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Reporting to third parties

Accountants are regularly asked by their clients to sign reports requested by third parties, such as trade bodies, regulators and other third parties with whom the client has a relationship. When not party to these arrangements, accountants have no obligation to sign these reports, however, may assist their clients if they wish. This page provides resources for accountants on reporting to third parties.

Technical Releases on third party reporting

Reporting to Third Parties (TECH 10/12 AAF (Revised))
Guidance to assist professional accountants when asked to provide reports that have been requested by third parties. This Technical Release updates ICAEW Technical Release Audit 1/01, Reporting to third parties, originally issued in 2001.

A Framework for Assurance Reports on Third Party Operations (TECH 02/07 AAF)
Guidance on performing assurance engagements on various aspects of business relationships that are undertaken between organisations.

Assurance reports on internal controls of service organisations made available to third parties (TECH 01/20 AAF)
Assurance reports on internal controls of service organisations available to third parties (TECH 01/20 AAF) is a Technical Release published by ICAEW’s Audit and Assurance Faculty.

Specific sectors/types of reports

Mortgage and financial references

Requests for References on Clients' Financial Status and Their Ability to Service Loans (TECH 02/01 AAF - Revised)
Guidance that provides assistance when accountants receive requests for references where there is no need to perform any work, research or investigation to produce the reference. Issued September 2001 and updated December 2019.

Mortgage references: why accountants should stick to the facts
ICAEW has recently updated its guidance on providing mortgage references, but the basic tenet of the advice remains the same: chartered accountants should stick to the facts when processing such requests.

Reporting on Regulatory Accounts

Reporting to regulators on regulatory accounts (TECH 02-16 AAF – Revised)
Guidance which aims to promote consistency in the practices adopted in respect of regulatory reporting by independent accountants, taking into consideration the requirements of regulators. Issued in 2016 and updated in June 2019, it replaces ICAEW Technical Release Audit 05/03 Reporting to regulators of regulated entities.

Solicitors Regulation Authority Accounts Rules requirements

Solicitors Regulation Authority Accounts Rules Guidance for reporting accountants following the 2019 changes (TECH 03/20 AAF)
Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) Accounts Rules – Guidance for reporting accountants following the 2019 changes (TECH 03/20 AAF) is a Technical Release published by ICAEW’s Audit and Assurance Faculty. It provides practical guidance for accountants reporting to the SRA under the SRA Accounts Rules effective from 25 November 2019.

SRA Accounts Rules – webinar covering rules effective from 25 November 2019
Join Janet Taylor as she discusses the new rules and their impact on the work done by reporting accountants.

Civil Aviation Authority ATOL reporting

ATOL Reporting Accountants - Reporting to the Civil Aviation Authority (TECH 02/20 AAF) 
ATOL Reporting Accountants - Reporting to the Civil Aviation Authority (TECH 02/20 AAF) is a Technical Release published by ICAEW’s Audit and Assurance Faculty.

ATOL News is an update produced by ICAEW's professional standards team. Here you’ll find the latest ATOL technical guidance and best practice information.

Association of British Travel Agents Limited reports

Caution when considering ABTA Audit001 series reports 
Following the withdrawal of Technical Release Audit 02/02 in October 2019, ICAEW’s Audit and Assurance Faculty continues to caution accountants to carefully consider undertaking work on or signing Association of British Travel Agents Limited (ABTA) bond release reports (report series Audit001), since it is unlikely that work of sufficient depth and breadth to support a signed report will be possible.

Audit Bureau of Circulations Limited

Reporting to the Audit Bureau of Circulations Limited (ABC) (TECH 01/11 AAF)
Guidance outlining reporting arrangements established with ABC that will become effective for periods ending on or after 1 July 2011.

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