The Fundraising Regulator has launched the final phase of our review of the Code of Fundraising Practice (the code) with a consultation on a new draft code. This provides the opportunity for the sector to see and comment on the new streamlined code before it launches early next year.
Review of the Code
The Code of Fundraising Practice sets the standards that apply to fundraising carried out by all charitable institutions and third-party fundraisers in the UK. The review is being undertaken to ensure the code provides an effective regulatory framework now and into the future.
The first part of the consultation process, which ran for twelve weeks last autumn, gathered feedback from anyone interested in charitable fundraising on proposals to update the code. In reviewing the responses, we saw a high level of support for our proposals to streamline the code, move to principles-based rules, and replace rules where the Fundraising Regulator is not the lead regulator with signposting to relevant legislation and guidance.
We have now finished redrafting the code and today marks the beginning of a second public consultation, which will run for eight weeks through September and October. This is an opportunity for anyone interested or involved in charitable fundraising to review the new code and share their feedback.
We want to hear from you
It is vital that the new code works well for fundraisers, protects donors and the public, and enables the Fundraising Regulator to effectively regulate the sector. We are interested to hear your thoughts on:
- The scope and limitations of the redrafted rules
- Whether the redrafted rules are clear enough and cover all relevant aspects of fundraising practice in the Fundraising Regulator’s remit
- Any issues you think could arise from complying with the redrafted rules
- Any additional information or supporting material you would like to accompany the redrafted rules
You are welcome to comment on as many or as few proposals as are appropriate to your work. You can submit your feedback on our website by visiting the Code Consultation 2024 page, where accompanying instructions on how to complete the code consultation are available. The consultation closes Friday 1 November.
Following the consultation, we will produce the new code which is likely to be published in the spring next year, with a six-month transition period before the new code comes into force.
Read more information about the code review process.
*The views expressed are the author’s and not ICAEW’s