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Climate assurance

A suite of resources to enable boards and audit committees to evaluate the need for assurance over climate-related activities.

In summary

Climate assurance: introduction

Directors are accountable for all aspects of a company. They need to be confident that they can make decisions and commitments based on robust systems, processes and information, with aligned cultural and behavioural practices. Assurance underpins this confidence.
Read the introduction
A lush valley full of trees with a river running through it
In practice

Climate assurance: case studies

Case studies exploring how to apply assurance principles, how to get your sustainability commitments right, and sustainability reporting in practice.
Read the case studies
Access to finance: supporting small businesses

A closer look at climate assurance

A fire in a residential area
Importance of climate assurance

Boards need to ensure sufficient resources are dedicated to addressing climate change risks and that there is transparency around the company’s commitments.

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A city lit by a red sunset
Meeting stakeholder expectations

How to manage the expectations of a broad range of internal and external stakeholders to enhance engagement and avoid widening an expectation gap.

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Sewage flowing into a river after heavy rainfall
Embedding governance and accountability

Explore the board's responsibilities, audit committee obligations and the role of internal systems of management and control in delivering effective climate assurance.

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An electric car charging in a car park
Considering your organisation's assurance needs

How making an inventory of commitments and assurance mapping may be helpful starting points in understanding your assurance needs.

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A flooded apartment building
Critical questions for directors

Key questions to ask about your organisation to ensure appropriate assurance activities are undertaken at the right time and are proportionate to the risks identified.

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A person standing in front a huge pile of rubbish holding a bin bag
Making the right assurance choices

Understand the advantages and disadvantages of assurance options, the perspectives of both internal and external auditors, and how to choose the most appropriate assurance provider for your needs.

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Thank you to Deloitte, KPMG, Mazars, MHLLP, PwC and RSM for their contribution to this project, as members of the external auditor advisory panel.

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5 white paper aeroplanes in flight, and one blue one peeling off upwards.