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ICAEW Member Insights

Views, opinions and experiences from our ICAEW members. These insights are used to help shape ICAEW content and inform policy positions and recommendations.

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Access to finance: supporting small businesses

Latest member insights

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Member Insights: October/November 2024

The Autumn Budget met with much criticism by members, with the impact of employers’ national insurance and the national living wage dominating feedback. Meanwhile, announcements on business rates and incentives for growth were conspicuous by their absence.
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Business member updates

Summaries highlighting activity for members in business including Insight articles, events and webinars, and useful resources.

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ICAEW events

ICAEW's events programme brings together leading industry speakers across business sectors. Connect and network with your peers while keeping up to date with the latest developments.

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ICAEW networks

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Library and Information Service

The ICAEW Library & Information Service offers a range of services and resources, including information on accountancy in different countries and on a variety of technical subjects.

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