

  • Ethics and professional scepticism

    Ethics is integrated throughout the ACA qualification to develop students’ capabilities. It’s about identifying ethical dilemmas, understanding the implications and behaving appropriately.

    Read more about what this looks like for you studying the ACA here.

  • Exam modules

    The ACA is made up of 15 exams spread over three levels: the Certificate Level, the Professional Level, and the Advanced Level. Each exam has been designed to fit students practical experience as they progress through the qualification and gain an in-depth knowledge of accountancy, finance, and business. 

    Find out more information and what content the modules cover.

    Read more

  • Practical work experience

    To complete the ACA you must be in a training agreement with an ICAEW Authorised Training Employer to complete your 450 day's work experience. It needs to be in a role with relevant experience to accounting, audit and assurance, tax, financial management, insolvency or information technology.

    See more guidance on the ACA practical work experience here. 

  • Professional development

    Chartered accountancy is much more than crunching numbers and because of this it is vital that you have the skills needed to be a successful business professional, such as communication, team work and problem solving.

    Find out the professional development characteristics here.

The Next Generation ACA

For students starting 1 July 2025 onwards 

The role of the accountant is changing. To ensure ICAEW Chartered Accountants are prepared for the future, we will be introducing changes to our qualifications from September 2025.  

Integrating the key themes of ethics, sustainability and technology throughout, the Next Generation ACA features three main components.  

Learn more about the upcoming changes: The Next Generation ACA

  • Business, finance and accountancy exams

    A refreshed, future-fit syllabus will build the professional skills you’ll need to excel in the modern workplace. With a redesigned ‘step-by-step’ learning journey, you’ll be supported to succeed at every stage as you complete 14 new exams split across three levels: Certificate, Professional and Advanced.

    Read more about the exams.

  • Professional Work Experience

    Preparing you for your career as an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, you’ll gain invaluable business and commercial insight by putting what you learn into practice, completing a minimum of 450 days of professional work experience. 

    Read more about the professional work experience requirements

  • Specialised Learning and Development

    To achieve your career goals faster, you’ll tailor your learning to your individual development needs and role, completing a minimum of 30 units of Specialised Learning from a wide range of interactive e-learning content. A new professional development framework will also build transferrable skills and a lifelong learning mindset as you prepare for membership. 

    Read more about Specialised Learning

Getting started

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Start your training

Search through the variety of training roles on ICAEW Training Vacancies to find the role that will kick start your career.

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Why choose ICAEW?

ICAEW is an international professional body for chartered accountants. We provide ongoing support to our students and members throughout their careers. Find out more about ICAEW and why training with them is right for you.

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If you want to discover more about ICAEW and the world of chartered accountancy we have, events, resources and a dedicated team to support you.

Dedicated support

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To read more about ICAEW, the ACA and your career potential, download the brochure.

Online resources

We have a number of online events that you can attend to help get you ready for your career.

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