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ICAEW Qualifications

Globally recognised qualifications

ICAEW qualifications are the stepping stones to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant and a foundation to a career in business and finance.

Discover the ACA

All ICAEW Qualifications

The ICAEW ACA is the most popular qualification that our students choose to study. However, ICAEW offers qualifications that teach the foundations in business, finance and accountancy without becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. ICAEW CFAB and ICAEW BFP are both equivalent to a level 4 qualification.

Certificate in Finance, Accountancy, and Business


ICAEW CFAB is the first step to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant, but it is also a stand-alone qualification for business minded people.
Check out ICAEW CFAB
Girl concentrating on laptop
Business Finance Professional


BFP is an internationally recognised designation that shows you have the technical knowledge, skills and experience in business and finance.
Learn more about ICAEW BFP
Boy holding bag
Boy sat on laptop in library
Associate Chartered Accountant

Discover the ACA

The ACA is a structured pathway to becoming an ICAEW Chartered Accountant. The qualification provides students with knowledge and skills in business, finance and accountancy combined with real-world business experience.
Find out more