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July/August 2024

Intellectual property is the differentiator for many businesses – we look at how corporate finance advisers put a value on it. We put M&A in Scotland under the spotlight; examine the reasons why private equity and trade price multiples diverge; and feature tips for mentoring corporate financiers.

light bulb glowing being picked up by arcade claw above pile of many other filament light bulbs blue background

Long read: Intellectual property

Significant business value can often lie in its intellectual property. David Prosser looks at how you get to the heart of IP – and how you cost it in M&A.
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News and views

Faculty news
David Petrie, ICAEW head of corporate finance, speaking at the ICAEW Corporate Finance Faculty annual general meeting AGM 2024
July/August 2024

A report on the faculty AGM, plus changes to the board and dates for your diary – including the faculty's annual reception.

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Henry Whorwood is head of research and consultancy at Beauhurst, the data and analytics company with a focus on high growth companies and a member of the Corporate Finance Faculty
Henry Whorwood on reinventing VC

Henry Whorwood of Beauhurst says resilient growth rather than growth at all costs might see a new approach to VC.

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molecule blue bubbles ICAEW Corporate Financier Connections
Corporate finance advisory

Promotions and those on the move in corporate finance advisory.

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molecule teal bubbles ICAEW Corporate Financier Connections
Legal advisory

Who’s on the move or been promoted in legal advisory.

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molecule purple bubbles ICAEW Corporate Financier Connections
Private equity

Recruitment and promotions in private equity.

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Global investment and M&A

two boats birds eye aerial view passing each other going in different directions blue water

Insight: Private equity and trade buyer valuations

  • Article
  • 09 Jul 2024
  • Vicky Meek
Private equity and trade buyer valuations have diverged over recent times. What’s driving this – and what comes next? Vicky Meek reports.
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Innovation and sustainable recovery

Roadshow: Scottish rainmaking

M&A in Scotland has been subdued, but with interest rates tipped to fall and greater clarity on the political road post-election, corporate financiers and investors are upbeat.
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Glasgow, Scotland, Clyde Arc bridge city river dusk evening lights glowing on water reflection

Book review: Living with the Algorithm

Artificial intelligence is getting real. Jason Sinclair speaks to former faculty board member and AI expert Lord Clement-Jones about his myth-busting new book.
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multi colour brains balancing between boards yellow blue purple green

Future advisory professionals

multicoloured plastic discs chips counters passing between two piles stacks green background
Charity starts at home

Andy Gregory and Matt Little of the BGF Foundation discuss how the skills private equity has to offer can provide great benefits for charities.

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3D illustration of speech bubbles boxes in blue yellow red on a blue background
Talking about your future

Fostering a mentoring culture ensures soft skills needed for the job are passed on to the next generation of new management.

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career paths
Millie Counsell, M&A executive, LAVA Advisory Partners. Young blonde woman corporate office
Bold move

Millie Counsell reveals how a brave career move after graduating is paying dividends for her progress at LAVA Advisory Partners.

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on my cv
haysmacintyre partner Jon Dawson, standing on a London rooftop with skyscrapers behind and beside greenery shrubs
Hard currency

Jon Dawson, haysmacintyre partner, says working as a group advisers can move deals to the most appropriate and most efficient solutions.

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The archives

Browse Corporate Financier content from July/August 2024 and earlier.
