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Who’s on the move or been promoted in legal advisory.
TLT has recruited Rebecca Shalom as non-executive director to help deliver its growth strategy. She has joined from KPMG, where she spent six years as head of global strategy.
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher has recruited Kavita Davis to its global finance practice group in London as a partner, from Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. She previously worked for Herbert Smith Freehills.

Clifford Chance has recruited Jennifer Chimanga (1) and Mustapha Mourahib (2) as co-heads of its Africa group. Chimanga is a London-based corporate and M&A partner. Mourahib is managing partner of the firm’s Casablanca office.

Craig Nethercott (3) and Chirag Sanghrajka (4) have joined the law firm’s global energy and infrastructure practice in London and Dubai respectively, both from Latham & Watkins. 

And in Sydney, Philip Podzebenko has joined the firm’s corporate practice as a partner, moving from Herbert Smith Freehills.

Addleshaw Goddard has recruited Dr Nina Leonard (1) and Christian Lang (2) from Pinsent Masons to its corporate and M&A practice in Munich. 

Dr Leonard was one of Pinsent Masons’ founding partners in Germany in 2012 and headed up the Munich office from 2019. Lang specialises in the technology, software and life sciences sectors. Nikolaus Bernhard (3) has also joined from Pinsent Masons as associate. 

Francisca Sepúlveda (4) has joined the law firm’s real estate finance team in London as a partner, moving from Mishcon de Reya. 

And in Dublin the firm has launched a new financial services and regulation practice and recruited partner Jeanne-Marie Moriarty (5) from Beauchamps to lead the team.

Simmons & Simmons in France has recruited Arnaud Félix (1) as partner and Domitille Cabaud (2) as associate in its corporate and M&A department in Paris, both from Watson Farley & Williams.

Carmen Redmann-Wippel has joined Taylor Wessing’s banking and finance team in Vienna as counsel from OeEB (the development bank of Austria), where she was senior legal adviser to the bank.

Connections: November 2023

Who's on the move in the world of corporate finance, private equity and legal.

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