Key resources
Virgin Media pension ruling: sponsor entity and auditor considerations
A Virgin Media pension ruling has raised concerns about the validity of past pension scheme amendments. The decision reinforces the requirement for actuarial certification of past benefit amendments made for contracted-out schemes and has created challenges for trustees, sponsors and auditors amid ongoing legal and regulatory uncertainties.
ViewAuditing pensions figures: sponsor accounts
Auditors will often come across defined benefit pension scheme liabilities (or assets) on the balance sheets of entities that they audit. Defined benefit pension schemes are independent of the entities, and this has considerable implications for the audit of the entity.
ViewAuditing pension figures: guidance unravels complexities
Auditing pension figures in statutory accounts can be extremely complex. ICAEW’s Audit and Assurance Faculty has created a new guidance hub to outline good practice.
ICAEW and the LGPS Scheme Advisory Board are pleased to publish a Local Government Pension Scheme Informer.