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Corporate finance guidelines

Read the ICAEW's Corporate Finance Faculty's guidelines and reports on the key features of corporate finance including the latest developments and market trends in mergers and acquisitions, transaction services and risk management, private equity and buy-outs and the role of finance in economic growth.

Guideline and report topics

Mergers and acquisitions

IP in M&A – legal considerations, Issue 62

This guideline identifies key intellectual property (IP) rights and comments on how such rights should be considered in the context of M&A transaction and contractual protections. It also addresses IP transfer and integration.

Contemporary valuation issues in deals, Issue 66

Valuation is critical within deals and a key part of the decision-making process. This guideline seeks to shed light on emerging valuation issues that practitioners will encounter on deals involving businesses in pre-, during- and post-deal environments.

Financial Modelling, Issue 63

This 2nd edition is a practical guide to financial modelling in a corporate finance transaction context. That rider is important. The guide is aimed at corporate financiers and modellers who need to prepare, use or review financial models for deals; it is not aimed at financial modellers who need to develop their understanding of corporate finance.

Transaction services and risk management

Earn-out agreements

This Corporate Finance Faculty best-practice guideline, authored by Grant Thornton, explores the factors that can influence the outcome of an earn-out agreement, for both the buyer and the seller, and illustrates its benefits and potential pitfalls.

Private equity and buy-outs

Debt for deals, Issue 67

Debt for deals outlines the main features of the UK’s debt market, explores how it has developed since the start of the financial crisis in 2008 and offers guidance to corporate finance advisers and company executives on how to access the right debt finance for deals.

UK Equity Markets, Issue 52

The UK equity markets fall into one of two categories:Recognised Investment Exchange (or RIE) and Exchange regulated market.The similarities and differences are important to the decision on which market is the most appropriate. This guidance explains.

Growth through asset based finance, Issue 65

Asset based finance (ABF) is increasingly being used as a source of funding by high growth companies – from small businesses, to those owned by private equity, to innovative businesses and subsidiaries of some of the world’s largest companies.

What is the Business Finance Guide?

Launched in 2014 by ICAEW and the British Business Bank, the Business Finance Guide helps entrepreneurs and companies to find the finance they need to invest, grow and overcome adversity. With a tool to help businesses identify what finance solutions might be suitable, as well as overviews of what the options offer and support on how to secure finance.