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Special report 67: Problem solving

This month’s special report focuses on solving problems of all shapes and sizes in the workplace. Whatever your position in the hierarchy, there are practical hints and tips included to make your day-to-day work easier and more efficient.

Welcome to the latest in our special report series, this time concentrating on problem solving. At BAM we plan our editorial calendar and topics well in advance so we can compile as much quality information for our members as we can, so we take no credit for the timely release of this report.

We all have problems right now, problems we never thought we would have, problems that are unprecedented in 21st century Britain, problems all manner of contingency could not have foreseen. COVID-19 has taken a wrecking ball to the established global order, something we have taken for granted for many years and decades. Our norms, customs, rituals, routines and habits have been broken apart, everything we considered sacrosanct changed. Who could have predicted this modern-day equivalent of the end of the world? If there are any Mayans among you, feel free to pat yourself on the back, otherwise, I think the rest of you will benefit from reading our guide!

And what a guide (in my humble opinion). We begin on page 2 with an overview of the challenge of solving problems under stress, pertinent as ever today, and move on to page 10 to the evolution of problem solving. Once we are back up and running after this outbreak, many lessons will be learned and hopefully taken forward. Page 22 deals with customer complaints, and amid all the ongoing cancellations, this will be critical to maintaining your business’ reputation.

So please do take a look around and hopefully learn from it – as usual any feedback is warmly welcomed. The world we know is changing, but we at BAM will continue to offer you help and support.

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