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Evaluating going concern

Going concern is the fundamental assumption that an entity will continue to operate in the foreseeable future. Understanding whether an entity is a going concern is a key concern for management, investors and auditors. Stakeholders want to understand how viable and resilient an entity is to current and future stresses.


Managing and forecasting cash

Guidance on managing cash and producing cash flows and forecasting.

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Director responsibilities

Guidance on going concern, strategic finance, and resilience planning for directors.

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Preparing financial statements

Guidance on the going concern concept for preparers of accounts.

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Auditing going concern

Guidance on testing going concern for auditors.

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Understanding going concern

Guidance to help investors and other users of accounts understand going concern.

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Resilience and viability in Financial Services

Guidance on the measures banks are subject to in order to ensure they are resilient and viable in the long-term, as well as a going concern.

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