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Sustainability assurance

With the increasing global demand for corporate reporting and disclosure on sustainability, ESG and climate, the focus on assurance over sustainability-related information has never been greater. Find information, insights and resources below.

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Latest news and insights

IAASB international assurance standard

Sustainability reporting standard setting

Helpsheets and guidance

Connecting sustainability and finance

Accountants must take the lead on joining the dots between sustainability and finance information, performance and disclosures to ensure organisations are able to make the transformative changes needed. Read our guidance unravelling the mystery in the connection between sustainability and finance.

Read guidance
sustainability and finance plant with coins

Further resources

An illustration of an anchor
Non-financial reporting

Find a range of resources on non-financial reporting matters including the strategic report, energy and carbon reporting, and TCFD disclosures.

Browse resources
A butterfly with the pattern on its wings resembling the world.
ICAEW's Sustainability hub

Sustainability describes a world of thriving economies and just societies based on what nature can afford; finance professionals all have a role to play if sustainability goals are to be met.

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ICAEW Community
Sustainability & Climate Change polaroid
Sustainability and Climate Change

Inspiration, insights and collective ambition for professionals delivering on sustainability and acting on climate change.

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