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Audit and reporting updates: September 2024

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Published: 12 Sep 2024 Update History

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Annual SoQM evaluations, updated Audit Regulations, CASS 5 audits, and more.

Annual SoQM evaluations

All audit firms must fully engage with the International Standard on Quality Management ISQM 1/ISQM (UK) 1. A first evaluation of the firm’s system of quality management (SoQM) was required by 15 December 2023 and further evaluations must be performed at least annually. 

This is an area of focus by the Financial Reporting Council and reviewers in ICAEW’s Quality Assurance Department (QAD) expect to see the conclusion documented, along with details of the results of the firm’s monitoring that it has assessed to reach its conclusion.

On the majority of audit monitoring visits, QAD reviewers do find that audit firms have now undertaken their first evaluation at least, but there are some that have not, and so have not complied with the Audit Regulations. 

All firms may benefit from reading a summary of what QAD is looking for in an annual SoQM evaluation, which issues would cause concern, and how engaging with QAD reviewers can help firms to avoid recurrences.

Audit & Beyond resources that may also be of help include:

Updated Audit Regulations

UK Audit Regulations were updated during 2023, more changes come into effect from 1 October 2024 and other changes are expected from early 2025. Individual ICAEW members, ICAEW member and regulated firms, and non-members who are registered with ICAEW for statutory audit, may be affected.

The changes relate to:

  • continuing professional development (CPD);
  • compulsory alternates for sole practitioners;
  • sanctioning of responsible individuals (RIs) by the Audit Registration Committee;
  • a firm’s eligibility to be audit registered; and 
  • mandatory notification of movement of audits.

The updates are being staggered to give firms time to adapt and to ensure compliance. 

To understand what is happening, when and why, read about:

Topical and technical webinars

Don’t forget to book your place for these forthcoming webinars:

Recent additions to the Audit and Assurance Faculty webinar library include:

Technical updates

The Audit & Assurance Faculty makes technical news from regulators and standard-setters available in Technical news in brief. This can also be accessed from the Audit & Beyond hub page.

Auditing and reporting updates

Stay on top of recent Audit and Assurance Faculty developments, as well as recent and upcoming faculty webinars and other important events for your diary.

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