Audit reform
Tackle audit reform and boost growth, says ICAEW CEO
Seven years on from the collapse of Carillion, Alan Vallance is urging the government to ‘close the chapter’ on audit and corporate governance reforms and finalise legislation this year to support the sector and deliver economic growth.
The government can see the economic sense of audit reform
King’s speech: the government has listened to ICAEW and other professional bodies on audit and corporate governance reform. ICAEW CEO Alan Vallance explains why this is such a positive step.
Why the resilience statement hasn’t gone away
Despite the government dropping a requirement for UK plc to produce a resilience statement, some businesses still see the benefits of adopting its principles.
Where next for audit and governance reform?
In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss the future of audit and corporate governance reform.
Informing policy
We need audit reform from our next government
ICAEW has given evidence to the Business and Trade Committee on the challenges of audit and corporate governance reform. Iain Wright, ICAEW’s Managing Director, Reputation and Influence, explains what’s needed.
Latest news and insights
2024/25 reporting season: changes auditors must be aware of
- Article
- 06 Mar 2025
What are the revised regulations and standards auditors need to get to grips with for the current reporting season?
Is the FRC doing enough to support small audits?
- Article
- 20 Feb 2025
A new FRC campaign to help SMEs navigate the audit market takes an upbeat approach – but there are deeper concerns about how UK auditing standards apply to smaller audits.
What private equity might mean for a firm’s audit status
- Article
- 13 Feb 2025
More and more accountancy and audit firms are considering PE investment, but they need to understand the impact on their audit status under ICAEW regulations and FRC rules.
Reminder: UK Corporate Governance Code changes
- Article
- 07 Feb 2025
The 2024 Corporate Governance Code has come into force bringing small changes in rules for the current year, but further changes are coming relating to risk and internal controls.
Tackle audit reform and boost growth, says ICAEW CEO
- Article
- 16 Jan 2025
Seven years on from the collapse of Carillion, Alan Vallance is urging the government to ‘close the chapter’ on audit and corporate governance reforms and finalise legislation this year to support the sector and deliver economic growth.
2025: a pivotal year for growth, skills and trust
- Article
- 06 Jan 2025
The world leaves 2024 in a very different political and economical state than it started in. Accountants have a critical role to play in navigating this landscape, but they must embrace change, says ICAEW CEO Alan Vallance.
FRC: ‘Considerable time’ required to balance audit market
- Article
- 20 Dec 2024
The Financial Reporting Council has concluded that a more balanced and diverse PIE audit market is some way off – although the market share of non-Big Four firms is growing.
Wates Principles: seven steps towards better governance reporting
- Article
- 11 Dec 2024
A recent FRC report studied the quality of governance reporting and adoption of the Wates Principles. Its authors outline where businesses could improve.
Exploring the headline reforms
Where next for audit and governance reform?
- Podcast
In this Insights In Focus episode, we discuss the future of audit and corporate governance reform.
Developing a meaningful Audit and Assurance Policy
- Report
ICAEW recommendations in this report and the extensive outreach and evidence gathering process on which they are based, suggest that introducing an “Audit and Assurance Policy“ could render corporate information more informative.
Audit manifesto
- Article
This manifesto for audit distils knowledge and insights from ICAEW’s AuditFutures initiative into five principles for building a modern audit profession.
Driving more informative auditor resignation statements
- Helpsheets and support
Are auditors providing meaningful information in their resignation statements, and if not, why not? This article looks at the requirements and what stakeholders have been saying.
Thought Leadership: the future of audit
Sharpening the focus on corporate fraud: an audit committee perspective
- Thought leadership report
This report from ICAEW's Audit and Assurance Faculty considers audit committee perspectives on the nature and extent of corporate fraud and what the corporate sector is doing to improve the chances of preventing and detecting it.
Sharpening the focus on corporate fraud: an audit firm perspective
- Report
What steps are audit firms taking now to better facilitate fraud deterrence and detection and what more can be done by all players in the financial reporting ecosystem?
Audit quality: how to raise the bar
- Thought leadership report
What steps can and should audit committees, audit regulators, investors and auditors in the UK take to improve audit quality? This essay from the Audit and Assurance Faculty examines audit quality in terms of ownership, behavioural aspects, and structural drivers.
Fraudulent financial reporting: fresh thinking
- Report
In this essay we focus on ways in which the skills and insights of auditors can be brought to bear to maximise the likelihood of identifying fraudulent financial reporting.
Shared and joint audits: are two auditors better than one?
- Article
Governments and regulators are considering whether to mandate shared or joint audits in an attempt to increase audit quality, competition and choice.
User-driven assurance: fresh thinking
- Thought leadership report
With calls for better engagement between auditors and users, we recommend the application of a three "pillar" model of what we call "User-Driven Assurance"; a new way of thinking about assurance, directed in its first phase by the needs of the primary user – the shareholders.
Internal control effectiveness: who needs to know?
- Thought leadership report
Reporting on the effectiveness of controls over financial reporting features prominently in the current reviews of UK audit and regulation. This essay explores the current position in the UK, compares it with what happens in the USA and elsewhere in the world, and sets out the case for change and potential options.
Internal controls reporting: sketching out the options
- Thought leadership report
What might a future framework for reporting on internal control over financial reporting (ICFR) look like? This essay from the Audit and Assurance Faculty examines various reporting frameworks, including COSO and the UK Code, as well as how these fit in with Sir Donald Brydon’s recommendations.
Quality management
With new quality management standards for audit on the horizon, there is an opportunity for firms of all sizes to supercharge their audits and reap significant knock-on benefits that go beyond ticking the regulatory box