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Are your procurement activities adding value in 2021 and beyond?

This Business and Management Faculty webinar took place on 23 February 2021.

This webinar focuses on current developments in procurement, in the context of the importance of the appropriate management of all third-party expenditure and relationships. It notes that for a typical organisation around 30-80% of its cost base is incurred with third parties and that delivering the service or goods required by the customers of these organisations cannot be done without these third parties.

The key areas covered are:

  • Innovations occurring in procurement models
  • Why ESG and cyber should be an integrated part of your procurement activities
  • Improving supply relationship management: Partnerships – Friend or Foe
  • Changing Dynamics of Global Trade: ensuring risk is taken account of appropriately
  • How finance can support and drive improved procurement performance
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Are your procurement activities adding value in 2021 and beyond?

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Are your procurement activities adding value in 2021 and beyond?

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