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Displaying 1-30 of 72 results
How to succeed in volatile times
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- 01 Mar 2024
- Karen Harris, Austin Kimson, Dunigan O'Keeffe
The case study of the Texas-based supermarket chain H-E-B and its quick reaction to the pandemic is used as an example of how to adapt fast. We've now entered a new era, say the authors: a time of post-globalization, capital rationalization, spatial dispersion, shrinking workforces, and dependence on automation. They suggest a three-part strategy approach for this time of volatility, integrating capabilities for prediction, adaptability and resilience. Companies should map exposures, develop scenarios, allocate capital and track signals.
Weaker UK retail data puts risk of recession back on table
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- 18 Dec 2023
- Tom Rees
The threat of a recession looms over the UK economy as weaker retail sales data may lead to a downgrade of previous GDP estimates. The UK's near-term outlook ranges from tepid growth to a minor recession. However, there are signs of potential recovery, such as easing inflation, real wage growth, and improved consumer and business confidence.
A tale of two professions: the impact of SOX and the global economic crisis on public accounting and law firms' performance.
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- 01 Oct 2023
- Keval Amin, Rajid D Banker, Eunyoung Wang
Article examine the impact of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) and the global economic crisis of 2008 on revenue generation patterns of public accounting and law firms. Using a sample of firm-year observations from both industries, the authors show that since the enactment of SOX, public accounting firms have significantly increased leveraging of partner time and decreased charge-out rates to boost their revenue per partner.
Should you launch products during a recession?
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- 01 Sep 2023
This article examines the risks and benefits of launching new consumer products during a recession, analysing how timing and recession severity influence their success.
Should companies launch new products in a recession?
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- 01 Sep 2023
A look at the pros and cons of launching new consumer products during a recession. The authors explore how products introduced during a recession perform, examine how the severity of the recession can impact the product's performance, and scrutinize whether the timing within the recession matters. The authors' research included analysing 8,981 product launches in consumer goods categories within the UK from 1995 to 2012.
A company reinvents itself in sign of hope for Japan
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- 24 Aug 2023
- Winnie Hsu, Sano Hideyuki
The huge conglomerate Hitachi became a symbol of corporate Japan's slide toward mediocrity when it got into difficulties during the global financial crisis and posted the biggest loss ever by a Japanese manufacturer. Yet the company has since undergone a turnaround, revamping its strategy to focus on growth and making its board more international and independent.
Investing in growth through uncertainty
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- 01 Jul 2023
- Ranjay Gulati
When faced with industry disruptions or recessions, many companies instinctively focus on cutting costs to maintain profitability. But that is short-sighted, says Ranjay Gulati, Professor at Harvard Business School. Instead companies should make smart reductions in certain areas while also investing in new capabilities that allow them to emerge stronger. He provides examples of this from Alaska Airlines, financial services firm Edward Jones, digital media company Firefly and dining chain Panera Bread.
How AI and automation can streamline procurement
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- 25 Apr 2023
- Cliff Saran
The article explains the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in streamlining procurement, reducing costs and dealing with economic slowdown. Topics discussed are the need to build a single version of procurement data and standardize all information into a unified system as part of automating the procurement process and the potential capability of generative AI, machine learning and the digital ecosystem to make autonomous purchasing decisions.
Planning in a recession
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- 01 Apr 2023
- Rene Ho
Companies need to future-proof their business as they transition from pandemic-related supply chain issues to a potential recession - and the radically different economy that may lie beyond, says Rene Ho. The article covers key tried-and-tested best practices for businesses to take when navigating through tough times.
Supporting intelligent treasury
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- 01 Mar 2023
- Gilly Wright
With a possible economic slowdown looming, treasurers are keeping an especially close eye on their cash. Deloitte’s Global Treasury Survey 2022 found liquidity risk management was the top mandate for treasurers. Corporate treasurers are also investigating the promises of data insight from application programming interfaces (APIs), which bring new functionalities and convenience.
Europe is bracing for a sharp and abrupt real estate reversal
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- 23 Jan 2023
- Jack Sidders
Turmoil at trophy properties in London and Frankfurt offers a glimpse of the damage awaiting European real estate investors as they face sharp valuation declines. Europe's lenders will be prodded to act more aggressively on bad loans by new regulations, which were designed after the global financial crisis to contain real estate lending risks.
Fighting through the downturn: How CEOs and CFOs can take action together
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- 10 Nov 2022
- Anna King
Advice on what CEOs and CFOs should be doing during an economic downturn, including: gain visibility into where your costs are coming from, set a detailed, graduated budget with milestones, and be pre-emptive in preparing ahead of time. Chief financial officers should establish the KPIs and targets for the company's updated priorities and do this hand in hand with their chief executive officer.
Adapting your sales approach in a downturn
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- 31 Oct 2022
- Scott Edinger
Scott Edinger outlines a strategic process for increasing revenue, improving margins, and launching new products, even in tough economic conditions.
Improving business resilience
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- 01 Oct 2022
- Raef Lawson, Daniel Smith
Part of a management accountant’s job is to help guide the company through challenging economic times. Data analytics can help. The article recommends using the Altman Z-score for analysis and gives advice on developing more creative forecasting models to help cope with significant economic shocks. Includes tables 'Leading and lagging factors to use in forecasting' and 'Three models for forecasting EBIT'.
Armanino LLP advises businesses on planning for recession
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- 08 Sep 2022
- Michael Cohn
Advice from business consulting firm Armanino on how to reduce costs without making desperately needed employees redundant. The firm advises clients to look at internal metrics such as cash flow, revenue per employee, average days to close new business and accounts receivable payments.
Strategy making in uncertain times
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- 01 Sep 2022
- Mark Gottfredson, Michael Mankins
Most companies have stuck with conventional techniques for strategy-making. In this article the authors describe what it takes to produce great results during economic uncertainty, and propose a practical model for strategy development that they have seen work at several leading companies.
When and how to raise fees at your firm
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- 01 Jan 2022
- Anita Dennis
Raising fees can be a challenging consideration for firms. Practitioners want their fees to reflect the value they offer and to provide sufficient revenue to run a profitable and healthy firm. On the other hand, they worry about losing clients by charging too much, particularly in light of current economic uncertainties. The article provides tips from experts on how to raise fees sensitively.
The sharing economy: a hedge against recession setbacks
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- 01 Jun 2021
- Mohammad Reza Habibi, Chiranjeev S. Kohli
This paper aims to provide lessons from the emergence of the sharing economy and companies such as Airbnb, Uber and Lyft after the 2008 recession, to help managers prepare more effectively for recessions in the future.The authors identify the key characteristics of this new economic sector and share five research-based takeaways that can be used by other companies.
Many of Covid's biggest retail winners don't sell online
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- 23 Sep 2020
- Deirdre Hipwell, Daniela Wei
Low-priced retailers are thriving, even with limited e-commerce offerings or none at all. The global recession triggered by the Coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the shift towards frugality and discount stores. Discount chains typically spend little on advertising, instead relying on word of mouth and well located physical stores.
Adapt to the new normal
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- 01 Sep 2020
- Michael G.Jacobides, Martin Reeves
Even in severe economic downturns and recessions, some companies are able to gain advantage. The authors discuss how companies can reassess their growth opportunities, reconfigure their business models and reallocate their capital more effectively during times of crisis such as the Covid-19 pandemic. Start by understanding how customer habits have changed.
How to use joint ventures and partnerships to survive a downturn
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- 01 Sep 2020
- James Bamford, Gerard Baynham, David Ernst
Think about your existing collaborations - and the new ones you should seek out. Joint ventures and partnerships can be a way for companies to share costs and reduce capital needs during a recession, positioning themselves ready for growth once it ends.
How to be a good boss during a bad economy
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- 01 Jun 2020
- Robert I. Sutton
Even in times of economic growth, it's challenging to be a good boss. This article is designed to help managers operating in tough times by outlining why it's so hard to be a good boss and exploring what the best leaders do during financial crises.
A breakfast of champions
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- 20 May 2020
- Peter Buell Hirsch
This article considers the lessons that may be learned from the marketing and advertising behaviour of brands during the Great Depression, and how these might be applied by contemporary businesses in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors emphasise the importance of sensitivity to the marketplace, and of brands aligning themselves carefully with the cultural moment.
How marketing can thrive in the worst of times
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- 10 May 2020
- Bradley Johnson
Ten lessons from 'Downtime Opportunity: 2020 Edition', an Ad Age white paper examining innovation in the worst of times, from the 1930s to 2020. The report is based on a deep dive into Ad Age's archives, supplemented with additional marketing research and government data.
Survival guide
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- 08 May 2020
- Kerri Anne Renzulli
Six tips to help soon-to-be graduates develop their careers during an economic downturn from experts who got their own degrees during the Great Recession. Their advice includes focusing on your wellbeing, researching employers and tailoring your applications, improving your professional skills, and saving for emergencies.
Negotiating the economic downturn
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- 01 May 2020
- Jonathan Hughes
Six supply chain strategies to help carry manufacturers through difficult times - updated to address the challenges faced by manufacturing and procurement organisations during COVID-19. Suggested strategies include revisiting supplier agreements with a collaborative approach, acting to safeguarding the viability of critical suppliers and focusing on collaborative innovation.
Marketing in a recession: the one fundamental question
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- 01 Oct 2019
- Logan Wedgewood
The biggest impacting factor in a recession is confidence - business confidence, consumer confidence, spending confidence. The difference is that those businesses who will thrive work harder than ever in these times to build confidence in those they're hoping will buy from them. So the fundamental marketing question you need to answer during a recession is: How do we build trust?
Survive and thrive
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- 01 May 2019
- Walter Frick
In a recession most companies go bankrupt, go private, or get acquired. How do the remaining minority survive, and even flourish? The author examines the research to determine how firms should prepare for an economic downturn, and what they should do when one hits. There is a particular focus on debt, decision making, workforce management, and digital transformation.
Good times and bad: The trauma of the financial crisis needs to be remembered even as new threats become a growing concern.
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- 01 Apr 2019
- Howard Mills
The article focuses on the risk management by the financial services industry in the United States. The industry faces various challenges that include nonfinancial risks like cybersecurity, model, third-party and also economic risks. There is a need for the financial institutions to restrategize their traditional risk management approaches. Many companies now have a risk committee of the board with primary responsibility for risk oversight
How will a recession hurt the media biz?
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- 02 Jan 2019
- Brent Lang, Rebecca Lubin
With its current conglomeration, heavy debt and cord cutting (an industry term for consumers abandoning cable companies for lower-cost streaming services), the entertainment sector won’t be immune to a slump.
Displaying 1-30 of 72 results
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