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An outline of some of the resources available to ICAEW members on the accounting aspects of redundancy through Bloomsbury and from the ICAEW Library & Information Service.

ICAEW is providing a collection of resources with help, advice and resources to assist those affected by redundancy. Find out more at the redundancy support for employers and individuals hub.


Section 28 of the accounting standard FRS 102 covers employee benefits, including the termination of employment. On our dedicated page for FRS 102: Employee benefits under UK GAAP you can access a range of articles, books and online resources providing useful links to the standard, summaries, guidance and news of recent developments.


Eligible firms have free access to Bloomsbury Professional’s comprehensive online library, comprising around 80 titles from some of the country's leading tax and accounting subject matter experts. This includes material on the accounting treatment of the termination of employment.

Registered users can go directly to Bloomsbury Professional Online and use the special ICAEW link to login.

If you are not registered, individuals in eligible firms can register for access online.

Once you are logged in, you can access the reference text(s) referred to below.


The Library provides full text access to a selection of key business and reference eBooks from leading publishers. eBooks are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users. If you are unable to access an eBook, please see our Help and support advice or contact library@icaew.com.

Terms of use: You are permitted to access, download, copy, or print out content from eBooks for your own research or study only, subject to the terms of use set by our suppliers and any restrictions imposed by individual publishers. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms of use.

Accounting Manuals

Information on the accounting treatment of the termination of employment is available from leading accounting manuals. To request any of the extracts shown below, please contact the Library & Information Service at library@icaew.com


IAS 19 covers employee benefits, including the termination of employment. On our website you can access a dedicated IAS 19 resources page with a summary of the standard, recent amendments and links to related webinars, eBooks and useful links.


The Library provides full text access to a selection of key business and reference eBooks from leading publishers. eBooks are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users. If you are unable to access an eBook, please see our Help and support advice or contact library@icaew.com.

Terms of use: You are permitted to access, download, copy, or print out content from eBooks for your own research or study only, subject to the terms of use set by our suppliers and any restrictions imposed by individual publishers. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms of use.

Accounting Manuals

Information on the accounting treatment of the termination of employment is available from leading accounting manuals. To request any of the extracts shown below, please contact the ICAEW Library & Information Service at library@icaew.com


The Library provides full text access to a selection of key business and reference eBooks from leading publishers. eBooks are available to logged-in ICAEW members, ACA students and other entitled users. If you are unable to access an eBook, please see our Help and support advice or contact library@icaew.com.


Terms of use: You are permitted to access, download, copy, or print out content from eBooks for your own research or study only, subject to the terms of use set by our suppliers and any restrictions imposed by individual publishers. Please see individual supplier pages for full terms of use.

Can't find what you're looking for?

The ICAEW Library can give you the right information from trustworthy, professional sources that aren't freely available online. Contact us for expert help with your enquiries and research.

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