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Who’s on the move or been promoted in legal advisory.

Taylor Wessing has promoted Ed Chapman (1), James Homan (2) and Paul Thorpe (3) to corporate partners in its London office. Chapman joined the firm from Slaughter & May three years ago. Homan joined 12 years ago and trained with the firm. Thorpe joined a year ago from Slaughter & May, where he trained as a lawyer.

The firm has also promoted Richard Faichney (4), Elinor Picton (5) and Charlotte Whalley (6) in London, and Sarah Cole (7) in San Francisco, to senior counsel.

Rahul Vashi (1) has joined Gibson Dunn in Houston as oil and gas M&A partner, from Kirkland & Ellis. He is also co-chair of the firm’s oil and gas practice group.

The firm’s corporate team in Houston also recently recruited private equity partners Michael Piazza (2) and Jesse Myers (3), capital markets partner Cynthia Mabry (4), investment funds partner James Hays (5) and bankruptcy partner Chad Nichols (6).

Addleshaw Goddard has recruited M&A partner Hardeep Plahe to its corporate team in London, from Gibson Dunn. He spent over a decade in Gibson Dunn’s Dubai office, including four years as Dubai managing partner, and before that a decade with Linklaters in London and Dubai. 

Sumit Ram has joined Simmons & Simmons as partner in its corporate and commercial practice in the UAE, from Ashurst, where he worked for five years. He is an expert in domestic and cross-border transactions for sovereign wealth funds, corporates and funds.

Connections: July 2023

Who's on the move in the world of corporate finance, private equity and legal.

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